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北京市房屋租赁合同英文版北京市房屋租赁合同DATE日期:Lessor (Hereafter referred to as THE LESSOR)出租人 (以下简称甲方):ID Card No. 身份证(护照)号: TEL 电话: Mail Add 通讯地址. :Lessee: (Hereafter referred to as THE LESSEE)承租人 ( 以下简称乙方):ID Card No. 身份证(护照)号: TEL 电话: Mail Add 通讯地址:This Lease has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE complying with The Lease or Rent Contract Law Of The Peoples Republic Of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government.根据中华人民共和国租赁合同法甲乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的 基础上,经协商一致,订立本合同。内容如下:1: The property to be leased is described as出租物业 :Location 地点: Area 面积:2: Rental fees 租金 :2.1 : RMBper mo nth.该房屋月租为人民币 元;大写:万 仟佰 拾元整。2.2: Rental should be payable on month base inadvance. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the day of each succeeding months term.租金每 个月付一次。具体付款日期 : 前支付,甲方收到为准。2.3 :Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 0.2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THELESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.乙方如逾期支付租金,每逾期一天,则乙方需按月租金的 0.2%支付滞 纳金,欠交租金超过七天,视同违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并由乙方 承担一切违约责任。2.4 :Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN.THE LESSOR will make out receipt.租金以人民币支付,甲方出具收据。3: 押金 Deposit:3.1 :At the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of months equivalent rental RMB shall be paid by THELESSEE in cash. 签约时,承租人须支付相当于月房租的押金,即人 民币元整。该押金不得冲抵房款。3.2 :The deposit shall be refundable after its expiration or early termination ( with same currency and with no interest thereupon ), providing all furnishings, contents and rental property are not subject to any loss of unusual damage, and all the various bills have been duly settled. 在合同到期或解 约后 , 甲方在乙方不拖欠任何费用和保持室内设施完好的情况下即返 还押金。4:租期 Lease term:4.1 : From the datetofor continuousmonths.If residence is overstayed, one monthrent is due to lessor, even if oversay is less than one month.乙方租用该房期限为 个月,即自 年 月 日至年 月 日止。超过该租 期,不足一个月按一个月计算。4.2 :No early termination either by THE LESSOR or by THE LESSEE is allowed during the lease period, Otherwise, one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party.在租赁合同期内,甲乙双方任何一方未经对方同意中途擅自解除合同 的,应向对方支付一个月的房租作为违约金。4.3 :At its expiration ,with a must of 30 days prior written notice to THE LESSOR, THE LESSEE retains his priority to renew this lease.THE LESSOR shall also inform THE LESSEE 30 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted. If the occupants decide not to renewlease within THE LESSEEs term, THE LESSEE shall give a prior written notice to THE LESSOR. 本合同期满时,乙方有优先续租权,但须提前 30 天给予甲方书面通知, 取得甲方的同意,并签订续租合同。甲方亦须在 30 天前通知乙方是否 变动租金。4.4: If Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, non-man-made fire, government order etc.)cause to terminating the contract, THE LESSEE and THE LESSOR should be free of duty.因洪水、地震、或政府拆迁、征用等不可抗力原因,造成双方不得不 中止合同,双方不承担违约责任,按实际天数计算房租。4.5 :In case that the property ownership is transferred during the lease, THE LESSEE has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from THE LESSOR or any the third party.在租赁期间,甲方的房屋所有权发生转移,乙方有权继续主张本合同 的权利和义务,甲方及第三方不能损害乙方的权利和义务。5: Lease Term 租赁条件 :5.1: These premises are limited of residential use only by THE LESSEE, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office. 乙方不得将该房屋用作公司或代表处的注册地址。5.2 :THE LESSEE shall not carry in the premises any unlawful of illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the leasing regulations of the government. Otherwise, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE.乙方不得在出租房屋内进行违反中国法律及政府对出租房屋用途有关 规定的行为,否则甲方有权在书面通知乙方后收回房屋。5.3 :THE LESSEE shall not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any joint-venture or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from THE LESSOR. Otherwise, THE LESSOR can terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit. THE LESSEE and the third party shall return the property unconditionally to THE LESSOR. THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租、分租、转让、转借、联营、入股、抵押或与他人调剂交换使用,否则甲方有权终止合同并 没收押金。乙方及第三方必须无条件退还出租房,且由乙方承担一切 违约责任。5.4 :THE LESSEE should pay in time the water, gas, electricity , heating fee, the Tel-Bills, TV receiving , managing fee and the lease related invoice taxes on actual user basis. Delayed payment more than 15 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.乙方应按时支付因租用该出租房屋而产生的有关费用,包括:水费、 电费、煤
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