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30张图告诉你生活常用英语词Amusement Park 游乐园- water slide 水滑道- games 游戏- vomit 呕吐- ticket booth 售票处- line 队伍- carousel 旋转木马- tracks 轨道- Ferris wheel 摩天轮- Haunted house 鬼屋- Seat 座位- Food stand 饮食摊- Roller coaster 过山车- Cotton candy 棉花糖- Seat belt 安全带- Car 车厢Atrists Studio 艺术工作室- Canvas 画布- Charcoal 木炭- Sketch pad 速写本- Pastels 粉蜡笔- Easel 画架- Model 模特- Sculpture 雕像- Oil paints 油画颜料- Clay 粘土- Brush 刷子- Watercolors 水粉- Frame 画框- Palette Knife 调色刀- Palette 调色板-Crayons 蜡笔At the Clinic 在诊所- thermometer 温度计- syringe 注射器- height chart身高表- blood pressure gauge 血压计- eye drops 眼药水- eardrops 耳药水- medicine 药- pills 药片- antibiotics 抗生素- painkillers 止痛片- beaker 烧杯- stethoscope 听诊器- scale 秤- swab 棉签- antiseptic cream 消毒药膏- rubber gloves 橡胶手套At the Laundromat 在洗衣房- dryer 烘干机- screen 筛- washboard 搓衣板- detergent 洗涤剂- starch 浆粉- washtub 洗衣盆- bleach 漂白剂- fabric softener 织物柔顺剂- measuring cup 量杯- washing machine 洗衣机- hamper 篮子- lint 软麻布- clothesline 晾衣绳- stain 污点A Wedding 婚礼- Limousine 加长轿车- Groom 新郎- Boutonniere 别在翻领纽扣孔上的花束- Wedding cake 婚礼蛋糕- Tuxedo 无尾礼服- Bride 新娘- Flower Girl 花童- Veil 面纱- Wedding Gown 结婚礼服- Bridal bouquet 捧花- Engagement ring 订婚戒指Backyard 后院- birdbath 水盆- tire swing 轮胎秋千- umbrella 伞- picnic table 野餐桌- barbeque grill 烤架- tree house 树屋- garden 花园- lawn mower 割草机- dog 狗- dog house 狗屋- slide 滑梯- hose 软管- patio 露台- cat 猫- birdhouse 禽舍- ant hill 蚁丘- swing 秋千- swing set 秋千架Classroom 教室- clock 钟- window 窗户- door 门- desk 桌子- flag 旗子- bookshelf 书架- pencil box 铅笔盒- pencil 铅笔- magnets 磁铁- white board 白板- notebook 笔记本- eraser 橡皮- ruler 尺- marker 马克笔- computer 计算机- textbooks 教科书- blackboard 黑板- chalk 粉笔- blackboard eraser 黑板擦Closet 衣橱- blazer 小西装- suspenders 吊裤带- suit 套装- tie 领带- pants 裤子- vest 背心- raincoat 雨衣- blouse 女士衬衣- scarf 围巾- purse 女手提袋- skirt 短裙子- coat 大衣- hanger 衣架- dress 连衣裙- T-shirt T恤- Tank top 运动背心- Shorts 短裤- Socks 袜子- Belt 皮带- Jeans 牛仔裤- Sweater 毛衣- Drawer 抽屉Concession stand 小卖部- bottled water 瓶装水- poster 海报- candy 糖果- pretzel 双圈饼干- cookie 曲奇饼- gum 口香糖- mustard 芥末- popsicle 棒冰- drumstick 鸡腿- chicken nuggets 鸡块- popcorn 爆米花- hamburger 汉堡- soft drink 软饮料- ketchup 番茄酱- fries 薯条- hot dog 热狗- paper cup 纸杯Cruise Ship 游轮- swimming trunks 游泳裤- deck 夹板- cocktail 鸡尾酒- sandals 拖鞋- life vest 救生衣- seagull 海鸥- deck chair 躺椅- bikini 比基尼- anchor 锚- life ring 救生圈- rope 绳子- captain 船长- life boat 救生艇- oar 浆- porthole 舷窗Dentist Office 牙医诊所- x-ray machine x光机- Sink 水槽- overhead light 顶灯- towel 毛巾- Paper cup 纸杯- section hose 节管- Dental chair 牙科手术椅- Mirror 镜子- Tools 工具- Tray 托盘- Drill 钻子- Toothbrush 牙刷- Dentures 假牙- Mold 模子- Teeth 牙齿- Dental floss 牙线Farm 农场- field 田地- haystack 干草堆- wagon 四轮车- wagon wheel 车轮- hay 干草- rope 绳子- fence 篱笆- hoe 锄- rake 耙- horseshoe 马掌- shovel 铲- corn 谷物- pitchfork 干草叉- horse 马- trough 饲料槽- barn 谷仓- tractor 拖拉机- wheat 小麦First-Aid Kit 急救箱- Tweezer 镊子- Cotton balls 棉球- Gauze 纱布- Hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢- Antibacterial cream 抗菌药膏- Bandage 绷带- Scissors 剪刀- Iodine 碘酒- Safety pin 别针- Band-aid 邦迪- Latex gloves 医用手套- Antiseptic 防腐剂- Q-tips 免签- Aspirin 阿司匹林- Wipes 湿巾Fruit Market 水果市场- water melon 西瓜- plastic bags 塑料袋- mandarin orange 橘子- kiwi frui 奇异果- sugar cane 甘蔗- peach 桃子- grapes 葡萄- honeydew melon 甜瓜- basket 篮子- papaya 木瓜- guava 番石榴- lime 青柠- lemon 柠檬- star fruit 杨桃- seeds 种子- nectarine 油桃- scale 秤- grapefruit 葡萄柚- plum 李子- mango 芒果- taro 芋头Hair Salon 理发店- sink 水槽- barbers chair 理发师的椅子- mirror 镜子- curling iron 卷发棒- comb 梳子- brush 刷子- hair dryer 吹风机- scissors 剪子- shampoo 洗发水- mousse 摩斯- shaving cream 剃须膏- razor 剃刀- hair clip 发夹- bobby pins 发夹- hair spray 发胶- styling gel 发胶- towel 毛巾- conditioner 护发素Lunch Box 午餐盒- lunch box 便当盒- thermos 热水瓶- straw 吸管- fork 叉- knife 刀- spoon 勺- sugar packet 糖包- lid 盖子- salad 沙拉- latch 闩- yogurt 乳酪- hinge 脚链- sandwich 三明治- pepper 胡椒- napkin 餐巾- Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋- Pepper 胡椒- salt packet 盐包Makeup 化妆品- moisturizer 润肤乳- blush 腮红- brushes 刷子- lip liner 唇线笔- nail polish 指甲油- tweezers 镊子- nail polish remover 洗甲水- face wash 洗面乳- lipstick 口红- foundation 粉底霜- eyeliner 眼线笔- mascara 睫毛膏- nail file 指甲锉- lip gloss 唇彩Nursery 幼托所- high chair 儿童椅- pacifier 奶嘴- baby bottle 奶瓶- bib 围嘴- teddy bear 泰迪熊- blanket 毯子- baby wipes 婴儿湿巾- rattle 摇响器- diaper 尿布- crib 婴儿床- playpen 游戏围栏- stroller 婴儿车- rocking
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