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大学英语作文自我介绍范文大学英语作文自我介绍范文大学英语作文自我介绍范文篇一:Good morningafternoon. It is reall m honor to have this opportunit for a intervie. I hope I an make a good performane toda.M name is xx. I am 20 ears old,born in a little village in Southern Zhejiang. M parents are farmers,and I am the onl hild. Though not ell-to-do,the famil alas be hopeful. M major is engineering tehnolog. I ill graduate in Jul,201X. I have some hobbies like listening to musi,simming,and espeiall seeing estern movies. In the passed to ears,I have learned some pratial skills and gained some major ertifiates. I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have passed CET4 in m efforts. I am looking forard to being a member of our pan . Thankou!大学英语作文自我介绍范文篇二:Good morning. I am glad to be here for this intervie. First let me introdue mself. M name is *, 24. I e from *, the apital of *Provine. I graduated from the * department of *Universit in Jul, 2001. In the past to ears I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination hile I have been teahing *in NO. *middle Shool and I as a head-teaher of a lain junior grade to. No all m hard ork has got a result sine I have a hane to be intervieed b ou.I am open-minded, quik in thought and ver fond of histor. In m spare time, I have broad interests like man other oungers.I like reading books, espeiall those about *. Frequentl I exhange ith other people b ma-ki-ng ments in the forum on line. In addition, during m ollege ears, I as one a Net-bar tehniian. So, I have a parative good mand of netork appliation. I am able to operate the puter ell. I am skillful in searhing for information on Internet. I am a football fan for ears. Italian team is m favorite. Ana, I feel great pit for our ountr s team.I alas believe that one ill easil lag behind unlehe keeps on learning. Of ourse, if I am given a hane to stud * in this famous Universit, I ill spare no effort to master a good mand of advane *.大学英语作文自我介绍范文篇三:Hello! M name is Chen Danqing. M English name is Jo. I m 14 ears old. I m a happ girl. I have a happ famil. M father and m mother are both offie orkers. The re bus. But at eekends, the alas ook nie food for me. I m happ in the famil. I love m parents and the love me ver muh.I m a student at Dongzhou Middle Shool. It is ver big and beautiful. There are man lassroom buildings and offie buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big plaground. After shool, there are lots of bos plaing basketball on it. I think the are happ. There are a lot of floers and trees in m shool. The are beautiful. I like m shool. In m shool, I have man friends. All m friends are polite and helpful. M friends are all nie to me. The an make me happ. So I like plaing ith them.M hobbies are listening to musi and reading. I like pop musi ver muh. I dislike sports beause I m not strong. It s hard for me.I have a happ famil, a beautiful shool and man nie friends. I enjo ever da.大学英语作文自我介绍范文篇四:Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.I am of great hornor to stand here and introdue mself to ou .M hinese name is menghuan and m english name is melvin.I m12 ears old .I m a student in a ver beautiful shool alled pengheng middle shool . M hometon sandu so a beautiful it.Ias born in附送:第 4 页 共 7 页大学英语学习计划大学英语学习计划美术 体育 | 物理 | 英语大学英语学习计划(一)英语一直是我的软肋,学习英语是我做过最艰难的事了。学习了6年的英语或多或少也学到的不少,但比起那些在英语方面突出的人来说,我的英语只能说是冰山一角3、有技巧性:巧用知识的技巧,举一反三的技巧,备考复习的技巧,解题应用的技巧大学英语学习计划(二)以前高中时期学英语的时候可能更强调应试,到了大学阶段应该注重听说读写译综合发展和英语的实际运用。1.听说。听是输入,说是输出,所以听力是口语的前提。你可以常上英语学习网站,比如普特、沪江英语上面有很多听力材料,有不同的难度梯度。如果你本身英语还不错的话,可以从上面多找一些VOA、BBC和CNN的新闻和报道,然后做精听练习。先听一两遍,搞明白main idea,然后再以句子意群为单位,精确地repeat其中的每句话。这样的训练可以很实在的提高你的英语听力实力。经过一段时间的密集训练,你就会发现听英语的时候不再是朦朦胧胧的,而是很清楚的知道老外在讲什么。另外还有一种提高听力的途径就是看美剧英剧,这个方法既能娱乐放松,同时又锻炼了耳朵的敏感度,学习到新鲜实用的口语表达。像经典的情景喜剧老友记老爸老妈浪漫史生活大爆炸等等,如果对喜剧感觉一般般的话,可以选择剧情类的,你可以去伊甸园和美剧迷这样的网站论坛上多去看看别人的和分享。阅读和写作。其实中国大部分学生的英文写作能力是对付考试的,所以这种文章都有套路,词汇运用也有限。阅读是积累词汇,扩大知识面和信息量的最佳途径。大学生多看看外刊,从这些报纸杂志的文章里,你能涉猎到西方社会的文化、经济、政治各个层面,而且熟悉西方人的逻辑和思辨。这些外刊都有其官方网站,可以定期上去浏览,并保存一些视角新颖、文风犀利的文章,做做翻译练习。英语强调积累,所以要在每天的生活里贯穿英语的学习,而不是集中一两个月应付一下考试然后将其抛之脑后的那种学习。如果你觉得缺乏学习方向和动力的话,也可以参加培训充充电。苏州的译阁乐是我很想的机构,专门培训上海中高级口译,对于想提高英语的同学还是很不错的选择。其实学英语最重要是能对英语产生兴趣,另外就是可以多说多练培养良好的语感,语感好了,即使有很多单词不认识,都可以在语境中猜出来,否则枯燥的背诵只好导致更快的忘记,可以去青岛韦氏英语学校看看,韦氏专职教师全来自美国和加拿大,教授纯正的北美英语,随时更新的原文教材,更体现原汁原味的北美文化,在韦氏只能讲英语,相信只要你用心学,可以学得很地道。1.多听 多看 多说 多练平时多积累一些词汇 这样用的时候就不会感觉无从下手。3.多跟老师和同学进行交流,多研究4.最好是看一些资料和光碟。属于日常口语方面的 ,能锻炼自己的表达能力。5.记忆词汇的时候要掌握内在规律,比如 发音方面的 词形方面的 意义方面的等等可以多看一些英语类的节目,英语类的书籍。7.可以多写写小短文。从简单句入手。逐步提高。8.可以听听英语歌。看看英语短剧等等。总之,只要记住 听说读写译 几方面的步骤 灵活运用。穿插进行。多积累,多练,专心致志,日积月累,就会有所成就。针对学习目的不同列出两种英语学习方法:1、为过4、6级而学英语;做真题 寻找弱项逐个单项突破2、为真正学习一门语言而学习外语;环境最重要,为此列如下方法:1)每天跟外教学习英语,多接触外国人,使你的学习语言的生活成为和外国人在一起的生活学习;2)看西方历史、文学作品的电影;总之,文化学习是主要,了解之后的兴趣再学习英语词汇等基本功就是得心应手的事了平时可以多看看美剧,看看英语电影,或者去听摇滚吧,那样你一定会爱上英语的。首先要让自己对英语有兴趣才可以有动力,看或者听的时候,尽量跟着原声重复。强调一下,如果你经常看原声的英文电影,你就再也不会想看中国翻译配音以后的电影,至少我现在是,有些翻译过来已经完全失去美国人讲英语的感觉了。然后,对于以后找工作,或者是
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