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广州版五年级英语下册 Module1Unit2WhatShouldJiaminDo Soundfamily 用单词的适当形式填空 Myfatheroften go toworkbyunderground Isometimego shop withmymother Canyou walk withyourlegs Rob Youshould hand inyourhomeworkontime Look thechildren swim intheriver Listen thegirl practise thepianointheroom Don t read inthesun it sbadforyoureyes Hecan play footballverywell Wemustn t pick theflowersinthepark Ilike run butIdon tlike jump MrsChen go tocallJiamin smothertomorrow 在should can could would may 等情态动词的后面应该接动词原形 如果句子中出现频度副词usually sometimes often always never seldom时 句子应该用一般时态 注意第三人称单数的动词变化 如果句中含有表示将来的时间的词tomorrow next 要用一般将来时begoingto 在should can could would may 等情态动词的后面应该接动词原形 如果句子中出现频度副词usually sometimes often always never seldom时 句子应该用一般时态 用动词原形或者动词的第三人称单数 如果句中含有表示将来的时间的词tomorrow next 要用一般将来时be am is are goingto4 如果出现look listen now的时候 请用正在进行时态be am is are doing 1 play much shouldn t computer Jiamin games too 连词成句 Jiaminshouldn tplaycomputergamestoomuch 2 on in she her hand homework can t sometimes time Sometimesshecan thandinherhomeworkontime 3 sleeps looks and he sometimes in tired class Sometimeshelookstiredandhesleepsinclass 4 she later always to than bed goes me Shealwaysgoestobedlaterthanme 5 sure others he up I m can with catch the I msurehecancatchupwiththeothers 6 study I m about Jiamin s worried I mworriedaboutJiamin sstudy 7 Should more Mrs take exercise Chen MrsChenshouldtakemoreexercise 填入句子中所缺的单词 Sometimeshesleeps class He softenlate school Doeshehavealot homework Idon tthink Sheisoneyearolder me Thegirloftenhaslunch twelveo clock Theboyseldomgoestobedathalf ten Whattimetoyouget Linda Myfatherusuallygoestowork bus It stime gotobed It stime bed Howmanytermsarethere ayear They re holiday summerterm Whatdoyouusuallydo theweekend inforofsothanatpastupbytoforinon inat 用正确的词填空 Mysisterisap girl Shes ataprimaryschool Sheg toschoolbyu Shel musicverymuch Everydayshep thepianoforhalfanh AthomeshealwayshelpsMumdoh pretty studies goes underground likes loves practices hour housework
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