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联合国秘书长潘基文世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日致辞2011年5月21日In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development to highlight the importance of the values of peace and solidarity. The Day is meant as a signal to those who seek to sow divisions among human beings that such attempts will always be resisted by those who believe in the far greater forces of tolerance and mutual understanding.联合国大会于2001年宣布5月21日为世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日,以彰显和平与团结的价值至关重要。该世界日的用意是警告那些企图在人类社会中制造分裂者:这种企图永远会受到相信容忍和相互谅解的力量更为强大者的抵制。In many ways, the cause of global harmony remains precariously poised. Global economic activity and advances in communications both illustrate humanitys growing inter-connectedness, yet barriers, mistrust and animosity persist between people and cultures. Increasing contact has also generated fears imagined and real of the loss of cherished customs, languages and identities.从很多方面讲,全球和谐的事业依然千钧一发。全球经济活动以及通信方面的发展既体现出人类日益明显的相互关联性,也暴露出人民与文化之间持续存在的障碍、猜疑和敌意。日益增加的接触还造成各种想象和实际的恐惧,即担心会失去珍贵的习俗、语言和特征。A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity. For this years observance of World Day for Cultural Diversity, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and UNESCO are partnering with others from the grassroots to big businesses on a campaign to “Do ONE Thing” for diversity and inclusion on May 21.只有承认和颂扬我们的多样性,才能实现一个和平与团结的世界。对于今年纪念世界文化多样性促进对话和发展日的活动来说,联合国不同文明联盟和教科文组织与从基层到大型企业等其他方面携手合作,于5月21日开展针对多样性和包容性的“做一件事”活动。The campaign calls on all people from youth to policy-makers, from religious leaders to journalists, entrepreneurs and others who shape opinions and trends to speak up for the spiritual, social and economic wealth we derive from cultural diversity. On this day, and throughout our lives, let us take steps small and large, with families and friends, old and new that will strengthen bonds, deepen our understanding of the value of cultural diversity and help us to live together better.这一活动呼吁所有人,不论是青年还是决策者,是宗教领袖还是记者,是企业家还是影响舆论和趋势者,共同为我们从文化多样性中所获得的精神、社会的经济财富而呐喊。在这一天,以及在我们的一生中,让我们与家人和新老朋友一道,迈出或大或小的步骤,加固各种纽带,加深我们对文化多样性价值的了解,并帮助我们共同过上更美好的生活。原文链接:http:/www.kouyi.org/field/culture/1586.html
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