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U校园新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版unit7答案Unit 7 Time of technology: A blessingor a curse?Listening to the world7-2 SharingPractice 1Practice 21) enjoy2) live without3) plan my life4) listening to musicPractice 3BEFADCPractice 4参考:In his pocket.Twitter.Because its not charged.His mobile phone and an MP3 player.Two.An e-book reader. a laptop. an iPod, and lots of gadgets.Practice 5I. (1) on it all the time(2) my husband2. (3) my laptop(4) phone(5) essential3. (6) beyond that4. (7) computer(8) Internet7-3 ListeningUse the skills 1Use the skills 2AABUse the skills 31. (1) all day on the Internet2. (2) watching the videos that friends send them3. (3) give you a break(4) talking to someone in the office(5) looking through4. (6) reading books5. (7) in front of the computer(8) sports and going out(9) live in the real worldThink and speak 17-4 ViewingGet a clue 1View it 1ABBABView it 2CBDDCThink and speak 17-6 Role-playingNote them down1Speaker 1:1) E/e2) all the time3) texting4) N/n5) N/n6) watch much7) N/n8) terrible9) E/c10) for workSpeaker 2:11) E/c12) an emergency13) a problem with14) E/ e15) E/e16)go on Laptop17) N/ n18) Someone else19) N/ nNote them down 2CAB EDF7-7 PresentingGet ideas 11) two / 22) near the sea3) real achievement4) twelve / 125) talked online6) hello7) lonely8) a new girl9) bored10) my real friends11) a club12) good-looking13) start talking to himOrganize ideas 1Present ideas 1More practice in listening7-8 More practice in listeningConversations 1BCDDCConversations 2BBACPassages 1DAADPassages 21) response2) illegal3) in charge of4) consequently5) relied heavily on6) linked to7) anticipate8) familiar with9) remedy10) betrayingNews 1BANews 2DCCUnit test7-10 Unit test短对话5题1) To finish his paper.2) The man is booking the airline ticket for the first time.3) He agrees that young people at their twenties are especially interested in the Internet.4) His telephone bill is not paid.5) The man will shorten his log on time to four hours every two days.长对话5题6) Fourteen.7) To give Billy a birthday present.8) He talks about nothing but computers.9) Michael knows how to use computers properly.10) Michael would talk to Billy.短文理解5题11) To exemplify the advantage of looking for love online.12) Because the online dating population is larger.13) To match like-minded candidates.14) Their profiles will appear at the top of the list.15) The recent improvements in online dating.复合式听写10题16) refer to17) involves18) unique19) valuable20) at your expense21) associated with22) responsible23) minimize / minimise24) regularly25 ) maintain
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