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日常交际用语 1 感谢和应答 a Thankyou Thanksalot It sverykindofyou b Notatall Youarewelcome Don tmentionit It sapleasure Mypleasure 2 用于sorry的答语 1 Itdoesn tmatter 没关系 2 Nevermind 没关系 3 That sallright 没关系 3 介绍Thisismyfriend Mary Howdoyoudo Howdoyoudo Nice Gladtomeetyou Nicetomeetyou too 4 邀请和应答Wouldyouliketo I dliketoinviteyouto b Yes I dlovetoYes it sverykind nice ofyouAllright I dliketo but I mafraid sorryIcan t 5 Whatdoyouthinkof Howdoyoulike 用来询问对方的观点 看法或判断 意为 你觉得 怎么样 Howdoyoulikethisparty 你觉得这个晚会开得怎么样 Wonderful 很棒 6 就餐 1 Whatwouldyouliketohave I dlike 2 Wouldyoukikesomemore Thankyou I vehadenough I mfull thankyou 3 MayItakeyourordernow CanItakeyourordernow Areyoureadytoordernow 您要点菜吗 MayItakeyourordernow Yes I dlikeadishofchicken Whatwouldyoulike Steak Howdoyoulikeyoursteakcooked Welldone Medium Rare 7 Would Do youminddoing 你介意 吗 a 若表示 不介意 同意 时 常用否定形式 如 No ofcoursenot No certainlynot No notatall No goahead b 若表示 介意 不同意 时 则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝 如 I msorrybutIdo Sorry you dbetternot I mafraidyoucan t 8 祝愿 祝贺和应答Goodluck Congratulations Haveagoodtime trip journey Happybirthday b Thankyou Thanksalot Manythanks 9 建议和应答Shallwe Whatabout Howabout Whynot Whydon tyou b That sagoodidea Goodidea Soundsgreat It sagoodidea but I dloveto but I mafraid 10 打电话MayIspeakto Hello Is in Isthat speaking Who sspeaking Who sthat Thisis speaking Holdon please CanItakeamessageforyou 11 问路和应答a Excuseme canyoutellmetheway HowcanIgetto b Godownthisstreet Turnrightatthefirstcrossing I msorry I mastranger too 12 How sitgoing 你近来好吗 How severythinggoing How reyoudoing Fine thanks Oh nottoobad 12 请求和应答a Can Couldyou forme Wouldyouplease Pleasepassme b Certainly I llbeglad Withpleasure I dliketo but I mafraid 13 就餐a Whatwouldyouliketohave Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat drink Wouldyoulikesomemore b I dlike Helpyourselftosome Thankyou I vehadenough I mfull thankyou Justalittle please 6 whynot 表示建议 为什么不 肯定回答 Thatsoundsgood Thatsoundsinteresting That sagoodidea 否定回答 That ssoundsboring 7 Sure goahead 用在哪里 CanI MayI IwonderifIcould 是表示请求的交际用语 意思是 我可不可以 而 Sure goahead 则是表示允许的一句应答用语 意思是 当然可以 请吧 A CanIuseyourtelephone please B Sure goahead A CanIhavealookatyournewradioset B Sure goahead 关于thankyou和sorry的回答thankyou和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高 它们的答语有些是相同的 有些却只能用于其中的一种情况 现简述如下 1 两种情况均可使用的应答语 1 Notatall 不用谢 没关系 2 That sallright 不用谢 没关系 3 That sOK 不用谢 没关系 4 It snothing 没什么 没关系 5 Don tmentionit 不要客气 6 Forgetit 忘掉它 7 Noproblem 没问题
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