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宁乡县用心教育培训学校2016暑假7进8英语测试卷用心学员: I、单项选择(15分)1、Can Tom play _piano ?No ,but he can play _basketball .A.the ;the B./;the C.the ;/ D./;/2、I _at ten oclock in the evening .A.have breakfast B.get up C.go to bed D.watch morning TV3、It takes _about 20 minutes _the windows .A.he ;to clean B.him ;cleaning C.he ;cleaning D.him ;to clean 4、All of the following are school rules except (除了)”_”.A.No photos B.Dont fight C.No smoking D.Dont talk loudly 5、_?Because it is clever .A.How do you like the dog ? B.When do you see the dog ? C.Where can you see the dog ? D.Why do you like the dog ?6、Lets go to the zoo on Sunday morning ._.A.That sounds good B.Thank you very much C.Yes ,we do D.Not at all 7、My mother is _soup .She often _soup for us .A.make ;making B.making ;makes C.do ;doing D.do ,does 8、There are 30_in our school .A.men teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.men teachers 9、There are a lot of people and cars on new street .Its a _street .A.busy B.small C.big D.dirty 10、Today peter is wearing a _jacket .A.thick long blue. B. blue thick long C. long thick blue D. long blue thick11、Many people dont like mutton noodles _cabbage noodles .A.and B.with C.or D.but 12、I want to make soup .Here are some onions ,please help me to _.A.cut up it B.cut it up C.cut up them D.cut them up13、The film is so _that every child is _in it .A.interested ;interesting B. interesting; interested C.interested ; interested D.interesting;interesting14、Can you hear what I said ?Sorry.Something is wrong with my _.A.eyes B.feet C.ears D.mouth 15、When _julie _her room ?Last night .A.does ;clean B.did;clean C.is ;clean D.do ,clean II、根据题意完成下列句子 (15分)16、你可以星期天拨打85462683找我。You can _ _ _85462683_Sunday .17、It is about five kilometers from my school to the shopping center .(对画线部分提问)_ _is it from your school to the shopping center?18、We went to the park last weekend .(改为否定句)We _ _to the park last weekend.19、那些游客大声向我们呼救。The _ _ _ us for help .20、Lili visited a fire station last week .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ lili _a fire station last week ?_,she _.III、完形填空(20分)Bettys brother is thirty years old .He works in a 21 .He is a waiter .He is very 22 every day .He goes to work very early and 23 home very late .His home is a bit far from his workplace ,so he usually 24 a bus to work .He has a lot of things 25 every day .There are may people in the restaurant every day ,and there are more people 26 Saturdays and Sundays .People like to come to the restaurant 27 it has some special for dumplings every day .The bowls have three 28 small ,medium and large .If you dont have enough (足够的)money with you ,you may 29 for them next time .Bettys brother is 30 to everyone,so people like to talk with him .()21,A.hotel B.restaurant C.bank D.school ()22, A.lazy B.happy C.heavy D.busy ()23, A.gets B.starts C.has D.cleans ()24, A.brings B.buys C.takes D.sells ()25, A.do B.to do C.does D.doing ()26, A.on B.at C.for D.in ()27, A.and B.but C.so D.because ()28, A.ages B.prices C.sizes D.colors ()29, A.ask B.pay C.eat D.wait () 30, A.bad B.clever C.shy D.friendly IV、情景交际(10分)A:Hi ,wang nan ,you look so beautiful in the red and white shirt .B:Thank you very much .A:Where did you buy it ?B:31._A:Sanya?32._B:Last month .I went there with my family . A:How long did you stay there ?B:33._we went sightseeing in many places.A:We know Sanyas beaches are beautiful .34._B: Yes .When I was lying on the beach ,I felt so cool and relaxed .A:35._A.Ill come back soon .B.For a week .C.In sanya .D.I hope to visit it one day. E.Why did you go to sanya ?F.Did you go there ?G.When did you go there ?B:I think youll love it .V、阅读理解(30分)AMany students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day .Parents think taking the school bus is very safe (安全的).But sometimes it is also dangerous .Some students died (死亡)because they broke the school bus rules .What are the rules ?1,Arrive at the bus station early .2,Wa
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