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2B M4U3 练习卷Class _ Name _ No. _ Mark _听力:47%一、 圈出你听到的单词或词组,用A B C 或 D表示:10%( ) 1. A. mother B. my C. milk( ) 2. A. water B. tea C. juice( ) 3. A. water B. what C. watch( ) 4. A. read B. head C. bread( ) 5. A. some B. moon C. room( ) 6. A. little B. like C. letter( ) 7. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired( ) 8. A. nice B. rice C. nine ( ) 9. A. a nice house B. a nice horse C. two nice houses( ) 10. A. make a flower B. make a card C. make a rattle二、 选出你听到的句子:10%( ) 1. A. Dont touch my red pig. B. Dont touch my red bag. C. Dont touch my bread.( ) 2. A. Im Lucy. I am hungry and thirsty. B. Im Kitty. I am hungry and thirsty. C. Im Lucy. I am hungry and tired.( )3. A. Heres a letter for you. B. Heres a carnation for you. C. Heres a card for you.( ) 4. A. I dont like the soup. It is cold. B. I dont like ice cream. It is cold. C. I dont like the oranges. Theyre sour.( ) 5. A. Can your brother play basketball? Yes, he can. B. Can your mother play cards? Yes, she can. C. Can your father play ping-pong? Yes, he can.三、(看图听录音,判断下列图片与听到的句子是否相符,相符的用“”表示,不相符的用“”表示) 12%1、 2、 3、 ( ) ( ) ( )4、 5、 6、 ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,选择恰当的应答句:5%( )1、A. No, he cant. B. Yes, he can. C. She can drive a car.( ) 2、A. He can hop. B. He can make a card. C. Yes, he can make.( ) 3、A. Danny is. B. Danny has. C. Danny can.( ) 4、A. I like the sunny day. B. Its hot and sunny. C. Its cold and windy.( ) 5、A. Its the sun. B. Its red. C. Theres the sun.五、 听录音,给下列单词、图片编号:10%1、 glass rattle shake rice lid ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )笔试:53%一、正确抄写下列单词句子,注意大小写及标点符号:9% thirsty your chairs Mama BearIts sunny. Lets go out. OK, lets go.二、选出不同类的词:5% ( ) 1. A. hungry B. thirsty C. white D. tired ( ) 2. A. milk B. water C. juice D. salad ( ) 3. A. give B. shake C. lid D. put ( ) 4. A. me B. us C. you D. him ( ) 5.A. nice B. short C. thin D. tea 三、选择题 11%( ) 1. I can see _ colours in the rainbow. A. five B. six C. seven( ) 2. _ is my favourite food. Its nice. A. Fish B. Dolls C. Blue( ) 3. We can have much fruit in Shanghai in _. A. spring B. summer C. autumn( ) 4. Its time _ class. Lets go to the classroom together. A. for B. to C. on( ) 5. _ Jane. She can fly a kite. A. Listen to B. Look at C. Look to( ) 6. I _ the hot tea. Its not nice. A. like B. like to C. dont like( ) 7. Im tired. I _ a bed. A. want B. like C. am( ) 8. There _ some soup and fish on the table. A. is B. are C. have( ) 9. Janes father _ a new car. It _ blue. A. ishas B. hasis C. haveis( ) 10. I _ the cold juice. I want some hot juice. A. like B. dont like C. has( ) 11. What toys do the boys like? They like _. A. pizzas B. bananas C. cars四、情景选择10 %( ) 1. 踢完足球,Danny对妈妈说,他又饿又累: A. He is hungry and tired. B. Im hungry and tired.( ) 2. 明天是你的生日,你对爸爸说,你想要一个篮球: A. I want a new basketball. B. I want a new football.( ) 3. 妈妈下班回家了, 你请她喝杯牛奶: A. Have a glass of milk, please. B. Have a glass of juice, please.( ) Linda告诉Mary,她既喜欢唱歌也喜欢跳舞:A. Linda and Mary like singing and dancing.B. Mary, I like singing and dancing.( ) 4. 你问你的同学,在冬天可以做些什么事情: A. What can we do in winter? B. What can we do in summer?( ) 5. 你做了一张贺卡,你告诉爸爸准备送给妈妈: A. I can give the card to Mum. B. I can give the card to you.五、看图,填入适当的单词,完成句子8% 1、Look, my sister is _ . She wants some_.2、Im Peter. Im _. I want some _.3、Sam is _ and _.4、Today is my birthday. I want a _ for my birthday.5、Do you want to go out? No, I want to _.六、阅读选择 10%Today is Janes birthday. Her friends are at her home. There is some fruit and a birthday cake on the small table. And you can see some food on the big ta
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