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Review Unit1 PartOneReview 1 physicsn 物理学2 advisev 劝告 建议3 agreev 同意4 gladadj 高兴地 乐意的5 hatev 憎恨 讨厌6 eitheradv 也 用在否定句中 7 surprisen v 惊奇 吃惊8 lendv 借出9 enemyn 敌人10 dealn v 交易11 encouragev 鼓励 支持12 discussv 讨论 谈论 13 immediatelyadv 立即地 马上地14 pleasuren 快乐 满足15 Englandn 英格兰16 patientadj n 有耐心的 病人17 localadj n 本地的 当地人18 agreewithsb 同意某人19 toone ssurprise令某人感到吃惊的是 20 advisesb todosth 建议某人做某事21 makeadeal达成一致22 encouragesb todosth 鼓励某人做某事23 introduceAtoB把A介绍给B24 spend in doing花费 时间 做 25 beupto由 定 Keywordsandphrases PartTwoCheck Review 1 V 劝告 忠告 建议 Review 2 也 用在否定句中 Review 3 lend Review 4 encourage Review 5 处理 应付 Review 6 讨论 Review 7 patient Review 8 toone ssurprise Review 9 鼓励某人做某事 Review 10 达成一致 Review 11 agree Review 12 advisesb todosth Review 13 agreewithsb Review 14 enemy Review 15 surprise PartThreeReviewlanguagepoints lend 我借给他两本书 Ilendtwobookstohim check patiently surprised 人 surprising 物 Ilendhimtwobooks lendsb sth advise either deal LanguagePointsandexercise A IlikeEnglish B IlikeEnglish too A Idon tlikemeat B Idon tlikemeat either IalsolikeEnglish IlikeEnglishaswell Eithermyparentsormysister be visitingmenextSunday Eithermysisterormyparents be visitingmenextSunday is are 否定句 句末 肯定句 句末 肯定句 句中 肯定句 句末 词语运用 Hello mynameisAlice I manEnglishteacher Onthefirstdayofmywork Igavesome advice tomystudentsonhowtostudyEnglishwell mysurprise thestudentsdidn tlistentomeatall Iconsideredthemasmy enemy SoIshoutedatthem angry Allofasudden itwasveryquiet ThenI go ontalkingaboutEnglish Inthefollowingdays Iam patience withmystudentsandIalways encourage themtoworkhard Duringbreaks mystudentsenjoy discuss problemswithme SometimesIlendthemsomebookstoread Becauseknowledgeispower Readingcanchangeaperson Ithinkeveryone agree withmeinthisopinion Andwealsomake deal iftheymakeprogresseveryday I llbuythemsomeprizes Withmyhelp somestudentsgraduallylikelearningEnglish Now I mpleasedwithsomestudents becausetheyhavemadeprogress Ihopemystudentscanperformwellintheentranceexamination advice patient encourage discussing agrees To went enemies angrily a PartFourSummary Summary adviseeitherdealencouragesurprise 6 agree7 patient8 discuss9 lend10 enemy Iamaslowwalker butIneverwalkbackwards Abraham LincolnAmerica 我走得很慢 但是我从来不会后退 亚伯拉罕 林肯美国 Neverunderestimateyourpowertochangeyourself 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力 Homework Reviewwhatwehavelearnttoday FinishexerciseofP45 46ReviewUnittwo Thankyou
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