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教材版本:PEP小学英语五年级上册第一单元课题Unit1 Whats he like?备课时间课型Part A Lets spell主备人复备教师一、课程标准1. 能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂课堂活动中的指令和提问。2. 根据听到的词句识别和指认所学单词。3. 在语音、词语与相应事物间建立联想,在学习中集中注意力。二、教材解析本课时为语音课。学生在四年级已经学习了元音字母在单音节、开音节单词中的读音,以及常见字母组合在单词中的读音。本册将继续学习字母组合在单词中的发音,并建立音形的联系,帮助记忆单词和朗读单词。本课时学习-y在单词末尾的读音。三、目标预设1. 借助图片和录音,能正确听辨、认读baby, happy, windy, sunny, sorry。2. 体会-y在单词中的发音,发现规律,并能根据录音,读出并选择出正确的单词。3. 根据提示,在四线格中规范书写单词和句子。四、重难点预设1. 体会字母在单词中的读音,最重要的是利用语音知识读准单词,记忆单词。2. 书写时注意占格和笔顺。五、评价设计1. 借助卡片或幻灯片,指认、读出单词(检测目标1的达成情况)。2. 借助录音,体会发音规律,找出听到的单词并标号(检测目标2的达成情况)。3. 听音,选出正确的单词并书写单词和句子(检测目标3的达成情况)。六、教学设计第5课时教学环节教学预设一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)导入:字母操Game: Read the words quickly.funny sunny happy windy cloudy baby party二、呈现新课 (Presentation)1. Read and find outRead the words and try to find out the rules of these sound.-y /2. Read, Listen and chantbaby happy windy sunny sorryNo candy for the baby.I am sorry, little baby.But no candy for the baby.Invite some groups to show the chant.3. Listen, number and say. happy candy many windy sunny baby sorry family party 三、趣味操练(Practice)1. Listen, write and say.Put some words and pictures on the blackboard.Now listen to the teacher, choose the word you hear.Look at the pictures, choose a correct word to fill in the blanks.The baby is happy.I like candy.I am sorry.2. Then write them down on your book.Choose one sentence to write.Correct the answers in each groups.3. 打开U1 A Lets spell课堂基础练/拔高练,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。四、小结(Summary)Game time:Teacher gives some words to each group.Listen and choose a word. The team which does it most quickly wins.Choose the good groups.五、 作业设计1. Listen and read the new words.2. Write new words and sentences on the notebook.六、板书设计: Unit1 Whats he like? -y baby happy windy sunny sorry 七、课前预习作业1. 复习26字母的发音。2. 听Unit1 A Lets spell录音,熟读单词。八、课后巩固作业判断下列各组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的填“T”,不同的填“F”。 ( ) 1. fly baby ( ) 2. many rainy ( ) 3. my happy ( ) 4. study party 答案:F T F T
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