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学 海 无 涯 Unit 2 Our globe is in danger Done with this task Target score 60 Your current score 78 desertification Correct answer sandstorm air pollution Correct answer air pollution deforestation Correct answer deforestation water pollution Correct answer water pollution melting polar ice cap Correct answer melting polar ice cap light pollution Correct answer light pollution drought Correct answer drought sandstorm Correct answer desertification littering Correct answer littering 窗体顶端 While being interviewed by Martha Ed said more people in his culture respect 1 respec now than ever before When asked about the most serious 2 environmental problemin the world today he mentioned the damaged ozone layer and the 3 pollution in big cities Ed learned about environmental problems at school A lot of clubs and some TV programs 4 promoteenvironmental safety He believes that students 学 海 无 涯 should learn more about the environment at school Then they can be more 5 aware of all the problems and prevent more problems 6 from occurring When asked about a new 7 lawhe would like to create to help the environment he said that when people 8 cigaret their cigarette butts they have to throw them into the garbage bin They should be 9 fined if they throw them on the floor or ground Personally Ed is so against littering that he never litters He always throws his 10 tras into the garbage bin Your answerYour answer Correct answerCorrect answer 1 respect nature nature 2 environmental problem environmental problem 3 pollution pollution 4 promote promote 5 aware of aware of 6 from occurring from occurring 7 law law 8 cigarette butts throw away 9 fined fined 10 trash trash 1 What is the passage mainly about A The most serious pollutant B The harm from industrial waste C The present river pollution D The causes of river pollution 学 海 无 涯 2 Why does the river water turn green A Because nitrate and phosphate in the water increase B Because nitrate and phosphate in the water decrease C Because algae are killed by nitrate and phosphate D Because the pollutants are removed 3 What harm does industrial waste cause A Lack of oxygen B Poisoning C Accumulation of algae D A lower temperature of water 4 Which of the following is true of oil pollution A It creates a rainbow B It dissolves in the water gradually C It prevents oxygen from entering the water 学 海 无 涯 D It makes the fish dirty 5 What harm can warm water in a river bring A Break in the food chain B Rapid growth of algae C Dissolution of chemical substances D Lack of oxygen 1 What is the passage mainly about A The best way to use clean energy B China s enormous investment in developing clean energies C A comparison between China and other countries in cutting carbon dioxide emissions D Cutting carbon dioxide emissions 学 海 无 涯 China s achievements and problems 2 From four years ago until August this year how many kilowatts of coal fired plant capacity will have been closed A More than 10 million B More than 50 million C More than 60 million D More than 70 million 3 By 2020 what will be the proportion of non fossil energy in the total power in China A 15 B 7 2 C 7 8 D 0 6 4 Which of the following is true of the investment by China and the United States in clean energy last year A China s investment 学 海 无 涯 was about the same as the United States B China s investment was almost twice as large as the United States C China s investment was nearly half of the United States D China s investment was about three times as large as the United States 5 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a problem arising from curbing greenhouse gas emissions A Slowing down economic development B Exerting a negative influence on people s income C Causing more strikes 学 海 无 涯 D Causing unemployment Man 1 Man 1 Well it s aspirational language which is nice and lovely and fluffy but 1 doesn t really actually commit anyone to doing anything and so it s really hard to take to the bank I mean people s lives are on the line in the developing world where we are seeing the impacts felt first and foremost And obviously 2 the atmosphere simple can t take the kind of emissions we ve been seeing in the business as usual scenario and there s no real commitment to change that 3 There s no real commitment to put serious money on the table and that s a big problem On screen text Wind Farm This is a great photo op for all the world leaders but if 4 It s not backed by action it really doesn t mean much at the end of the day Man 2 Man 2 What s in there is very disappointing 5 It does not constitute a a deal 6 It s a hollow shell that will need to be filled in and it has some numbers it talks about trying to avoid two degrees That s the same language that the G8 used last July But 7 it lacks anything on emissions cuts as yet that would guarantee that we re actually on the on track to get there And the financing commitments there is a mention of a 100 billion dollar figure and the attempt to raise or mobilise that level
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