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摘 要21世纪以来,无线通信技术正以前所未有的速度向前发展。正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)是一种高速并行多载波传输技术,因其频谱利用率高、抗多径性能好和数据传输速度快而受到国内外无线通信研究者的广泛关注,被认为是下一代通信系统的核心技术之一,被认为是第四代移动通信系统中不可或缺的关键技术。但是,由于输出信号是由多个子载波累加而成,所以非常容易导致信号具有很高的峰值平均功率比(PAPR),这就限制了该技术的广泛应用。峰均比过高会对功率放大器和数模转换器的线性度提出了苛刻的要求,这将增加整个系统的运行成本和功耗。如果峰均比过高,就会导致信号发生非线性畸变,破坏了子载波之间的正交特性,从而使接收端无法正确的恢复发送端的信号。因此,研究降低OFDM系统的峰均功率比技术是非常有必要的。本文主要对降低OFDM系统峰均功率比的技术进行研究,主要内容如下:首先介绍了通信技术和OFDM技术的发展历程,同时并介绍了OFDM的技术特点以及研究降低OFDM系统PAPR方法的研究现状;然后阐述了OFDM技术的基本工作原理、介绍一些关键技术以及产生高PAPR的原因以及分布详情,重点分析研究了现有降低系统峰均比的算法。目前降低OFDM系统PAPR算法可大致分为三大类:预畸变类技术、编码类技术和概率类技术。然后重点是对预畸变类技术中的软限幅算法、C变换和概率类技术中的SLM算法和PTS算法进行研究分析、仿真并提出改进的SLM算法以及PTS算法;最后,在此基础上归纳总结提出了两种联合算法:改进的 C 变换与次优迭代PTS 联合和软限幅与改进 SLM 算法的联合,并用 MATLAB 软件仿真证实这些方法降低 OFDM 系统 PAPR 的效果。在保证一定 BER 性能的同时既能够降低 OFDM系统的 PAPR,又能够使复杂度相对的减少。关键词:正交频分复用,概率类技术,信号预畸变技术,联合算法,峰均功率比AbstractSince the beginning ofthe 21st century, wireless communication technology is moving forward at an unprecedented speed. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFMD) is a high speed parallel and multi-carrier transmission technology which has received widespread attention by researchers of wireless communication at home and abroad. Due to its advantages, such as, highspectrum efficiency, good anti-multipath performance and speedy data transmission, OFDM is considered to be one of the core technologies of communication system in the next-generation and an indispensable key technology in the fourth generation of the mobile communication system. However, the output signal is formulated by accumulating a number of sub-carriers, so it is very easy for the output signal to get a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), which limits the wide application of this technology. The high level of the PAPR puts forward rigorous demands for the linearity of the power amplifier and digital-to-analog converter, and the running cost and power consumption of the entire system will be increasing. If the PAPR is too high, it will lead to a non-linear distortion of signal and destroy the orthogonality among sub-carriers, and the receiving end can not correctly restore the signal from the sending end. Therefore, to research the technology of reducing PARA is very necessary.This paper focuses on the research of the technology of reducing the PAPR in OFDM systems. The main contents are listed as follows: First of all, the thesis introduces the development course of the communication technology and the OFDM technology, the technical characteristics of OFDM and the current research status of the methods of reducing the PAPR in OFDM system.Secondly, the paper expounds the basic working principles and key technologies of the OFDM technology. And then, the thesis introduces the distribution details of PARA and explains what lead to the high PAPR, in particular, analyzing the existing algorithms of reducing the PAPR in the OFDM systems. Currently, the algorithm can be divided into three categories: probability class techniques, coding techniques and pre-distortion techniques. And the author will focus on analyzing and simulating the clipping technology, C transformation commanding algorithm, SLM algorithm and PTS algorithm of the pre-distortion technology, then proposes two improved methods: SLMalgorithm and PTS algorithm.Finally, on the basis of the SLM and PTS algorithm, the author summarizes two joint algorithms: one is the improved SLM algorithm based on inhibit soft clipping, and the other is the sub-optimal iterative PTS optimize based on ameliorated C transformation commanding algorithm. Both of the two algorithms are confirmed that they can effectively reduce the PAPR in OFDM systems under the simulation of MATLAB software. The two algorithms, on the basis of guaranteeing BER performance, can not only reduce the PAPR of the OFDM systems, but also lower the complexity of algorithm.Key Words:OFDM, Probability Class techniques, Pre-distortion techniques of signals, United technologies ,PAPR目 录第一章 绪论1.1引言1.2研究现状1.3研究背景1.4研究意义1.5章节安排第二章 OFDM系统基本原理知识理论2.1 OFDM基本原理2.2 OFDM的关键技术2.3 OFDM系统的峰均比第三章 峰均比抑制法3.1 算法研究3.2 算法的思想和原理3.3 算法的流程第四章 OFDM系统峰均比抑制技术的仿真4.1 仿真比较、仿真图以及分析4.2 仿真参数第五章 总结与展望5.1 总结5.2 展望第1章 绪论1.1引言信息传递进入21世纪以来,信息界处在革命快速发展的时代,信息技术革命在世界上静静地席卷着。影响正在逐步改变全球的发展。移动通信是现代通信系统的非常重要的部分。如名称所指,移动通信参考信息的传输和接收。另一方面,通信系统的两个当事者中的至少一个处于移动状态。例如,移动站(由飞机、车辆、船舶或行人运送)和固定点或移动设备之间的通信在移动通信的范围内。民用飞机和地面机场的通讯是高速移动通信。是最典型的例子。无论是什么样的设施,无论是什么样的设施,无线通信装置都可以提供便捷、快速、稳定的高品质通信服务,这是用于将来的移动通信的最终要求。1.2研究现状为了解决高papr OFDM系统中的一些性能,在国内外实现。一般来说,有两种解决办法:一是提高性能的支持者在发送器和发送信号的高papr无vervor明,好大的一个备份离线备份关闭)和高线性度要求的支持者。在实践中,如此高的效率,他所拥有的东西却很低。使用这种他所拥有的东西,不仅降低了系统的能量效率,但也增加了复杂性,实现V一个系统。因此,这种技术可以在高papr问题的解决提出的放大器的基本算法。其次,利用OFDM系统的papr减少的主要算法,以减少papr主要可分为三类:coderingstechnologie,kanstechnologie和信号干扰技术。编码技术的主要实现过程在于,通过不同的编码方法生成的代码组也不同。选择低PAPR码组,作为从这些生成的码发送的OFDM信号的数据信息,以避免高峰发生。在编码方案中使
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