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CMAC船员就业协议(中国海事仲裁委员会)政府示范文本标签版本中英双语版场景适用于船员雇佣。不适用于 其它岗位用工。要点甲方(船方)雇佣乙方(船员),向乙方支付工资报酬。双方是否属于劳动关系不明。部分内容不符合劳动合同法规定。CMAC船员就业协议(推荐版)CMAC Seafarers Employme nt Agreeme nt甲方(船方):乙方(船员):Party A (Shipow ner):Party B (Seafarer):国籍:出生日期:Natio nality:Date ofBirth:住所地:出生地:Address:Place of birth:邮编:住所地:Postal code:Address: 法定代表人:护照号:Legal represe ntative:Passport No. 联系人:海员证号: Contact person: Seaman Passport No.:联系电话:联系电话: Teleph one: Telepho ne: 中国境内受送达人:最近亲属:The addressee in China: n ext of kin: 住所地:住所地:Address:Address:电话:电话:Teleph one:Telepho ne:为维护甲、乙双方的合法权益,依照现行有效的2006年海事劳工公约、中华人民共和国海事劳工规则和中华人民共和国海员外派管理规定等有关内容,就甲方聘用乙方到其所属/光租/管理/经营的轮担任(职务)工作,双方协商达成如下协议:With a view to protecting the legitimate interests and rights of both Party A and Party B and in accordanee with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, the Regulations of the People s Republic of China on Maritime Labour and the Provisi ons of the People Republic of China on the Admi nistratio n of Overseas Assig nment of Seafarers, both Parties en tered into the follow ing Agreeme nt in respect of Party A emplo ying Party B in the capacity ofon board MVwhich isown ed/bareboat-chartered/ma naged/operated by Party A.第一条协议期限Article 1 Agreeme nt Period经双方协商,同意使用以下第种作为本协议的期限:Both Parties agree to adopt the followi ng No.Period as the Period for thisAgreeme nt:(一) 固定期限:甲方对乙方的聘用期限为个月。船员在船连续工作期限一般不超过八个月。因船舶停靠港口或者航行的航线不方便更换船员的,工作期限可适当提前或者延后两个月。延长期内乙方基本工资增长%。1. Defi nite Period: Party B will be employed by Party A for a period ofmon th(s). I ngen eral, the period Party B works con ti nu ously on board shall not exceed 8 mon ths. Incase it is not convenient for Party B to sig n off in the port(s) the ship calls at duri ng the voyage, the employme nt period may be term in ated 2 mon ths in adva nee of or beh ind the agreed date of expiry. During the postponed period, the basic wages of Party B shall be in creased by %.(二) 无固定期限:聘期从年 月日起。双方均有权终止协议,但需提前至少天(注:横线内填写的天数不得少于 7天,建议填写30天)预先通知对方。2. Indefinite Period: The commencement of the employment period shall be from the dateof(day)(mon th) (year). Both Parties are en titled to term in ate thisAgreeme nt, provided that a no tice of at least days (a minimum of 7 days to beinserted ,advice 30 days) should be made to the other Party.(三)以航次为期限:从起,到止。航次航行至目的港后,以作为该协议期限结束之标志。3. Voyage Period: comme ncing at, termi nated at. After arrival at the portof dest in ati on, this Agreeme nt shall be deemed to expire when.第二条航行区域Article 2 Tradi ng Area乙方服务的船舶应在航区航行,如需要改变航区,应事先与乙方的服务机构及乙方商量。The ship Party B serves on board shall sail with in the tradi ng area of.Incase the trading area is to be modified, consultation should be made in advance with Party B and his recruitme nt and placeme nt service.如果乙方所服务的船舶需要驶往战区、可能严重威胁生命的传染疾病疫区,甲方需要征得乙方同意,并可向乙方支付特殊津贴。如果乙方拒绝前往,甲方应当安排该船员遣返并支付遣返费用。In the eve nt it is n ecessary for the ship on board which Party B serves to be bound for a war zone or an affected area with serious life-threate ning in fectious diseases, Party A shall obta in the consent of Party B and may pay to him special allowa nces. If Party B refuses to go, Party A shall arrange repatriation for Party B and pay the cost of repatriation therefor.如果船舶驶经海盗活动区域,甲方应及时通报信息,与乙方协商,并参照国际组织或国家有关法律规定执行。In the eve nt the ship is trad ing to a pirate-i nfested area, Party A shall disclose suchin formati on in time and con sult with Party B, and shall take measures in pursua nce of releva nt legal provisi ons of states and intern ati onal orga ni zati ons.第三条工资报酬Article 3 Wages and Payme nts甲方应当按本协议约定的时间按时向乙方支付工资报酬。乙方工资报酬包括基本工资和额外报酬两大部分。额外报酬包括加班费、带薪休假金(从乙方离开中国之日起)、奖金、津贴 及其他额外报酬等。Party A shall pay in time the wages and payments due to Party B at the agreed time in this Agreeme nt. The wages and payme nts of Party B in clude basic wages and extra payme nts. The extra payme nts in clude overtime payme nts, paid ann ual leave (comme ncing from the date Party B left Chin a), bonu ses, allowa nces as well as other extra payme nts.基本工资从乙方上船之日起至返回中国之日止按月计算,不足整月的按天计算。
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