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Module5 第1课时学案一、教学内容Module 5 Unit1 Can you run fast?1. Listen and chant.2. Listen, point and find “can”.二、教学目标一、语言知识目标1. 学习目标语句Can you run fast? I can run fast I cant run fast2. 了解情态动词can在一般疑问句、肯定句和否定句的用法。3. 掌握的单词和词组:run, fast, jump, high, far, ride, run fast, jump high, jump far, ride fast。二、语言技能目标1. 通过本课的学习了解运用情态动词can来询问别人的能力问题,表达自己会或者不会做的事情。2. 了解动词在句中的形式,区别前面学习的正在进行时态中的动词形式。三、情感态度目标1. 培养积极参与合作学习的意识。2. 通过学习交流了解同学会做的事情,找出自己不会做的事,同学之间互相学习,取长补短,提高生活能力。三、重点难点重点:掌握情态动词can的一般疑问句、肯定句和否定句。灵活地运用三种句型表达自己合别人的能力。难点:1. 将新学词汇运用于“I can ”和“you .?”句型中,联系生活实际进行运用及交流。2. 疑问句中换人称进行问、回答时的人称变化。四、教学准备多媒体课件、音频、图片、卡片等。五、教学设计Step 1 Wanning up1. Sing the English song “If you are happy”.2. Revision.Show students some pictures about the words or phrases they learned.T: Now lets have a game: say words or phrases and get medals. 设计意图:教师通过出示学生学过的单词或词组,让学生抢答完成任务。引入游戏活动,提高学生的学习热情,为后面学习做好铺垫,而且也能调动学生参与英语学习活动的积极性。Step 2 Presentation1. Learn new words.T: Stand up, follow me, I can swim, I can swim fast. I can run, I can run fast.(通过简单地肢体动作,很自然引人“run fast”这个短语) T: Good. Sit down please.Show students the picture about “run fast”.2. Look and answer.(1) T: Can you run fast? If you can, please nod your head and say“ I can.” If you cant, please shake your head and say “I cant ”(可以请两组各派一人到前面比赛,再根据结果进行回答) Sl:Yes, I can.S2: No, I cant.(2) T: Look! Who is he?(呈现跳高图片) Ss: He is .T: What is he doing?Ss: 跳高。T: Yes. He is jumping.Can you jump high? (jump high) (3) T: Who is she?(呈现跳远图片) Ss: She is .T: What is she doing?Ss: She is .T: She can jump far. Can you jump far? (jump far) (4) T: Whats this? (呈现自行车图片) Ss: A bike.T: What am I doing? (模仿骑车) Ss: Riding a bike.T: I can ride fast.3. 幻灯快速呈现run fast, jump high, jump far, ride fast的简笔画,突然隐去其中一幅。T: Whats missing?设计意图:将游戏与教学内容巧妙结合起来,这既巩固了词组run fast, jump far, jump high, ride fast又避免了对词组的单一操练,让学生处于一种兴奋状态,使课堂活动具有趣味性。4. Learn the text.T:Today is Saturday. Sam, Darning, Amy and Lingling are going to play outside. Lets see what they are doing and who is the winner.(1) Listen to the tape.利用教材配套CD播放视频,重点听。要求学生边听边指,这有助于集中精力理解。(2) Listenand fill in the blanks. ( can or cant) Sam _ run fast.Daming _ jump high.Lingling _ jump far.Daming _ ride fast.通过听、填空让学生对课本有进一步的了解。(3) Dubbing.播放CD中的视频,.让学生根据口形,给动画配音。Step 3 PracticeHave a role-play.教师把头饰交给学生,让他们分别扮演Sam, Amy, Darning, Lingling。设计意图:小学生想象力丰富,善于模仿,具有强烈的表现欲;教师让学生进行角色表演,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生主动参与教学活动,大胆地说和夸张地演。Step 4 Consolidation1. T: Look, I have two faces, a happy face and a sad face.The happy face means “Yes, I can. ”, the sad face means “No,I cant.” Now please make sentences.A: Can you .?B: Yes, I can. /No,I cant.设计意图:本环节是对重点内容的重点练习,通过问答练习,进一步掌握can的用法。2. Make a survey.Ask the group leader to do a survey.A: Can you jump high?B: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.Run fastJump highJump farRide fastName 1Name 2Name 3设计意图:调查表的设计紧扣本课重点句型,结合学生实际进行练习。3. Make up a chant.Can you jump high? Can you jump far?Yes, I can Yes, I can.Can you run fast? Can you ride fast?No, I cant. No, I cant.设计意图:通过一首熟悉的曲调将课文重点内容改编,学生可以在轻松愉快的氛围中将重点知识牢牢掌握。Step 5 Summing up & Homework Summing up:1. Words.run, fast, jump, high, far, ride; run fast, jump high, jump far, ride fast2. Sentences.Can you run fast? I can run fast. I cant run fast这节课我的收获是:_这节课我的不足是:_Homework:1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 听录音并背诵对话。2. Finish the relevant workbook exercises. 完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3. Make a new dialogue according to this lesson and act it out. 结合本课学习内容创编一个新对话并将其表演出来。六、板书设计Unit 1 Can you run fast?Can you run fast? Yes, I can.jump high? jump far? No, I cant,ride fast?Im the winner. You cant .七、回顾总结询问能力用:can引导的一般疑问句。
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