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Module7 Unit2 同步习题一、写出下列动词的过去式。1. walk_2. talk_3. laugh_4. dance_5. hop_6. stop_二、看图,写一写。1. She _ her friend. 2. He _ music.三、选词填空。A. to B. on C. with D. and E. in(1) They laughed _ laughed.(2) What did you do _ Sunday?(3) We listened _ music at home.(4) She talked _ Miss Dog yesterday.(5) They walked _ the park.四、按要求完成下列各题。1. I played basketball last Sunday. (就划线部分提问)_2. to, listened, they, music, in, the, park (.) (连词成句)_3. On Sunday she played table tennis. (变为否定句)_五、根据情景选择合适的句子。( ) 1. 如果你想告诉他人“我昨天在公园里散步了”,你可以说:A. I walked in the park yesterday.B. I played in the park yesterday.( ) 2. 如果你想告诉他人“我和刘小姐交谈过”,你可以说:A. I walked with Miss Liu.B. I talked with Miss Liu.( ) 3. 如果你想告诉他人“我给我的朋友打电话了”,你可以说:A. I phoned my friend.B. I met my friend.( ) 4. 如果你想告诉他人“我们谈了又谈”,你可以说:A. We talked and talked.B. We walked and walked.参考答案一、1. walked 2. talked 3.laughed 4. danced 5. hopped 6. stopped二、1. phoned/called 2. listened三、(1)-(5) DBACE四、1. What did you do last Sunday?2. They listened to music in the park.3. On Sunday she didnt play table tennis.五、1-4 ABAA
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