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六年级英语第1页 共 2页 淮安区朱桥中心小学六 1 班 2015 2016学年度第一学期第一单元考试 六 年 级 英 语 试 卷 考试时间 2015年10月 12日共50分钟满分 130分命题 校对 阙金涛 阙老师寄语 独立完成试卷 认真检查每一道题 利用好每分每秒的时间 加油 一 英汉互译 10 分 1 风筝放的高 6 带一些饺子来 2 乌云 7 一些饮料 3 出什么事了 8 两朵白云 4 爬山 9 一些有趣的故事 5 吃午餐 10 一个晴朗的星期天 二 按要求写单词 21 分 1 Sun 形容词 2 wind 形容词 3 rain 形容词 4 fly 过去式 5 become 过去式 6 can 过去式 7 see 过去式 8 go 过去式 9 bring 过去式 10 take 过去式 11 run 过去式 e 过去式 13 have 过去式 14 lose 过去式 15 do 过去式 16 saw 原形 17 cloudy 名词 18 interest 形容词 19 fly 过去式 20 find 过去式 21 eat 过去式 三 选择正确答案 15 分 1 Long long ago there a boy called Ma Liang A was B were C is D sre 2 I TV a moment ago A watch B watched C looked D look 3 Tom visited the farm his family yesterday A with B for C in D and 4 The teacher the blackboard then we copyed the words A point at B pointed at C is pointing at D points at 5 Were there people in the street A some B any C much D a 6 Each student one picture A draw B draws C drawing D to drawing 7 She usually new clothes his doll A makes with B make for C makes for D make with 8 The lion always walks the forest every day A on B under C through D behind 9 Do you want A visit the forest B visiting the forest C to visiting the forest D to visit the forest 10 What beautiful girl A B an C a D the 11 The shoes are very cool but they me A are fitting B fit C don t fit D fitted 12 like to wear a kilt A The Chinese B The Scottish C The American D The English 13 The little boy the king because he is too foolish A looked at B pointed at C laughed at D shouted at 14 Yesterday Nancy was sick her mother her carefully A looked after B looked at C looked for D looked out 15 The witch 女巫 the prince the lion A turned on B talked with C told to D turned into 四 根据首字母填空 8 分 1 It s a wday Let s fly kites 2 I am thirsty I need something to d 3 The king is so foolish the boy pointed at him and l 4 There were many clouds in the sky it was c yesterday Today it is r you should take an umbrella 5 My mother t me a story every day when I was a c 6 Last Sunday we f kites in the park 五 用所给词的适当形式填空 20 分 1 Three days ago I bring a new bike 2 I live with my grandparents when I was young 3 The king not wear any clothes that day all the people point at him 4 Long long ago there be many old men in the mountain 5 Look the girl is wear a nice dress 6 My mother visit my uncle every Saturday 7 Sam lose his bike He was very sad 六年级英语第2页 共 2页 8 They can not hold onto it It went away 9 The weather become rainy Iwas wet 10 Please bring some bread and drink 11 It rain all day last Sunday 12 It was cloud in the afternoon 13 My sister go to England two days ago 14 They are talk about the weather in London 15 His kite fly away So he was very sad 16 The weather became wind 17 I can t hold onto the kite 18 Did you play the piano last Friday 六 选择合适的词填空 9 分 The king likes liked new clothes The two men wanted wants to make make new clothes for the king The king was very happy The two men looked showed the king his new clothes and said pointed to him clever people could couldn t see them Though 虽然 the king sees saw nothing he still walked walks through the street in his new clothes A little boy see told the truth 真相 七 将下列句子按顺序排列成通顺的语篇 6 分 A We went climbing a hill then B We had our lunch on the hill C We were wet and cold D Last Sunday morning it was sunny E At noon we were on the hill F After lunch the weather became windy and rainy 八 按要求改写句子 每空一词 24 分 1 It s rainy We have to take an umbrella 用 now 改写句子 It now We have to take an umbrella 2 Were there any clouds in the sky 作肯定回答和否定回答 Yes No 3 I have two kites 对划线部分提问 do have 4 It is time for dinner 改为同义句 It is time 5 We were in the park on Sunday 对划线部分提问 you on Sunday 6 It was windy in the park this morning 改为否定句 It in the park this morning 7 They saw ants and bees on their lunch 对划线部分提问 they ants and bees 8 The children went to the park by bike 对划线部分提问 the children to the park 九 选出下列句子中错误的一项 并在横线上订正 10 分 1 There are many cloud in the sky A B C 2 He can not go home yesterday A B C 3 What s a bad day A B C 4 We don t have any drink A B C 5 They like flew kites high A B C 十 根据题目要求写一篇小作文 不少于6 句 注意标点符号和大小写 7 分 What did you do with your family or friends last Saturday Write about it in your diary bring some books do some housework have a picnic go climbing go shopping Saturday 20th September Today I
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