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词汇能力测试一、单词拼写1. Harry Potter is a e_ role in the series of JKs novels.2. In most of the peoples opinions, money cant buy h_.3. There is a camera to m_ every action of the prisoner.4. The president is going to d_ a speech in Beijing university.5. The p_ of Jay Zhou reflects some problems in the young.6. He a_ that he would be engaged next week.7. He is major in computer so he must be good at p_.8. Ten graduates are e_ last year, which is out of our expectation.9. People who were buried under the remains had to wait to be r_.10. When we call a person a green hand ,we mean he is i_. 11. Since you have been to Beijing, would you give us a p_ about it?12. He tried his best to e_ from being punished for what he had done.13. If it is c_ for you, I will drop by at your house on Monday.14. The streets are crowded in u_ areas in most metropolises.15. Honestly speaking, playing computer games has more d_ for teenagers.二、完成句子1. 这部小说是以战前的伦敦为背景吗?_ the novel _ _ pre-war London?2. 中国的汉字经历了巨大的变革。Chinese _ have undergone great changes.3. 粉丝对于他们球队的胜利欣喜若狂。The fans _ _ _ their teams victory.4. 现在人们可以畅所欲言。Nowadays people can _ their _ as they will.5. 陈水扁被控贪污受贿。Chen Shuibian _ _ _ bribery.6. 你能传真一份重要文件给我吗?Can you fax a very important _ to me?7. 依我看来,她还是很有前途的。_ _ _, she is a promising girl.8. 我昨天在街上遇见的朋友是从事IT行业的。The man I _ _ in the street yesterday works in IT.9. 西湖的美给我留下了深刻的印象。The beauty of the west lake _ me a _ _.10. 这个博物馆陈列了好多珍贵的艺术品。The museum _ lots of valuable artwork last week.11. Realcine通过能让你身临其境让你惊叹不已。 Realcine can make you _ by _ you _ it.12. 为了增添节日的喜庆气氛,大家燃放烟花爆竹。 To _ _the pleasant atmosphere, people play fireworks.13. 至于工作能力的问题,你完全可以依赖他。 _ _ his working abilities, you have every reason to rely on him.14. 最后但同样重要的一点是我们得让学生体会到幸福。 _ _ not _, we should make students have a feeling of happiness.三、根据中文提示填空1. Carol will _ you round Wuxi since she is a native resident (向导).2. The boots are lighter and softer, _more comfortable to wear (因此).3. What she had to do was to _ _ _, not to live in fancy (面对现实).4. I will _ _ these clothes to my nephew since they are not fit for my son (传递).5. The rose _ _ sweet smell, attracting the girl to stop (散发).6. The upper town _ _ _ the lower town by cable car (连接).7. You should not use _ to solve all the problems (武力).8. When you _ _a new word, you can refer to the dictionary (遇到).9. Massage can help you recover from _ (疲惫).10. The footsteps _ in the distance, which made him relief (消失).四、编写故事Football is one of the most _ sports around the world with many fans _ about it. Last week I got a chance to watch the _ of the World Cup in the stadium. There the player caught every chance to _ the ball, and the _ kick of the ball _ me most. _ _ _, the passion for football will never _.完形填空阅读文章,了解其大意,然后选择正确选项填空。 The measure of mans real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. Thomas Macaulay Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs Nanette ONeill gave an arithmetic (1) _ to our class. When the papers were (2) _ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the (3) _ mistakes throughout the test. There is nothing really new about (4) _ in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs ONeill (5) _ even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to (6) _ after class. I was one of the twelve. Mrs ONeill asked no questions, and she didnt (7) _ us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the (8) _ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to (9) _ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times. I dont (10) _ about the order eleven boys. Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most important single (11) _ of my life. Thirty years after being (12) _ to Macaulays words, they still seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a (13) _ to measure ourselves rather than others. Few of us are asked to make (14) _ decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called (15) _ daily to make a great many personal decisions. (16) _ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket or turned over to the policeman? Should the
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