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2017年中华人民共和国普通高等学校联合招收华侨、港澳地区、台湾省学生入学考试Matriculation English Test(METI7).英语运用(共35小题,每小题1分;满分35分)21. -We havent done very well. have we?-_.At least we triedA. Im fineB. Never mindC. Youre welcomeD. The same to you22.There was _accident here yestcrday. A car hit a tree and _driver was badly injured.A. an: anB. an;theC. a: aD. a: the23. _ something unexpected happens, Ill see you tomorrow at school.A. BeforeB. UnlessC. AlthoughD. Because24.A woman and a child had a_escape yesterday when their car left the road.A. closeB. smallC. narrowD. near25. Whale breathe through lungs just as we humans do, so the_come up for air.A. mayB. canC.mightD. must26. I hate moving. We_ four moves In three years.A. haveB. will haveC. are havingD. have had7.-That drum player was certainly loud.-I wasnt bothered by his loudness_by his lack of skill.A. so much asB. rather thanC. as thoughD. more or less28. The shipping group, _profits dived last year by ncarly a third, has told sharcholders toexpect an even lower result for this year.A.whoseB. whereC. whichD. that29.S0, _ one year of planning, what made you decide then to go into ArchitectureA. having doneB. doingC.to doD. done30. My brother lent me the money. _I couldnt have afforded the tripA. FurthermoreB. OtherwiseC morcoverD. Nevertheless31. _began as a local festival has blossomed into an international eventA ThatB. WhereC. WhichD. What32. We cant_buying a new car any longer. The one weve got now just doesnt start in the morning.A. put offB. pick upC. count onD.bear on33. The car is great_its power, economy and space, but it is not comfortable.A. by way ofB. by means ofC. in terms ofD. in place of34. Ideally we would want_to be good contact between the child and both parents.A. itB. thereC. oneD any35. When_, the museum will be open to the public next month.A. to completeB. completesC. completingD completedB)完形填空:(共20小题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36至55各题中所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Gaynor Norgans three-year-old daughter Eve began to choke(噎住)on a bag of Maltesers as they drove in the car. gaynor, who is a 36 first aider desperately tried to force the chocolate out 37 the heimlich manoeuvre(海姆立克急救法). When it 38 she started to fcar the worst. Then a passing stranger 39 to her aid.Gaynor, 39, told the Manchester Evening News: “We were 40 out of the car park and I heard Eve gurgling. She was 41in the back with my mum. I 42 and could see the Malteser 43 in her windpipe. I stopped the car, 44 her out of the car seat and started to administer the Heimlich manoeuvre. I 45 it twice but I couldnt get it out. Then 46 came over and she couldn t do it either.” I was 47 at that point. I just fell 48. Then this man came and 49 her from both of us and put her over his 50. He hit her hard on the back and it 51 straight away. Then he just 52 her back to me. Then he disappeared.”“Eve is all right now but if he hadnt been there I strongly 53 She would have choked to death. I just want to say thank you.”The man who 54 wore a brown leather jacket and carried a walking stick. He had slightly graying hair and is thought to have been in his 40s. The 55 parents wish he would come forward.36.A. foundB. calledC. taughtD. trained37.A usingB showingC. pushingD. practicing38.A. helpedB. failedC. took overD. went down39A. attractedB. sentC. enteredD. came40.A. drivingB runningC walkingD. looking41.A. sleepingB. sittingC. strugglingD fighting42.A.searchedB. went backC. tuned aroundD. started43.A. shakenB. lainC. tornD. stuck44.A. foundB. askedC.preparedD. got45.A. blewB. learnedC.triedD. rescued46.A.a womanB. Gaynor C.a manD. a reporter47.A. smilingB. screamingC.rushingD.jumping48.A. apartB.overC. outD.away49A. comfortedB. assistedC.brokeD.took50.A. kneeB. backC. handD. head51.A. leftB.workedC. liftedD.moved52.A. paidB. orderedC. handedD. rushed53.A. adviseB. supportC. believeD. promise54.A. helpedB. managedC. travelledD. drove55.A. carefulB. gratefulC. hopefulD. wonderful.阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分;满分50分)Julie boergers, Ph. D, a sleep expert from the Bradley Hasbro Childrens Research Center, recently led a study connecting later school start times to improved sleep and mood in teens.“Sleep deprivation is common among teenagers, with potentially serious impacts on mental and physical health, safety and learning. Early high school start times contribute to this problem .”said Boergers In this study, we looked at whether a delay in school start time would change students sleep patterns, sleepiness, mood and caffeine(咖啡因)use.”Beorgers team conducted the School Sleep Habits survey among boarding students attending an independent high school both before and after their school start time was experimentally de
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