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精品资源备战高考专题08 The Description of Bird本章节聚焦于各种与鸟类有关的景象,包括鸟飞、鸟叫等场景的描写8-1 The forest is the orchestra consisted of the birds, playing one enchanting symphony after another.译文:森林是一支由鸟儿们组成的管弦乐队,演奏着一首又一首迷人的交响乐亮点词汇orchestra n.管弦乐队enchanting adj.迷人的; 令人陶醉的; 使人喜悦的; v.使着迷; 使陶醉; 使中魔法; 对用魔法(或念咒语); symphony n.交响乐one after another 一个接着一个技法讲解:连锁比喻 8-1中用了连锁比喻来表现鸟的叫声,先将森林中的鸟儿比作一支铜管乐队(orchestra),紧接着,在这个比喻设定的基础上,自然而然地将鸟儿的叫声比喻成迷人的交响乐(enchanting symphony),十分生动有趣。连锁比喻相较于一般的比喻而言,更注重挖掘前后两个比喻之间的关联性,使得比喻用得更加贴切、传神。8-2 Blackbird with jet-black plumage and beak of polished amber, hopping through longer shaggy grass of spring, tugging at worms. 译文:黑鸟有着乌黑的羽毛,一种擦亮了的琥珀色的鼻子,在春天长而蓬松的草丛中跳跃着,拽着虫子。亮点词汇jet-black乌黑色的plumage全身羽毛polished抛光的; 磨光的; 擦亮的; 优雅的; 娴熟的; 擦光; 磨光; 修改; 润饰; 润色; polish的过去分词和过去式hopping很活跃的; 忙忙碌碌的; 单脚跳行; 齐足跳行; 突然快速去某处; hop的现在分词shaggy长而乱的; 乱蓬蓬的; 头发蓬乱的tugging拉,拖,拽; 拉; tug的现在分词生词难词beak鸟喙; 鹰钩鼻; 尖鼻; 鼻子; 掌权者; 法官amber琥珀; 琥珀色; 黄褐色; 琥珀色的; 琥珀制的worms蠕虫; 寄生虫; 肠虫; 幼虫; 蠕动,8-3 The birds were silhouettes against the orange-kissed heavens. Only an hour ago they would have been pale against a blue sky, but the twilight was advancing and soon they would be lost in blackness, roosting with head tucked under wing until dawn.译文:鸟儿的轮廓衬托着橙色的天空。就在一个小时前,它们在蓝天的映衬下还显得苍白,但暮色正在降临,很快它们就会迷失在黑暗中,栖息着,头埋在翅膀下,直到黎明。亮点词汇silhouette n.(浅色背景衬托出的)暗色轮廓;(人的)体形;(事物的)形状;剪影;(尤指人脸的)侧影v.使呈现暗色轮廓twilight n.黄昏,暮色be lost in blackness陷入黑暗roosting栖息; roost的现在分词tucked塞进,折叠,卷起; 把塞进狭窄,tuck的现在分词形式 8-4 Short stubby beak, bright eyes like black onyx beads, alert, dainty head tilting this way and that, milk chocolate plumage, plump chest, shiny black wrinkled feet, a saggy fold of skin at the ankle, three thin toes forward and one back clasp the branch with sharp black talons, hopping, flitting from tree to tree.译文:短而粗的喙,明亮的眼睛像黑玛瑙珠,机警、精致的头向左右倾斜,乳巧克力色的羽毛,丰满的胸部,闪亮的黑皱的脚,下垂的脚踝皮肤,三个细脚趾向前和一个后用锋利的黑爪扣住树枝,跳跃,在树间飞来飞去。亮点词汇stubby短而粗的; 矮壮的; dainty娇小的; 娇美的; 精致的; 小巧的; 文雅的; 优雅的; 高雅的tilting v.(使)倾斜,倾侧;使倾向于;使向倾斜;偏向tilt的现在分词形式plumage全身羽毛saggy松垂的;松弛耷拉的;下陷的flitting轻快地从一处到另一处; 掠过; 迁移,flit的现在分词形式clasp v.握紧;攥紧;抓紧;抱紧;紧紧拥抱;扣紧;扣住;扣牢n紧握;紧攥;紧抱onyx 缟玛瑙talons爪; talon的复数8-5 The eagle dominates the sky as is his birthright, spreading wings as broad as they sky. His head is white in the sunlight, as bright as the clouds he glides between.译文:好像这就是他与生俱来的权利一样,老鹰主宰着天空,伸展着和天空一样宽广的翅膀。他的头在阳光下是白色的,就像他在云层之间滑翔一样明亮。亮点词汇dominates支配; 控制; 左右;在中具有最重要的特色; 在中拥有最重要的位置; 俯视; 高耸于; dominate的第三人称单数birthright与生俱来的权利; 基本人权glide v./n.滑行; 滑动; 掠过; 滑翔;8-6 The birds flew through that ever developing canvas of the dawn, as if their wings were fine quills, drawing such buoyant hues. Those wings in that sky became the colors of my dreams and whenever I needed a memory to lift me off the ground, they were there.译文:鸟儿飞过黎明中画布般的苍穹,仿佛它们的翅膀是细细的羽毛笔,画出了如此欢快的色彩。那些天空中的翅膀是我梦中的颜色,每当我需要一个能让我振作起来的回忆时,它们就在那里。亮点词汇canvas帆布; 画布; 油画buoyant愉快而充满信心的; 乐观的; 漂浮的;hues颜色; 色度; 色调; 信仰; 观点; hue的复数生词难词quill 翎; 翎笔; 羽管笔; 棘刺; 8-7 Their white bodies soared across the skies. The silver linings of the clouds were being sliced by vast, beautiful wings. Their figures stood prominent in the bright blue above, with only small pockets of clouds to hide them.译文:他们的白身体翱翔于天空。巨大而美丽的翅膀划破了银白色云层。它们的身影在上方的湛蓝天空中显得格外突出,只有几小片云彩可以遮掩他们。亮点词汇soared急升; 猛增; 升空; 升腾; 高飞; 翱翔; soar的过去分词和过去式sliced已切成片的; 把切成片; 切; 割; 划; 削; 斜切打; slice的过去分词和过去式prominent显眼的,突出的;重要的; 著名的,杰出的;高频必考战胜高考
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