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窗体顶端1.(2.0分) (交际用语) Have you been to Paris?_. A、No, I didnt go there last year. B、No, but I hope to go there sometime next year. C、Paris is a nice place to visit. D、No, it was a long time ago.2.(2.0分) Mathematics as well as other subjects _ a science. A、was B、is C、are D、belong to3.(2.0分) Most of the stones are _ a man nd weigh about two nd a half tons each. A、more high B、much more high C、higher more D、higher than4.(2.0分) _ the door than somebody started knocking on it. A、I had closed nosooner B、No sooner had I closed C、I had no soonerclosed D、No sooner I close5.(2.0分) (交际用语) What do you do? _. A、What do you do? B、Fine, thank you. C、Im a college student. D、I do well in my studies.6.(2.0分) (交际用语) I wonder if you could do me a favor._. A、Sure. B、Icould. C、Yes,I do. D、No,not at all. 7.(2.0分) (交际用语) How many students do you teach? _. A、Quite a bit. B、More boys than girls. C、About 50. D、Three classes.8.(2.0分) Economics,several courses of which I have taken thus far, _ to be difficult but useful for almost all students. A、prove B、proves C、ave been proved D、are proved9.(2.0分) Either of these young ladies _ perfectly qualified to teach greek, latin nd french. A、were B、are C、is D、have been 10.(2.0分) _ he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment. A、As soon as B、As well as C、So far as D、So long as 11.(2.0分) _ he is absent, what shall we do? A、Now that B、Seeing that C、Whether D、Supposing that12.(2.0分) (交际用语) Are you rom italy? _ . A、Yes, we are. B、No, we dont. C、No, I dont. D、No, we wont.13.(2.0分) The company official _ I thought would be fired received a raise. A、whom B、whoever C、who D、which14.(2.0分) A student, _ name I dont know, came to see me. A、that B、who C、whose D、whom15.(2.0分) A thousand miles no longer _ much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us to a great distance within a matter of a few hours. A、meant B、means C、mean D、will mean16.(2.0分) I didnt remember his name _ after I had greeted him. A、when B、as C、until D、while17.(2.0分) (交际用语) Im awfully sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time._. A、Just tell me the reason. B、You shouldnt have said so. C、No problem. D、Actually Ive only been here for twenty minutes. 18.(2.0分) Cattle_ to graze on the village common. A、are allowed B、is allowed C、allows D、allow19.(2.0分) (交际用语) Mary, are you nd your husbnd busy this weekend? _. A、This weekend we may go to cinema. B、No, were not. C、Oh, its none of your business. D、Welcome to our party.20.(2.0分) (交际用语) I wonder if Julie will arrive at five thirty as she said this morning._. A、I think so. B、She will be late. C、I dont know. D、Dont worry. She always keeps her word. 21.(2.0分) The village_ my mother grew up in is not far rom the city. A、what B、here C、which D、wherever 22.(2.0分) (交际用语) Are you going on holiday?_. A、Not until next week. B、Three weeks ago. C、To Beijing. D、for only a day r two.23.(2.0分) The International Studies University, _ in 1951, is a military academy. A、founded B、has been founded C、to have beenfounded D、was founded 24.(2.0分) (交际用语) Hows the performance? Excellent?_. A、Far from. I should have stayed home sleeping. B、It lasted until midnight. C、My seat was far rom the stage. D、Sorry. I dont agree with you. 25.(2.0分) The machine is such _ I have never seen before. A、what B、as C、when D、here窗体底端
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