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冰心与巴金笔下“爱的世界”对比研究摘要:一九四九年十月一日,中华人民共和国诞生了。从此,中国革命进入了一个新的历史时期。与中国革命取得同一步调的现代文学也掀开了崭新的一页。她和社会主义事业一道发展繁荣,曲折前进。在这三十年的光辉进程中,广大老作家继承和发扬“五四”以来新文学的光荣传统,坚持文艺的革命方向,为社会主义文学事业辛勤劳动,在当代文学史上写下了新篇章。冰心和巴金两位老作家的成绩是较为突出的,他们以极大的热情致力于散文写作,把自己的文学事业同社会主义事业紧密结合起来,经受了时代风雨的考验,使自己的艺术之树开出朵朵新花,给散文园地增添了光彩。 本文把巴金早期的创作思想命题为“爱的世界”,并与冰心的早期创作“爱的世界”从形成渊源到表现形态进行比较,从两家不同的美学思想和创作个性中发掘出精神同质,并给“爱的哲学”以新的解释。一提到“爱的教育”,人们就会自然而然的想起冰心,想到冰心早期创作中一再颂扬的母爱、童心和大自然。仿佛“爱的世界”只是冰心的专利品,母爱、童心和大自然就是其主题模式,然而,在现代的中国,人道主义是一种及其普遍的文艺思想,同时也有很多的作家明确提出过“人类爱”的口号,而“人类爱”,正是“爱的世界”的思维基础和核心。虽然像冰心那样自觉探讨爱的世界的作家并不多,但也没有人与这种“爱的教育”倾向完全绝缘。我们可以从许多作家的创作里捕捉到这种“爱的教育”的踪迹。此外“爱的教育”概念也极其宽泛,并不限于母爱、童心和大自然三道主题,只不过冰心最先把这种美学思想在作品中系统化、神圣化、才形成了这种沿袭了几十年的审美心理定势。在巴金的作品中,笔者感觉到有一定熟悉的东西,一些类似于“爱的世界”的东西,巴金不像冰心那样“满蕴着温柔,微带着忧愁”地咏叹母爱、童心和大自然,而是鲜明地爱其所爱,恨其所恨,在作品中汇成汹涌澎湃之潮,正是这感情激流托出他那颗爱人类的心,那份探求真善美的热情与执着。这种倾向贯穿他的一生:不管是做人还是做文章,更加表现在他的早期创作中主导倾向也名为“爱的世界”,这种“爱的世界”与冰心的“爱的世界”有相似之处,也有不同之处。本文主要冰心与巴金笔下“爱的世界”做出对比进行研究。Abstract: in October 1, 1949, Peoples Republic of China was born. Since then, the Chinese revolution has entered a new historical period. Modern literature with the same pace of Chinese revolution has opened a new page. She worked with the socialist cause to develop and prosper. In the light of the process of these thirty years, the majority of the old writers to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the new literature since 54, adhere to the revolutionary literature and art, work hard for the cause of socialist literature, in the history of contemporary literature and wrote a new chapter. Bing Xin and Ba Jin two old writer performance is more prominent, they are committed to prose writing with great enthusiasm, his literary career closely combined with socialism, withstood the era storms and make their art tree out blossoming flowers, to add luster to the prose.The early works of Ba Jin proposition love the world, and Bing Xins early creation of love the world from the origin to the form of comparison, discover the spirit from homogeneous two different aesthetic ideas and creative personality, and to the philosophy of love in a new interpretation. When it comes to love education, people will naturally think of Bing Xin, think of the early creation of Bing Xin repeatedly praised the mother love, childlike innocence and nature. As a world of love is Bing Xins patent, love and innocence and nature is the theme, however, in the modern China, humanism is a common cultural ideology, but also have many writers clearly put forward the human love slogan, human love, it is the thought foundation and the core of love in the world. Although there are not many writers who consciously explore the world of love, like Bing Xin, no one is completely insulated from this love education. We can capture the traces of this love education from the works of many writers. In addition, the concept of love of education is extremely broad, not only love and innocence and the nature of the three themes, but Bing Xin was the first to this kind of aesthetics system in the works and sacred, before the formation of the old aesthetic psychological set for decades. In Ba Jins works, I feel some familiar things, some similar to the world of love. Ba Jin, unlike Bing Xin full of sorrow in a gentle, microstrip aria of love and innocence and nature, but clearly I love love, hate hate, a surging tide this is in the works in and out of his feelings torrent love the human heart, the exploration of truth goodness and beauty enthusiasm and dedication. This tendency throughout his life: whether it is life or the more performance in his early works in the leading tendency also known as love the world, is similar to the world of love and Bing Xins love the world, also has the difference. In this paper, Bing Xin and Ba Jin pen to compare the world of love for research.III目录摘要IAbstractII一、个人成长环境的影响1(一)早期教育1(二)后期教育之比较2二、冰心与巴金笔下“爱的世界”的相同点3(一)对爱的表达方式相同点3(二)对母爱探究的相同点4三,冰心与巴金笔下“爱的世界”的不同点4(一)对青少年儿童关爱的不同41、对爱的表达方式42、对儿童的影响5(2)对待女性态度及其命运61封建寂寥的叛逆者62封建利益的妥协者63新时代的新女性6总结8参考文献9一、个人成长环境的影响(一)早期教育 冰心的家庭是一个不旧但也不怎样新的家庭,并非富贵,只是生活富裕的做官人家。冰心女士的父亲是海军学校的海官,也算是风雅之人,母亲是知书达理的大家闺秀。在这样的家庭中成长,个人的情感是要丰富一点。儿童时期在海边长大的冰心,少了几分女孩子的荣弱,多了几分男孩子的坚刚。大海是她的亲人,她每天与大海朝夕相对。在春水、繁星中就有多篇写过关于海的赞歌。因为祖父也特别赞成后辈有读书识字的能力,这便给了冰心博览群书的条件。后来,随着父母一起离开故乡,走进四面都是山的北京,这里的环境给了冰心心灵上巨大的改变。母亲是一位十分接地气的女人,在家就一边干活,一边看书,还经常订阅报刊,比如:小说月报,我许多新鲜的事物都是从这上面而来。虽然,冰心的母爱意识在她的作品中随处可见,但是她对父亲的爱也是不可忽视的,在寄小读者九中就是先提到父亲,寄小读者十才是写信给母亲,这说明父亲在她心中的地位很大。由于父亲的工作,冰心可以经常去父亲的军舰上玩,也常听说海的故事。父亲还经常带我去听戏,经常去听华容道、草船借箭、群英会等,这让冰心对古典文体产生极大的兴趣。现在,冰心至少爱星甚至于月亮,那也因为父亲总是在夜空给我讲解各个星座的名称和位置。这样和睦的家庭关系滋润着冰心成长的心灵,父亲的爱使我以“爱”来灌溉我的作品。正是这样,在冰心的作品中总是包围在母爱童年的回忆、大海之中,“爱”是作品中核心的思想。 作为冰心的生死之交、知己,巴金也有其相似的地方,巴金也是一个被母爱包围长大的。巴金是一个封建官僚地主家庭,他在这个家庭中看透了旧社会封建制度的残酷。家中下人成群,他看见这些劳动人民的惨状,比如
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