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Lesson11Whendoyouusuallygetup 单词复习 1 远的分钟 一会儿乘 车 慢的女儿电话响2 步行乘自行车吃早餐一会儿 far minute by slow daughter telephone ring onfoot bybike havebreakfast foraminute Whendoyouusually 动词短语 Iusually 动词短语 at 时间 1 询问 你什么时间做某事 When 2 询问 你怎样到某地 How Howdoyouuaually 动词短语 Iusually 动词短语 交通方式 交通方式 onfoot bybike bybus bycar 1 Youareveryearly You too 2 Be am is are farfrom 离 远Herhomeisnotfarfromtheschool 3 单三形式 go goes去4 短语 去学校起床在七点乘自行车 gotoschool getup atseven bybike WhattimedoesPetergotoschool WhenHegoestoschoolateighto clock 单三 WhendoesPetergotobed Hegoestobedatteno clock 1 gotobed上床睡觉10 00atteno clock WhendoesPeterhavelunch Hehaslunchattwelveo clock 2 havelunch吃午饭12 00attwelveo clock 问 Whendo does 人 动词短语 答 人 动词短语 单三 at 时间 总结 询问 某人什么时间做某事 短语 1gotowork2 gotothezoo3 gototheUSA4 gotoschool5 visitGrandma 去工作去动物园去美国去学校拜访外婆 bycarbybusbyplaneonfootbybike 乘小汽车乘公共汽车乘飞机步行骑自行车 gotowork去工作bycar乘小汽车 Howdoyougotowork Ioftengotoworkbycar gotothezoo去动物园bybus乘公共汽车 gotothezoo gotothezoo bybus gototheUSA去美国byplane乘飞机 HowdoyougototheUSA IoftengototheUSAbyplane gotoschool去学校onfoot步行 gotoschool onfoot gotoschool visitGrandma拜访奶奶bybike乘自行车 HowdoyouvisitGrandma IoftenvisitGrandmabybike theUK getupatsix domorningexercises bybike gotobedatten rice Mom Look It sTom sletterfromthesummercamp Dad Howishedoing Mom He sverybusy Dad Good Whattimedoeshegetup Mom Hegetsupat5 30 Dad Wow Soearly 哇 这么早 夏令营 信 他怎么样 Mom Theyplayteamsports gohiking anddomanyotherthings Dad Soundsgreat Whendotheygotobed Mom At9 30 Dad That snottoolate 去远足 团队游戏 听起来很棒 太 起床吃早饭团队运动吃午饭去远足吃完饭唱歌跳舞上床睡觉 起床吃早饭在森林里走路吃午饭上游泳课吃完饭参加营火会上床睡觉 一 写出短语或单词 1 看 2 那个男孩 3 来自 4 打篮球 5 非常好 6 跟他打招呼 二 选择1 ishe He sJimmy HowB WhatC Who2 he fromtheUK Does comesB Do comeC Does come3 Doeshelikesports he A Yes doBNo doesC Yes does 练习 comefrom thatboy lookat playbasketball verywell sayhellotohim C C C 4 Let s hellotohim tosayB sayingC say5 Let ssayhello him forB toC in6 Let ssayhelloto heB hisC him7 Heplaysbasketballvery goodB greatC well8 He footballverywell A playB playsC playing 练习 C B C C B 练习 三 根据图片写出相应的运动 football basketball surfing冲浪 skiing滑雪 ReadIsLily sclockslow MrBrownlivesinLondon HisdaughterLilyworksinNewYork theUKLondon theUSANewYork 他的 MrBrownusuallygetsupatseventhirty Heusuallyhasbreakfastateightandhaslunchattwelve getupatseventhirty 8 00 havebreakfastateight havelunchattwelve 12 00 have 单三形式 get getshave has 12 15twelvefifteen havelunch吃午饭 It stwelvefifteen MrBrownishavinglunch Thetelephonerings It sLily MrBrownishappy 现在分词 have having有 7 20 Hetalkstoherforaminute Thenheasks Whatareyoudoingnow Lilysays I mhavingbreakfast talkto 跟 说话 havebreakfast 一会儿 No Ialwaysgetupearly What Youarehavingbreakfast Doyoualwaysgetupsolate Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Iusuallygetupatseven lesson10 lesson11 Butit slunchtimenow Whyareyoustillhavingbreakfast No it sonlyseventwentybymyclock Yourclockisslow 12 20 7 20 午饭时间 仍然 当 的时候 动词单三形式 一般加s live lives居住 生活work works工作get gets得到 到达ring rings响talk talks说话ask asks问say says说不规则 have has有 一 写出短语或单词 1 住在 2 在七点三十 3 吃早饭 4 吃午饭 5 一会儿 6 午饭时间 二 按要求写1 say单三 2 have单三 3 have现在分词 4 12 15 5 这么晚 练习 havebreakfast atseventhirty livein havelunch foraminute lunchtime says has having twelvefifteen solate 三 单项选择1 MrBrown inLondon liveB livingC lives2 Hisdaughterworks NewYork onB atC in3 MrBrownuauallygetsup seven onB atC in4 Heuauallyhasbreakfastateightand lunchattwelve haveB hasC having 练习 C C B B 5 Hetalks herforaminute toB forC on6 I mhavingbreakfast Whatdoyoudoing B Whatdoyoudo C Whatareyoudoing 7 youalwaysgetupsolate No Ialwaysgetupearly DoesB AreC Do8 doyouuauallygetup Iuauallygetupatseven A HowB WhenC What 练习 A C c B 四 按要求要成句子 Lily sclockisslow 变一般疑问句 2 Iusuallygetupatseven 对划线提问 3 Ialwaysgetupsolate 变一般疑问句 4 I mhavingbreakfast 对划线提问 练习 IsLily sclockslow Whendoyouusuallygetup Doyoualwaysgetupsolate Whatareyoudoing 四 连词成句 youstillwhyarebreakfasthaving 你仍然为什么早餐正在吃Whyareyoustillhavingbreakfast 2 lunchit snowtimebut Butit slunchtimenow 3 onlybytwentysevenmyclockit s It sonlyseventwentybymyclock 练习 最后一次家庭作业 1 1 11课单词2英1汉 2 1 11课Let slearn例句和短语1英1汉3 第9 10 11课Read1英1汉 4 P68Let stalk1英1汉 5 课文74页 82 83页习题做完 Goodbye Don tforgetme Iwillbeback
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