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东阳中学高三阶段性检测自选模块试题卷题号:01 阅读论语选读中以下文段,说说孔子的交友原则。(10分)子曰:“忠告而善道之,不可则止,毋自辱焉。”子曰:“事君数,斯辱矣;朋友数,斯疏矣。”子曰:“视其所以,观其所由,察其所安,人焉廋哉?人焉廋哉?”子曰:“君子不以言举人,不以人废言。”题号:02 阅读山羊兹拉特节选文字, 回答后面的问题。(10分)外边,大风将雪片堆积在洞口处, 四周变得一片漆黑。干草堆里一点不冷。草堆里野草和野花散发出夏日阳光的温暖。兹拉特上下左右不时吃着草, 它的身体散发出着热气,阿隆靠着踏缩成一团。他从来就喜欢兹拉特,现在, 兹拉特在他眼里, 简直就像他的妹妹。他便一边捋着兹拉特的毛一边问它: “兹拉特,我们现在的一切, 你怎么想?”“咩”兹拉特说。 “如果我们没找到这个干草垛,我们俩现在不都得冻僵了?”阿隆说。 “咩”山羊又答道。 “如果大雪仍继续这样下的话,我们可能要在这儿呆几天。”阿隆解释说。 “咩”兹拉特叫了一声。 “咩是什么意思呢?你最好说得更明白些。”阿隆要求道,“咩咩”兹拉特试着要说明白。 “噢你不会说话,可我明白你的意思。你是说, 我需要你,你也需要我。是吗?”阿隆耐心地说。“咩” 阿隆困了。他用干草做了个枕头躺下睡了。兹拉特也跟着睡了。当阿隆睁开眼睛时,他说不清到底是白天还是黑夜。大雪盖住了天窗。他试着去捅开,可他的手臂全伸直了,还是捅不开。幸亏那根棍子还在身边。花了很大力气,他才用棍子捅开了天窗。外边,始终一片乌黑。雪继续在下。寒风呼啸着,起先用一种调子,后来,越来越响,成了各种调子的合奏,就像恶魔狞笑1、在故事情节中,作者塑造了“草堆”这一让主人公脱离困境的环境,如果将草堆设计为“木屋”,好不好?为什么?(5分)2、联系全文内容,说说作者描写这一场突然而来的暴风雪对于小说有怎样的价值?(5分)题号:03 “复数与导数”模块已知函数(1)判断函数在区间上极值点情形及个数.(2)当时,若关于x的不等式恒成立,求实数的取值范围.题号:04 “计数原理与概率”模块(1)已知展开式中,奇数项的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式中含项的系数为 (2)在1,2,3,4,5,6,7的任一排列中,使相邻两数都互质的排列方式种数共有 种 题号:05 阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Animal testing is CRUEL. Every year more than 100 million innocent animals are used for the testing of chemicals, drugs, food, and cosmetics. These animals are locked inside cages all their life, living with pain, longing for attention, love, and freedom. These animals have become poisoned, blinded, and even killed. This is sick. USE HUMANS THEN. Animals have benefited us greatly all our lives. Throughanimal testing, scientists have also been able to discover new cures and treatments for diseases in animals as well as humans. For example, an experiment of removing pancreases (胰腺) from dogs, allowed the discovery of insulin (胰岛素), which has saved diabetics around the world. The past experiments cannot be undone now, and millions of animals still remain dead, but we can stop this from continuing. With advancing technology, alternative testing methods now exist that can replace the use of animals. By studying cell cultures, scientists were able to create an artificial sheet of human skin. Animals are incredibly different from us and make poor test subjects. Drugs past the animal test are not necessarily safe for humans. Animal testing is misleading research and is not accurate. More reliable methods such as the artificial human skin or members of death row (死囚) are a much cheaper alternative. For example, “In cancer studies, animal tests of a single substance may take four to eight years and cost $400,000 or more, whereas short-term non-animal studies cost as little as $200-$4,000 and can be completed in just days”. Why are we not using this? Save our animals. Stop animal cruelty.第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Animal testing is always a controversial topic.B. People say the purpose of studying animals is to get a better understanding of how the human body works.C. Animal testing is expensive and a waste of money.D. Though animal testing has led to the discovery of many useful vaccines and medicines in our life, it is no longer necessary.E.This is more accurate than animal skin, as most of the products they are testing are for humans after all.第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。What is the main idea of the passage?_题号:06 填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应的答案写在答题纸上。 If I were to ask you who have changed your life, a person would pop into your head. More than likely that person is a teacher, friend, parent, or relative. The you think about it, the number of people who have changed your life increases. Yet, the number of people is still small, every one (leave) their fingerprints on your life. If you were to ask me, my answer would be from the usual. Every person I have met, loved, hated, talked to, known, or learned from has changed my life. Not every person has changed it in a positive way though; some have left wounds, while others have left hope. You life can (influence) by anyone. It doesnt matter whether you have known them forever you have just met. Sometimes it is the little things that change our lives. When someone you dont know holds the door open for you, or helps you pick up your (belong) from the floor, just for those split seconds the world is a little nicer. The people around you can turn bad days into good ones, and good days into bad ones. Everyone around you affects your life you realize it. You may think everything I have written is wrong, but I disagree. Some people simply make bigger impacts than others. _, most changes are small, only changing your path the smallest fraction (小部分) of an inch. Like everything else, those small fractions of an inch began to add up over time. Then befor
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