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Module1 Unit2 第1课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第一模块第二单元第一课时: Unit 2 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen and read. 3. Look and write. Then ask and answer.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语: map, right, in the east/west/north/south of.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并用句型“Where is?Its in the (east/west/north/south)of” 讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。3. 能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、教学重难点(一)重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词和短语map, right, in the east/west/ north/ south.2. 学习句型:Where is.? Its here, in the. (east/west/north/south).(二)难点:1. 运用句型: Where is.? Its here, in the. (east/west/north/south).讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。2. in the east/west/north/south的用法。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片( “Module1 Unit2单词卡片集”直接使用)。2. 音频( 使用)。3. PPT课件。4. 人物大明和西蒙的头饰。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Free talk.(1) Show a map of China on the screen. And tell the students: This is a map of China. Teach the new word: map (using the card) and practice the word by making sentences. eg: This is a map of.(2) Point to the map and tell the students:The West Lake is in Hangzhou. Its in the east of China.Sanya is in the south of China. Lasa is in the west of China. Beijing is in the north of China.【设计思路】从一幅中国地图入手,激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生间的距离。让学生快速地进入学习状态。Step 2 Preview老师根据中国地图提问:1. Where is Beijing?2. Where is Lasa?3. Where is Sanya?4. Where is the West Lake?【设计思路】通过这四个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。让第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课重点部分即下面的新授环节。Step 3 PresentationUnit 2 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.老师根据中国地图提问:T: Where is the West Lake?Ss: Its in Hangzhou.T: Where is Hangzhou?Ss: Its in the east of China.T: Yes, it is.After that, let the students open the book, turn to Page 5 and look at Unit 2 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.T: Now please look at your book Page 5 Unit 2 Activity 1 Look, listen and say. Lets listen to the tape and follow it.Then let the students practice in pairs and act it out Make similar dialogues by using the map of China.2. Activity 2 Listen and read.老师出示Simon的图片,向学生提问:T: Who is he?Ss: He is Simon.T: Where is he from? 引导回答:Ss: He is from New York, America.老师把单词写在黑板上,领读,然后提问:T: Where is New York?老师出示美国地图并向学生提问:引导学生在地图上找纽约的位置。可以向学生说明:“纽约是美国的一个重要城市。大家已经在地图上找到了它的位置,可是你们知道用英语应该怎样表达吗?今天我们就来学习这些内容。”在地图上标注东(east)、南(south)、西(west)、北(north)、帮助学生复习这些单词。并注意纠正他们的发音。老师领读单词。学生们能够读准后,做一个游戏巩固这些方位词:根据老师的口令做动作。例如:Please point to the north.Please point to the south.Please point to the east.Please point to the west.When the students do the right actions, the teacher can say: right, right, you are right.并教授新单词“right”,老师随意发出口令,学生要尽快执行口令。老师可以不断加快发出口令的速度,以加大活动难度。老师放录音,请学生边听边看Unit 2活动2的地图。把录音中提到的几处美国城市名称写在黑板上帮助学生理解。再放 录音,每句话都停顿,请学生跟读。带领学生学习表达地理位置的方法。老师用不同颜色的字体在课件地图上标出纽约、旧金山、波士顿、休斯敦的位置,并通 过问答展现:T: Where is New York?Ss: Its in the east of the US.T: What about San Francisco?Ss: Its in the west of the US.【设计思路】本环节的设计采取了游戏教学和任务型教学,通过各种各样的活动和操练形式来操练单词、重点句型和对话,做到了寓教于乐。Step 4 Consolidation and extensionUnit 2 Activity 3 Look and write. Then ask and answer.Use the map of China to practice the new sentence patterns: Where is? Its in the of China. The teacher make a model at first. eg:T: Where is Shanghai?S1: Its in the east of China.示范一、两组后即可让学生分二人小组开展练习。教师可贴一幅中国和一幅世界地图在黑板上,也可让学生自己带。 Then act out.(用上人物头饰) 【设计思路】本环节使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1. 复习Unit 2活动1和2。听录音模仿语音语调,特别注意句子中的重音部分。2. 背诵课后单词,并在练习本上用“A: Where is.? B: Its in the.of.”编3个小对话。 六、板书设计Module 1 Unit 2 Its in the westLesson 11. New words:Map地图 right正确的 east东 north北 south南 west西2. New sentences:Its in the east of China.A: Where is.?B: Its in the.ofBoston is in the north and Houston is in the south.七、回顾总结本节课主要学习用句型“A: Where is? B: Its in the of.”讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。并且学习了一些新单词和词组: map, right, in the east/west/ south/ north.
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