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Module5 第3课时导学案一、教学内容Module 5 Unit 2 Can Sam play football?1. Listen and chant.2. Listen and say.3. Point and say.二、教学目标一、语言知识目标1. 学习目标语句:Can Sam play football? /Can Lingling play basketball? Yes, he/she can. /No,he /she cant.2. 了解情态动词can在一般疑问句、肯定句和否定句中的用法。3. 掌握单词和词组:star, strong, swim, skate, tall, fly a kite, play football, play basketball。二、语言技能目标1. 能用can句型来询问别人的能并回答。2. 能正确朗读、理解课文和表演课文。三、情感态度目标1. 培养积极参与合作学习的意识。2. 通过学习交流了解同学会做的事情,找出自己不会做的事,同学之间互相学习取长补短,提高生活能力。四、重点难点重点:掌握情态动词can的一般疑问句、肯定句和否定句。灵活运用这三种句型表达自己和别人能力问题。难点:1. 将新学词汇运用于“I can ”和“Can you ”系生活来运用及交流。2. 疑问句中换人称进行问、回答时的人称变化。 四、自主学习1.听录音,读一读下列单词及短语,并写出中文意思。swim _ strong _skate _ high _sky _ tall _ride _ fly _kite _ star _sing _ play football _play basketball _ make dumplings _2. 读一读下列句子,试着将其译为中文,(1) Can Sam play football? _(2) He is strong. _(3) She is tall. _(4) She is our star. _(5) Can Lingling play basketball? _(6) Can you fly a kite? _(7) Canyou skate? _五、探究学习1. Listen and judge.听录音part 2 部分,判断正(T)误(F)。(1) Amy can play basketball. ( )(2) Lingling is strong. ()(3) Sam cant play basketball. ( )(4) Sam can play football. ( )2. Read the dialogue ( part 2) and answer these questions.读课文对话回答问题。(1) Who can play football?(2) Who can play basketball?(3) Who is strong? (4) Who is tall? 3. Make up a dialogue in your group and act it out. 在小组内编对话,并表演。A: Hello! Lingling.B: Hi, Sam.A: _What about you?B: _A: _A: Aah,Sam,can you play football?C: _A: Great. Lets play together.C: OK. Lets play.六、课堂检测1. Do the translation and pay attention to their spelling rules. 汉译英,注意拼写规则。高的 _ 强壮的 _ 风筝 _ 飞 _ 篮球 _ 滑冰 _足球 _ 明星 _自行车_ 2. Translate the Chinese sentences into English. 将下列中文句子译成英文。(1) 他能踢足球吗?_(2) 她不能。_(3) 我很强壮。_(4) 她能打篮球吗?_(5) 他不能。_(6) 她是我们的明星。_3. Choose the best answer.选择最佳选项。() (1) Can Lingling play basketball?_A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, she can.() (2) Sam cant_.A. play a football B. play football C. play the football七、课时小结1. 这节课我的收获是:_2. 这节课我的不足是:_
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