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媒介行业术语AAAA (American Associations of Advertising Agencies): AAAA (美国广告代理商协会) 美国广告代理公司的行业组织.A trade association of U.S. advertising agencies.Advertising agency: 广告代理为客户准备及投放广告的公司.这些公司有专门的媒介部门从事广告时间的策划, 购买及评估.A company that prepares and places advertising for its clients Agencies typically have media departments that specialize in planning, buying, and evaluating advertising time.AQH (Average Quarter Hour):平均15分钟间隔(AQH)用于报告特定时段内平均受众量的标准时间单位.(如:AQH 视听率, AQH 受众份额).The standard unit of time for reporting average audience estimates(e.g.,AQH rating, AQH share)within specified dayparts.Audience flow: 受众流动受众从某一节目或时段转向另一个节目或时段的程度.The extent to which audiences persist from one program or time period to the next. See audience duplication, inheritance effects.Audience duplication: 受众重叠一种累计受众测量. 显示了一个节目或媒介的受众成为另一个节目或媒介受众的程度.A cumulative measure of the audience that describes the extent to which audience members for one program or station are also in the audience of another program or station.Audience fragmentation: 受众细分是一种媒介的受众分散在该媒介的众多节目中的现象.如: 有线电视进一步细分了电视观众, 使个频道的观众份额减少.A phenomenon in which the audience for a medium is distributed across a large number of program services. Cable is said to fragment the television audience, resulting in a decreased average audience share for each channel.Audience polarization: 受众两极分化是一种与受众细分有关的现象.某媒介或频道的受众比起一般受众更多地收看/收听该媒介或频道.A phenomenon associated with audience fragmentation, in which the audiences for channels or stations use them more intensively than an average audience member.Audience turnover: 受众周转是一种受众行为.通常表示为某媒介累计受众与平均15分钟受众的比例.A phenomenon of audience behavior usually expressed as the ratio of a stations cumulative audience to its average quarter hour audience.Available audience: 可得受众在任一时间点确实有可能使用某媒介的总体人数.在实际工作中被定义为确实使用了某媒介的受众.The number of people who are, realistically, in a position to use a medium at any point in time. It is often operationally deaned as those actually using the medium (i.e., PUT or PUR levels).Average audience rating: 平均受众视听率在特定时期内,某媒介或节目平均时间点的视听率.例如: 测量仪数据报告的是在一个电视节目中平均每分钟的观众量.The rating of a station or program at an average point in time within some specified period of time. Metered data, for example, allow reports of audience size in an average minute during a television program.Cable penetration: 有线电视渗透在特定市场上家庭安装有线电视的程度.表示为安装有线电视的家庭所占的百分比.The extent to which households in a given market subscribe to cable service. Typically expressed as the percent of all TV households that subscribe to basic cable.Channel loyalty: 频道忠诚度累计受众行为的一种表现.一个节目的受众不成比例地成为同一频道另一节目的受众.A common phenomenon of aggregate audience behavior in which the audience for one program tends to be disproportionately represented in the audience for other programs on the same channel.Cume: 累计累计受众的简称.指在特定段时期内某媒介的全部非重叠受众. 当累计被表示为该市场人口的百分比时, 代表累计视听率.Short for cumulative audience, it is the size of the unduplicated audience for a station over a specified period. When the cume is expressed as percent of the market population it is referred to as cume rating.Cume duplication: 累计重叠在一段特定时期内,两个媒介共享受众的规模.The percentage of a stations cume audience that also listened to another station, within some specified period.Effective exposure: 有效暴露广告媒介策划中使用的概念.指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率, 广告才能发生效用. 经常与有效频率交替使用.A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective. Often used interchangeably with the term effective frequency.Fringe: 边缘时间在电视市场中,指傍晚时段(黄金段最初的时段)之前,和晚间新闻(黄金段最后的时段)之后的时段.In television, dayparts just before prime time (early fringe) and after the late news (late fringe).Gross impressions: 总暴露频次指在一段时期内暴露于某广告的受众总和. 因为有重叠受众,所以该数字有可能超过总体人口.The number of times an advertising schedule is seen over time. The number of gross impressions may exceed the size of the population since audience members may be duplicated.GRP (Gross Rating Point): 总视听率点以占人口的百分比来表示广告的总体效果.GRP常用于一个广告的总体受众或媒介影响力.The gross impressions of an advertising schedule expressed as a percentage of the population. GRPs are commonly used to describe the size or media weight of an advertising campaign. GRPs=Reach Frequency.Hammocking: 吊床效应一种电视节目编排策略.将一个新的或较弱的节目安排在两个受欢迎的节目中间播出, 以期提高中间节目的收视率.A television programming strategy in which an unproven or weak show is scheduled between two popular programs in hopes that viewers will stay tuned, thereby enhancing the rating of the middle program.Inertia: 惰性形容受众行为.指除非看到很厌恶的节目, 观众一般不会更换频道.A description of audience behavior that implies viewers are unlikely to change channels unless Provoked by very unappealing programming.Inheritance effect: 沿袭效应电视观众收视行为中的一种常见现象.即一个节目的观众会大批地成为接下来一个节目的观众. 有时被称为 “导入节目效应”.观众的节目沿袭效应可视为一种特殊的频道忠诚性.A common phenomenon of television audience behavior in which the audience for one program is disproportionately represented in the audience of the following program. Sometimes called lead-in effect
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