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学 海 无 涯 Reading 1 WHAT IS STRESS The term stress has been defined in several different ways sometimes the term is applied to stimuli or events in our environment that make physical and emotional demands on us and sometimes it is applied to our emotional and physical reactions to such stimuli in this discussion we will refer to the environmental stimuli or events as stressors and to the emotional and physical reactions as stress 压力这个词已经有几种不同的定义 有时候这个术语适用于我们环境中的刺激或事件 这些 刺激或事件会对我们产生身体和情感方面的要求 有时也适用于我们对这种刺激的情绪和身 体反应 在这个讨论中 我们将环境刺激或事件称为压力 并将情绪和身体上的反应称为 压力 Many sorts of events be stressors including disasters such as hurricanes or tornadoes major life events such as divorce or the loss of a job and daily hassles such as having to wait in line at the supermarket when you need to be somewhere else in 10 minutes What all this events have in common is that they interfere with or threat our accustomed way of life when we encounter such stressors we must pull together our mental and physical resources in order to deal with the challenge How well we succeed in doing so will determine how serious a toll the stress will take on our mental and physical well being 许多事件都是压力源 包括灾难 如飓风或龙卷风 重大生活事件 如离婚或失业 每天都 有麻烦 比如当你要在 10 分钟内到别的地方去却不得不在超市排队等 所有这些事件都有 共同之处 就是它们干涉或威胁我们习惯的生活方式 当我们遇到这样的压力时 我们必 须整合我们的精神和物质资源来应对挑战 我们如何成功地做到这一点将决定压力对我们身 心健康将产生多大的影响 Reacting to stressors The Canadian physiologist Hans Seyle has been the most influential writer on stress Seyle proposed that both humans and other animals react to any stressor in three stages collectively known as the general adaptation syndrome the first stage when the person or animal becomes aware of the stressor is the alarm reaction In this stage the organism becomes highly alert and aroused energized by a burst of epinephrine After the alarm reaction comes the stage of resistance as the organism tries to adapt to the stressful stimulus or to escape from it If these efforts are successful the state of the organism returns to normal If the organism cannot adapt to the continuing stress however it enters a stage of exhaustion or collapse 加拿大生理学家 Hans Seyle 在压力方面一直是最有影响力的作家 塞尔提出 人类和其他 动物在三个阶段对任何压力源作出反应 统称为一般适应综合症 第一阶段 当人或动物 意识到应激源时 就是警报反应 在这个阶段 机体变得高度警觉和激起 并被一阵肾上 腺素所激发 当警报反应进入抵抗阶段后 机体试图适应压力刺激或逃避压力 如果这些 努力成功 机体的状态就会恢复正常 然而 如果生物体不能适应持续的压力 它就进入 衰竭或崩溃的阶段 Seyle developed his model of the general adaptation syndrome as a result of research with rats and other animals In rats certain stressors such as painful tail pulling consistently led to the same sorts of stress reactions in humans however it is harder to predict what will be stressful to a particular person at a particular time Whether a particular stimulus will be stressful depends on the person s subjective appraisal of that stimulus How threatening is it How well have I handled this sort of thing in the past how well will I be able to handle it this time for one person being 学 海 无 涯 called on to give a talk in front of a class is a highly stressful stimulus that will immediately produce such elements as a pounding heart and a dry mouth for another person being called on to give a talk is not threatening at all but facing a deadline to complete a term paper is extremely stressful in humans moreover the specific stress reaction is likely to vary widely some stressful situations give rise predominantly to emotions of fear some give rise to anger and some give rise to helplessness and depression 由于对老鼠和其他动物的研究 Seyle 开发了他的一般适应综合征模型 在老鼠身上 某些 压力因素 比如痛苦的尾巴拉扯 一直导致和人类出现同样的压力反应 然而 在特定的时 间很难预测什么会对某个人造成压力 一个特定的刺激是否会产生压力取决于该人对该刺激 的主观评价 这有多大威胁 我过去如何处理这类事情 这次我能处理多好 对于一个人来 说 在班级面前讲话是一种高度压力的刺激 会立即产生心跳和口干等元素 对另一个人来 说 讲话根本不是威胁 但是面对完成学期论文的期限是非常紧张的 此外 在人类中 特 定的应激反应可能差异很大 一些压力的情况主要是恐惧情绪 一些引起愤怒 一些引起无 助和沮丧 Reading 2 COPING WITH STRESS 应对压力 It is Friday evening and two young lawyers get phone calls at home The trial data for an important case has been moved up Both of the lawyers will now have to prepare a report for the case by Monday morning It is a threatening situation for both Each must do extensive research and write a complex document of some 40 pages all in a single weekend furthermore each knows that her work will be evaluated by the firm s partners and how well she does may greatly in fluence her future in the firm 现在是星期五晚上 两位年轻律师在家接到了电话 一个重要案件的审判数据已被公布 现 在两位律师都必须在星期一早上准备一份报告 这对双方都是一种威胁 每个人都必须进 行广泛的研究 并在一个周末内完成大约 40 页的复杂文档 此外 每个人都知道她的工作 将由公司的合作伙伴进行评估 而且她做得如何可能极大地影响她在公司的未来 One of the lawyers finds the situation extremely stressful she feels tremendous anxiety experiences headaches and stomach upset and has difficulty working she somehow manages to produce a report but she is not at all happy with it the other lawyer although she too feels the pressure of the situation sees it not so much as a threat but as a challenge an opportunity to show how good she is she moves into the firm s offices for the weekend and sleeping only three hours a night completes a brilliant report with a clear mind and a surge of energy as this example helps illustrate stress is
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