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9thGRADE 2015年番禺一模 YOURNAME: _2、 语言知识与运用第一节 单选16. Long long ago,there_four foxes and they lived a happy life together.A, had B, has C, were D, are 17. Lucy and her friend_at the airport in half an hour.They are going to Taiwan.A, met B, meet C, have met D, will meet 18.The people in Brazil will have to get_ready before the 2016 Brazil Olympic Games.A,anything B, nothing C, something D, everything19. The old man came into the room with a little boy_was carrying a big bag.A, who B, which C, whom D, whose20. Pauls parents were worried that he_too much time on computer games.A, spent B, cost C, paid D, took21. She had to stop_his test paper because it was time to hand it in.A, write B, wrote C, to write D, writing 22. This year our school is_than it was last year.A, much more beautiful B, much beautiful C, the most beautiful D, beautiful23. You _write the poem down.Our teacher will give us a copy.A, cant B, shouldnt C, neednt D, couldnt24. If he _harder, he will catch up with us soon.A, study B, studies C, will study D, studying25. During her first day in China, Lily was asked_.A, whether she could use chopsticks B, whether could she use chopsticksC, if she can use chopsticks D, if can she use chopsticks第二节 语法选择 Confucius was born on August 27th,551 BC in Zou, China. He was 26 great teacher at that time. Confucius is also 27 at Kong Qiu. It is generally thought that he was born into a rich family. However, some people describe him as being born into a poor family. Confucius beliefs were based on the concept of self-discipline(自律). He believed 28 a leader need to exercise self-discipline. His teaching ideas focused on the “Six Art”. To Confucius, the main goal of 29 a teacher was to teach people to live with honest. 30 his teaching he made a big difference in that society.Confucius is famous for writing. He wrote some of the 31 traditional Chinese works, one of 32 is the Book of Odes (诗经). He also wrote a historical book of Lu, called the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋). Confucius also 33 Lunyu. It was so important in Chinese culture that everyone in China knew it.Confucius died 34 November 21st,479 BC in Qufu, China. Today he is 35 regarded as one of the greatest teachers in Chinese history.来源:学科网ZXXK26. A, an B, a C, the D, / 27. A, know B, knew C, knowing D, known 28. A, when B, what C, that D, which 29. A, being B, to be C, be D, be being 30. A, Because B, When C, Through D, Though 31. A, more famous B, most famous C, famouser D, famousest32. A, them B, they C, theirs D, their 33. A, write B, wrote C, writes D, written 34. A, in B, at C, on D, about 35. A, widely B, wide C, wider D, more widely 三、完形填空One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how toplantheir time.He gave an example that those students would never 36 . He pulled out a wide jar (罐子) and put it on the table.He also took out several rocks and 37 put them into the jar one at a time.When no more rocks wouldbe fitinside, he asked, Is this jar full? Everyone in the class shouted, Yes. The teacher replied, Really? He pulled out a box of small stones.He dumped(丢下) some in and 38 the jar.The stones went down into the spaces 39the big rocks.He then asked the group once more, Is this jar full? Probably not, one of them answered.Good! he replied.He brought out a glass of sand and dumped the sand into the jar and it went into all of the spaces 40 .Once more he asked the question,Is this jar full? No! the class started.Once again he said, Good! Then he poured a cup of water in 41 the jar was full.Then he asked, What is the key point here? One student put up his hand and said, The key point here is that even if you are 42 , you canstillplan everything well if you try really hard! No, the teacher replied, thats not the point.The point is if you dont put the big rocks in 43 , youll never get them in.What are the big rocks in your 44 ? Time with your loved ones, your education, or your dreams? Remember to put these big rocks in first, or youll 45 get them inat all. ( )1.A.listen ( )2.A.strongly ( )3.A.threw ( )4.A.into ( )5.A.added ( )6.A.before ( )7.A.excited ( )8.A.first ( )9.A.study ( )10.A.soon B.take B.loudly B.broke B.in B.made B.until B.happy B.later B.family B.never
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