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人称代词表格 人称代词物主代词 反身代词 人称主格宾格 形容性 物主代词 名词性 物证代词 单 数 第一人称我Imemyminemyself 第二人称你youyouyouryoursyourself 第三人称 他hehimhishishimself 她sheherherhersherself 它itititsitsitself 复 数 第一人称我们weusouroursourselves 第二人称你们youyouyouryoursyourselves 第三人称 他 她 它们 theythemtheirtheirsthemselves 对 折 人称代词表格 人称代词物主代词 反身代词 人称主格宾格 形容性 物主代词 名词性 物证代词 单 数 第一人称我 第二人称你 第三人称 他 她 它 复 数 第一人称我们 第二人称你们 第三人称 他她 它们 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 一 学习重点 句型 1 Do you have a TV Yes I do No I don t 2 Do they have computer Yes the y do No they don t 3 Does he she have a soccer ball Yes he she does No he she doesn t 4 Let s play soccer 6 I don t have a soccer ball 8 That sounds good 知识点 1 have has 的用法 2 there be 与 have 的区别 3 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 疑问词 who where how what 三 典型例解 1 is your teacher It s Miss Gao A What B Who C Where D How 2 Tony and I are good friends but we are in different A classes B school C grade D age 3 Her hair black and long A has B am C is D are 4 Wang Fang have two small eyes No she has two big eyes A Does B Do C Is D Are 6 Does Li Ying have a small mouth No she has a wide A it B them C one D ones 7 I a big nose but he a small nose A have have B have has C has has D has have 8 Do the two boys have big noses A Yes they are B No they aren t C No they have big ones D Yes they do 四 单项选择 1 Lily and Liz a cat They like it very much A have is are 2 Do you have any empty bags I don t don t have any have any have 3 How many pens Jim Three have have has has don t a one have have has has a don t have colour pencils but I have some some any some 6 Is this your bike No it red His Her Her Mine day has a good rest and does his homework after school and Kate s sister that old woman a house near the river has have has have 9 what s the time I don t don t have a watch me Sorry Excuse me Sorry me Excuse me 10 Who 20 yuan now I do have have 11 you any apples Yes I have do have do having am have am 12 Do your friends have any story books No they t have t t 句子转换 have some baseball bats 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 have a big TV in our house 改为否定句 has many things to do today 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 has some money in her pocket 改为否定句 parents have five good friends 就划线部分提问 用 have 或 has 填空 1 A Do you a soccer ball B No I don t A What about Billy B I think he one 2 There are some children in the room They all new books But they don t any colour pencils Lei Hao a big pencil box Ren Lijuan a small one What about Bai jie Oh she two Unit6 Do you like bananas 一 翻译 喜欢 薯条 冰淇淋 五个西红柿 一些草莓 三个汉堡 九个香蕉 四个男人 一些花 吃早饭 许多 大量 健康食品 一位跑步明星 good 副词 health 形容词 tomato 复数 1 我们一天吃三顿饭 We three meals a day 2 我早晨 7 点吃早饭 I at 7 00 in the morning 3 汤姆午饭喜欢吃汉堡包和鸡蛋 Tom likes hamburgers and eggs 4 我们应当吃许多健康的食品 We should healthy food 5 我妈妈不喜欢吃鸡肉 My mother chicken 二 Complete the sentence with do does don t or doesn t 用 do does don t 或 doesn t填空 1 you like bananas Yes I 2 he like apples No he 3 Mary like carrots Yes she 4 they like chicken No they They like broccoli 5 your mother like apples Yes she And she likes strawberries too 三 根据要求改写句子 is a tomato 改为复数形式 These sister likes chicken 改为否定句 My sister chicken likes apples 改为一般疑问句 Ann apples doesn t like vegetables 改为肯定句 Tony vegetables you like strawberries 作肯定回答 I your sister like salad 作否定回答 No 四 Multiple choice 单项填空 oranges t like t like t likes and Tom fruit very much s some chicken is a star boy eats healthy food of lot 五 从括号中画出合适的词完成句子 1 Can Are Do you like bananas 2 Do Does Are your brothers like sports 3 Do Does Is your mother have a sister best friend Jim don t isn t doesn t like ice cream mother and I likes like want eating oranges parents doesn t don t aren t like hamburgers 三 单项选择 Can I help you Yes I d like five and some pears A potato B tomatoes C meat D banana 2 Come on children Help yourselves to some if you like A fish and chicken B fishes and chicken C fish and chickens D fishes and chickens 3 K ate some apples every day A has B have C eat D ate you have lunch at school A a B an C the D 5 What do you have supper Chicken and tomatoes A at B on C for D in 6 Which do you like better broccoli salad A or B in C on D and 7 He eats for dinner A many foods B much foods C a lot of foods D a lot of food and Tom fruit A are B don t like C likes D doesn t like
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