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全科专业英语一、词汇翻译1、Abdominal Pain 腹痛2、Adolescents 青春期3、Alcohol Abuse 酗酒4、Alternative Therapies 替代疗法5、Anemia 贫血6、Angina 心绞痛7、Angry 生气8、Anticoagulant Therapy 抗凝治疗9、Anxiety 焦虑10、Arthritis 关节炎11、Asthma 哮喘12、Asymptomatic无症状性13、Atrial Fibrillation 心房颤动14、Back Pain 背痛15、Bacterial Endocarditis 细菌性心内膜炎16、Behavioral 行为17、Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 良性前列腺增生18、Bladder Cancer 膀胱癌19、Bleeding 出血20、Breast Cancer 乳腺癌21、Bronchitis 气管炎22、Burns 烧伤23、Cancer 癌症24、Chest Pain 胸痛25、Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾患26、Chronic 慢性27、Cirrhosis 肝硬化28、Common Cold 普通感冒29、Constipation 便秘30、Cough 咳嗽31、Depression 抑郁32、Dermatitis 皮炎33、Dermatologic 皮肤病学34、Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病35、Diagnostic Tests 诊断性试验36、Diarrhea 腹泻37、Discharge 分泌物38、Dizziness 头晕39、Dry Eyes 干眼40、Dyspnea 呼吸困难41、Ear,Nose,and Throat 耳鼻喉42、Eating Disorders 进食障碍疾患43、Endocrinologic 内分泌学44、Esophageal Cancer 食管癌45、Exercise 锻炼46、Eye Pain 目痛47、Fatigue 疲劳48、Fertility Control 节育49、Fever 发热50、Foot Pain 脚痛51、Fungal Infections 霉菌感染52、Gallstones 胆结石53、Gastric Cancer 胃癌54、Gastrointestina 胃肠道55、Glucocorticoid Therapy 糖皮质激素治疗56、Gout 痛风57、Gynecologic 妇产科学58、Hair Loss 脱发59、Headache 头痛60、Health Maintenance 保健61、Hearing Loss 听力损失62、Heart Disease 心脏疾病63、Heart Failure 心力衰竭64、Heartburn 烧心65、Hematologic 血液系统66、Hemoptysis 咯血67、Hepatitis 肝炎68、Hypercholesterolemia 高胆固醇血症69、Hypertension 高血压70、Hypoglycemia 低血糖71、Immunization 免疫接种72、Infection 感染73、Inflammatory Bowel Disease 炎性肠病74、Insomnia 失眠75、Jaundice 黄疸76、Leg Edema 下肢水肿77、Liver Failure 肝衰竭78、Lung Cancer 肺癌79、Lymphadenopathy 淋巴结病80、Musculoskeletal 肌肉与骨骼81、Nausea 恶心82、Neck Pain 颈痛83、Neurologic 神经病学84、Obesity 肥胖85、Oncologic 肿瘤学86、Ophthalmologic 眼科学87、Oral Cancer 口腔癌88、Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎89、Otitis 耳炎90、Ovarian Cancer 卵巢癌91、Overweight 超重92、Pancreatitis 胰腺炎93、Patient 病人94、Pharyngitis 咽炎95、Pneumonia 肺炎96、Primary Care 基本医疗97、Prostatitis 前列腺炎98、Psychiatric 精神病学99、Red Eye 红眼100、Renal Failure 肾衰101、Respiratory 呼吸102、Risk and Prognosis 风险和预后103、Screening 筛查104、Seizures 癫痫发作105、Sexual Dysfunction 性功能障碍106、Sexually Transmitted Diseases 性传播疾病107、Shoulder Pain 肩痛108、Skin Cancer 皮肤癌109、Sleep Apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停110、Smell Disturbances 嗅觉障碍111、Smoking Cessation 戒烟112、Sweating 出汗113、Swelling 肿胀114、Thyroid 甲状腺115、Transient Ischemic Attack 短暂性缺血发作116、Tuberculosis 肺结核117、Urinar Tract Infection 尿路感染118、Viral 病毒119、Visual 视觉120、Vomiting 呕吐121、Weight loss 消瘦2、 短句翻译1、 Organize PCP practice to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and personal care, available on first contact and continuous basis. 组织初级保健医生行医以提供协调的、全面的、个体化的保健服务,具有首诊的可及性和以连续性为基础的服务。2、Personal support of patients of all backgrounds, in all stages of illness 为各种背景处于各阶段疾病的病人提供个体化支持3、To provide prognostic information for patient with known disease 为患者提供预后信息使其了解疾病4、In each case objective is not simply to classify or labelbut to reduce M&M and increase satisfaction and sense of well-being. 对每一个病例来说目标不是简单地分类或贴标签,而是为了减少患病率和死亡率和提高满意度和舒适感5、Sensitivity is probability that test result will be positive when person tested actually has disease. Perfectly sensitive test can rule out disease if result is negative. 敏感性是指当被试验的病人实际上已患该疾病时测试结果为阳性的概率。如果结果是阴性,高敏感试验可以排除该疾病。6、Healthy pregnant women who will be in second or third trimesters during influenza season. 处于流感季节的妊娠中末三个月(第49月)的健康妇女。7、Previous anaphylactic reaction to this vaccine, to any of its components, or to eggs. 从前对这个疫苗、对它的任何组分、对鸡蛋有过过敏反应。8、May be given with all other vaccines but at separate site. 可以与任何其他疫苗同时给与但要在不同部位。9、Schedule for those who have fallen behind: if series is delayed between doses, do not start series over. Continue from where you left off. 对于那些落后了计划的人:如果系列在两针之间被延迟,没必要从头开始系列。继续从拉了的那针开始。10、Conduct detailed Hx, including comprehensive review of systems; include checks for substance abuse, depression, sleep disturbances, and use of hypnotic medications. 进行详细的病史采集,包括综合的系回顾统,检测药物滥用、忧郁、睡眠障碍和安眠药物的使用情况11、Record height and weight and calculate BMI or measure percent body fat (see Overweight and Obesity). 记录身高和体重,并计算体重指数或测量身体脂肪比率(详见超重与肥胖章节) 。12、Check heart rate and BP after mild exercise (stair climbing or sit-ups). 测量轻微运动后的心率和血压(爬楼梯或仰卧起坐)。13、Encourage all persons to engage regularly in physical activity that provides aerobic exercise. 鼓励全民进行定期的有氧运动。14、Obtain detailed personal Hx regarding chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, undue fatigue, light-headedness, syncope, and claudication. 采集患者有关胸痛、心悸、呼吸困难、过度疲劳、头晕目眩、晕厥及跛行的详细病史。15、Note family Hx for CHD, peripheral vascular disease, HTN, stroke, DM, and sudden death or exercise-related syncope. 注意有关冠心病、周围血管疾病、高血压病、中风、糖尿病及猝死或运动相关性晕厥的家族史。16、Avoid use of theophylline for pulmonary complaints because it can aggravate problem by reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure (see
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