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奉献30句美国人常用的英语口语1. Im not following you.(我听不懂你的话。)2. You made it worse.(你让事情变得更糟。)3. Dont ask foolish questions.(别问愚蠢的问题。)4. Are you satisfied?(你满意了吗?)5. I know what to expect.(我知道应该期望什么。)6. Thats exactly what I need.(那正是我所需要的。)7. Dont take risks.(不要冒险。)8. Im in.(我同意。我加入。)9. Where are you headed?(你去哪里?)10. Are you going to tell me whats going on?(你准备告诉我发生什么了吗?)11. Im very curious.(我非常好奇。) 12. I will find out.(我会调查。)13. Im only interested in facts.(我只对事实感兴趣。)14. What do you have in mind?(你在想什么?)15. Whats the latest?(今天最新进展?)16. Its better that way.(那样更好。)17. Im just glad youre doing OK.(你一切顺利,我很开心。)18. She is very passionate about her work.(她对工作非常热情。)19. I cant believe you did it.(我不敢相信,你做到了。)20. It turned out great.(结果非常棒!)21. The government is hunting you down.(政府正在抓你。)22. Im crazy about his music.(我非常喜欢他的音乐。)23. This is a revolutionary method.(这是一个革命性的方法。)24. What am I supposed to do?(我应该做什么?)25. Whats the difference?(有什么不同?)27. Do you work out?(你经常锻炼吗?)28. I want to treat you to dinner.(我想请你吃饭。)29. You need to watch your mouth.(你说话要注意点。)30. Lets make a deal.(让我们做个生意。)熟练掌握哦!
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