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Module10 Unit2随堂练一、单项选择。( ) 1. -What about _ to the zoo?-Good idea!A. going B. goes C. go( ) 2. When does he _ to work?A. start B. starts C. starting( ) 3. -_ are you going to practice your English now?-We can write lots of emails to each other in English.A. How B. What C. When( ) 4. _ is easy to make mistakes in new places.A. It B. This C. That二、从B栏选出与A栏相对应的答语。A B(1) Where are you going to go? A. Because I lost my money.(2) What are you going to study? B. Im going to go to middle school.(3) Are you going to go to middle school? C. By bus.(4) Why are you sad? D. Im going to study Chinese.(5) How are you going to go to school? E. Yes, I am.参考答案一、1-4 AAAA二、(1)-(5) BDEAC
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