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广东省陆河外国语学校高二英语教案:Unit2 English Around the World-The fourth Period Listening 新人教版必修1Teaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言 重点词汇和短语 lightning, subway, underground, British, western, Europe, southeast2. Ability goals能力目标Get the Ss to know more about world English and dialects by listening.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to get detailed ideas of English programs.Teaching important points 教学重点Listen to materials and grasp the information needed.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Guess the name of speakers country by listening. Teaching methods 教学方法Listening. Discussion.Notes-making.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionDescribe the picture and the boys.T: Any volunteers to describe the picture?S1: There is a river in the picture. At the bank, there is a tall tree. We can see a very big fish in the river. S2: The two boys laughing are Buford and Big Billy Bob. A boy was frightened and fleeing. He is little Lester. T: Could you find the answers to the four questions?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Why does Buford think of Texas? How do you know it?S: He believes its almost a different country from the US. The text tells us so. T: How large was the catfish?S: The catfish was almost the size of a house.T: Why did Lester get out of the water very quickly?S: He thought the catfish would eat him. T: Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh? S: Because the fish is harmless but Lester is so frightened and flee so fast.Step II Listening and writing (Page 14)Task Listen and answer questions.T: Another two persons will describe this story. One is Buford, who is from Texas and believes bigger is always better. He is speaking with one kind of Southern dialects. The other is his teacher, Jane, who speaks standard British English. First, listen and know of standard British English and Southern dialects.Ss listen to the tape and try to understand.T: Now listen for a second time and answer the last two questions. Make notes while listening.A few minutes later, check their answers. T: A, can you answer question 5?S: Yes. Jane is the second speaker, Bufords teacher. She is from Britain.T: Well done! Buford says “Hey, yall”to greet you. What does the second speaker say to greet you?S: She says “Hello”.Step III Listening Task1 Listen and write the AE words.T: Last lesson we separate some AE words from BE words. Today, lets go on listening and write down the AE words which have the same meanings as the BE words. Turn to page 48 .Listening .The BE words have been written down. Read it. Then listen to the dialogue. In the conversation, “rush hour” is the name of a popular Hollywood film.After listening.T: Please read your answer together. (Write down the answers. Ss: picture- movie, lorry- truck, autumn- fall, underground- subway, sweets- candyTask2 Listen and write down answers to questions.Ss read the questions to find out the listening point first, and then listen to the tape to get the answers.T: Now the recorder will introduce a new way of English learning. Before listen to the tape, please read the questions to find out the listening point. Make notes of the answers while listening.Play the tape for the first time so that the students can get a general idea. The second and third time, the Ss write and check their answers. Pause and repeat the key sentences.T: Can you answer questions now?Ss: Yes.T: Good. What programme is Zhao Li watching?S: CCTV-9 World wide watch.T: Excellent! Who would like to answer the next questions?S: 2. Zhao Li thinks that watching TV programs will improve her English.3. She thinks that Cao Ri is a good speaker.4. The more listening practice you have, the better your listening skills will get, especially if you hear variety of speakers.5. You should be patient and keep trying. Soon you will understand more and more.Teacher checks the answers and explains some difficult listening points if necessary.Step IV Listening TaskTask 1 Read the map and listen and find where the students come from.T: Please turn to page 51 and read the map. What does it tell us? S: It marks the places where English is spoken as a first or second language. Maybe it is about world English.T: Very clever! Now six foreign students come to our class to learn Chinese, and they are introducing themselves. Please listen carefully, and then write their names on the proper places on the map. It is a little difficult to finish the task individually. The teacher may do the first one with the Ss. While listening, repeat the key sentences.T: Lets guess the first one together. Play the tape.T: From the first sentences and “British rulers”, we know S1 comes from India. Go on listening and write down your answer on the map.Ss listen to the tape and write down their answers. Teacher plays the tape twice. A few minutes later. T:Check your answ
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