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Module6 Unit1优课教案(省级)Happy birthday!一、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)认读单词:happy, birthday, here, present, this, pen, pencil, cake等。 (2)学会运用生日祝福语:“Happy birthday!”和赠送礼物用语:“Heres your ”。 2. 能力目标:培养学生应用所学句型表达自己的观点,会庆祝他人的生日, 并赠送礼物。 3. 情感目标:培养学生关爱家人和朋友,学会感恩。能够友善的对待他人,学会对别人的善意表示感谢。 二、教学重难点: (1)能够运用生日祝福语“Happy birthday!”会用“Thank you!”表达谢意。 (2)灵活运用Heres your 句型赠送礼物,会用“Thank you!”表达谢意。 三、教学难点: (1)单词birthday, present的发音。 (2)“Heres your ” 句型的认读和口头运用。 四、教学过程: (一)Greeting及评价要求(奖励表现好的小组) (二)Lead in 1. 播放音乐:Happy birthday! 2. 揭题:Now, we are learning Module 6 Unit 1Happy birthday! (三)课文学习Part 1 1. 课件呈现Part 1 2. 课件呈现介绍三个小朋友:Jim, Tim, Kim. 3. 学习单词happy 通过3个过生日小朋友,感知They are very happy. 导入happy教学。 课件呈现笑脸happy,注意a的发音(跟读、齐读、小组读,板书 Happy) 4. 学习单词birthday (1)课件呈现,教授birthday,注意/ : / 的发音(齐读,男女读,个人读,板书) (2)老师戴头饰扮演过生日,引出:Happy birthday! Thank you!(动作配合) (3)课件呈现,分别向Jim, Tim, Kim说“Happy birthday”(四)课文学习Part 2 1. 看课件画面。 T: Look! Whose birthday, too?(提出问题让学生思考) Watch and listen. T: Can you tell me whose birthday? Ss: Its Sams birthday. 2. 学习单词和句子 (1)present 课件呈现 T: Wow! Sam has got many presents. 引出:Present. (注意e的发音,先分2个音节示范,然后由慢到领读,突破这个发音难点)(板书) 同桌2人一起开火车读,抽个人读(奖励) (2)课件引出句子Heres your present. 课件学习here,注意/ i /的发音,由慢到快领读,(齐读、小组读) 课件学习here, here, heres 动作配合领读Here your present .引导学生说“thank you.”(奖励,板书 ) 先请一个学生上来用礼物盒与老师示范对话,再请2对学生对话)(奖励) 小结:We should be polite to others. (2)cake 课件呈现T:Boys and girls! Look carefully! This is Sams present. Whats in it? (声音配合)Look! Its a cake. Cake. (注意a的发音,K的尾音,Read one by one. 板书) (3)课件引出句子Heres your cake. T: Look. Here your cake.(老师拿出蛋糕模型动作示范说2遍, 齐读后老师接 着回答“thank you.” Please talk with your desk-mate.(同桌交流,2-3桌展示, 奖励) (4)pen T: Boys and girls! Look carefully! Another present. Whats in it? Oh! Its a pen. Pen. (注意e的发音,跟读,齐读, 小组读,板书) T:课件呈现操练Look. Heres your _. (让学生说出pen) 分2大组用钢笔操练对话 (Exchange)(奖励) A: Heres your pen. B: Thank you. (5)pencil T: Boys and girls! Look carefully! The last present is. Its a pencil. Pencil. (注意e的发音,齐、男女、个别读、板书) T:课件呈现操练Look. Heres your _. (让学生说出pencil) 传递铅笔。 (邀请1位学生上来,把铅笔送给他) T: Heres your pencil. S: Thank you. T: Give the pencil to your good friend. (把铅笔送给你的好朋友)(奖励) 3. 火眼金睛游戏:快速反应并读出单词。4. 朗读课文 (1) Listen, and repeat, Then find “Heres”. (跟读完读出现Heres的句子) (2)卡片学习this (领读) (3)Read after me. (4)Read together. 5. 巩固练习 (1)Chant Cake, cake. Heres your cake. Pen, pen. Heres your pen. Pencil, pencil. Heres your pencil. Present, present. Heres your present. Look and listen. Together.(拍手) (2)替换课件图片练习:cap, bird, dog, cat (五)Group work (课件) 要求:小组合作。假设你的同学D过生日,其他同学一起祝他(她)生日快乐,并且送上不同的生日礼物。过生日的同学要表示感谢。 ABC: Happy birthday! A: Heres your _ . D: Thank you. B: Heres your _ . D: Thank you. C: Heres your _ . D: Thank you. (表演结束,齐鞠躬) 参考:cake, present, pen, pencil, cap, bird, dog, cat 老师讲要求 Look and listen. (播放视频)小组交流 表演、评价 (六)小结、评价 1. 小结:Today, Im very happy. Are you happy? Today we have learnt 2. 结束语:Learn to love, and learn to share happiness. 3. 评价:Please look here. Whos the winner today? (七)Homework 1. 认读单词,听录音模仿朗读课文。 2. 运用今天所学句型,跟同学或朋友进行对话交流。 (八)板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday! Happy birthday! cake. Heres your present. pen. pencil. Thank you.
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