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2012 2013 年高考英语模拟试题 一 听力 15 分 第一节 每段对话仅读一遍 1 Where does the conversation probably take place A In the street B In the shop C In the supermarket 2 What are they going to do A Go shopping B Go skating C Go dancing 3 What does the woman think of the director A He is terrilbe B He is excellent C He is inesperienced 缺乏经验的 4 What are the two speakers mainly talking about A The weather B A heater C The ir work 5 What will the woman first do during the holiday A Go camping B Do a part time job C Visit her grandparents 第二节 每段对话和独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第6 至 7 题 6 What will they bring when coming for dinner A Some food B Some wine C Some roses 7 What does the woman advise the man to do A Come home earlier B Stay at home C Go to Anna s separately 单独 听第 7 段材料 回答第8 至 10 题 8 How does the woman like her work A She is interested in it B She finds it very tiring C She finds it very relaxing 9 What does the man advise the woman to do 来源 学科网 A To take a holiday B To be careful C To depend kon him 10 What is the possible relationship between the two speakers A Friends B Neighbors C Boss and employee 听第 8 段材料 回答第11 至 13 题 11 what do the woman and her husband mainly argue about A Housework B money C Children 12 What did the woman persuade her husband to do A To give up his job B To come to see the man C To pick up their children from school 13 What does the woman think of her husband A He is forgetful B He is clever C He is lazy 听第 9 段材料 回答第14 至 15 题 14 Where was the woman born A In Germany B In America C In England 15 What will the woman do next Monday A Work in college B Go to see the boy s paintings C Have dinner with friends 二 单项选择 15 分 16 The headmaster told the boy the angry teacher but he refused to A to apologise B apologise to C to apologise for D to ap ologise to 17 Great changes have in our hometown during the past ten years A happened B took place C happen D taken place 18 in a white uniform he looks more like a cook than a doctor A Dressed B To dress C Dressing D Having dressed 19 Please the radio I want to listen to the news A turn on B turn up C turn down D turn off 20 At that time people would starve if food was difficult especially during the cold winter months A find B to find C to found D to be found 21 Either you or I going to hand in the report A are B am C is D were 22 he will not take off his coat A However it is hot B However hot it is C However hot is it D However is it hot 23 In some parts of London missing a bus means for another hour A waiting B to wait C wait D to be waiting 24 When a pencil is partly in a glass of water it looks as if it A breaks B has broken C were broken D had been broken 25 Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away Thank you A It couldn t be better B Of course you can C If you like D It s up to you 26 Lucy doesn t mind lending you her dictionary She I ve alrea dy borrowed one A can tB mustn tC needn tD shouldn t 27 I ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow You her last week A ought to tell B would have told C must tell D should have told 28 The manager had fallen asleep where he without undressing A was laying B was lying C had laid D had lied 29 Catherine I have cleaned the room for you Thanks You it I could manage it myself A needn t doB needn t have don e C mustn t doD shouldn t have done 30 he stayed in Germany for half a year and he will go to Germany again A Before long before long B Long before long before C Before long long before D Long before before long 三 完形填空 20 分 April Fools Day The first of April is commonly known 31 April Fools Day and it s customarily on this day to play a 32 on a friend If your friend is 33 in then he or she is an April 34 It isn t only children who 35 jokes Grown ups like such pranks 恶作剧 too Even the media sometimes try to deceive the 36 with a 37 April fool story Some years 38 for example a famous joke was played on the 39 A 40 reporter reported that strange geological changes have resulted in weaker gravity in different 41 of Britain He asked 42 to jump 43 and see if they 44 jump higher than they usually could Many people did The hundreds of 45 the BBC received proved how 46 the hoax 恶作剧 was not until twelve o clock did the BBC gently 47 its listeners it was April Fools Day that day Making jokes only 48 until noon of the day the rule is rigid and everybody accepted Anyone who tries to make a fool after midday is a 49 fool than he who has been 50 The late trickster is instantly rebuffed 受挫 as a piece of poem goes April Fools Day is gone and past You are the biggest fool at last When April Fools Day comes again You ll be the biggest fool then 31 A for B to C about D as 32 B fool B trick C match D game 33 A taken B cheated C fooled D invited 34 A fool B boy C girl D child 35 A dislike B like C hate D enjoy 36 A fools B grown ups C adults D public 37 A dull B foolish C slow D wise 38 A more B before C ago D later 39 A screen B radio C TV D computer 40 A scientific B ordinary C common D special 41 A countries B parts C place D nation 来源 Zxxk Com 42 A
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