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Module4 Unit1同步检测一、为下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. want A. 什么 B. 喜欢 C. 想要( ) 2. some A. 一个 B. 一些 C. 很多( ) 3. ice A. 冰淇淋 B. 热的 C. 冰,冰块( ) 4. juice A. 果汁 B. 牛奶 C. 可乐( ) 5. food A. 土豆 B. 食物 C. 米饭二、选词填空。also Do are is making(1) _ you want some rice?(2) What _ he doing?(3) Noodles _ very nice.(4) He is _ a toy bike.(5) Juice with ice is _ very nice.三、情景交际。选择最佳答案。( ) 1. 你想告诉朋友这是中式快餐时,应说:A. This is Chinese fast food.B. Look Its an egg.( ) 2. 妈妈想问你是否想吃一些面 条时.她会说:A. Do you want some noodles?B. Yes, please.( ) 3. 你和弟弟在公园看见一群人,弟弟想知道他们在做什么他会问你:A. What are you doing? B. What are they doing?( ) 4. 你吃到一种很好吃的食物,对它进行赞美时,你会说:A. Its nice. B. Thank you.( ) 5. 当别人想请你喝茶而你不想喝时,你会说:A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you.四、将相匹配的句子用线连起来。(1) What is Amy doing? A. Me too.(2) Do you want some rice? B. She is dancing.(3) What is the man doing? C. Yes, please.(4) I like noodles. D. Noodles with tomato and egg.(5) What do you want?E. He is making a kite.五、看图,完成下列句子。1. Do you want an _?No, thank you.2. What is he doing? Hes _ _.3. Look at these _.4. Do you want some _?Yes, please.5. _ and _ are very nice. 参考答案一、1-5 CBCAB二、(1)-(5) Do; is; are; making; also三、1-5 AABAB四、(1)-(5) BCEAD五、1. egg 2. making noodles 3. tomatoes 4. milk 5. Noodles; rice
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