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初中英语七年级上册 1 8 Unit7 It s raining 单元测试单元测试 02 I 单项选择单项选择 15分分 1 My parents are a vacation the mountains A in onB on inC at inD on at 2 the weather in Taiwan It s windy A How s likeB How likeC What likeD What s like 3 The of Chongqing is really hot but we still like living here A springB summerC autumnD winter 4 Jane is having fun games with her parents at the park A playingB to playC playD plays 5 Our teacher often tells us in the river It s dangerous A not swimB not to swimC to swimD swimming 6 Where is Jim Look He under the tree A is standingB stoodC stands 7 He s sitting the beach and orange juice A on drinkingB in drinkingC on drinksD in drinks 8 Robert could you wash the car for me Yes I I m coming Dad A couldB couldn tC canD can t 9 How s it going Alan A Long time no seeB I m drawing a picture C It s going to rainD Pretty good 10 It s today I think it s going to A cloud rainB cloudy rainingC cloudy rainD cloudy rainy 11 Ms Xu is not in Can I take a Thanks Please tell her that Andy called A storyB informationC letterD message 初中英语七年级上册 2 8 12 He can speak He s from A Russia RussiaB Russian RussianC Russia RussianD Russian Russia 13 I m going on vacation this weekend A The same to youB Have a good timeC Hurry upD Hold on please 14 I m so happy America next week A visitB visitsC to visitD visiting 15 Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field Robin I ll do it at once A Not at allB No problemC Wait a momentD That s right 完形填空完形填空 10分分 It s a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan The weather is sunny and 1 2are staying at home Mr Green is3a storybook on the sofa Mrs Green is 4 What is Bill doing He s doing his homework5 Bill s grandparents6in the living room Bill s sister Mary isn t 7 She s swimming in the lake with her friends They don t like hot weather 8they can do9to keep it away The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all10to hear that They hope they can enjoy themselves then 1 A coldB hotC rainyD cloudy 2 A Mr GreenB Mrs GreenC The GreenD The Greens 3 A readingB lookingC seeingD looking at 4 A doing some washingB doing some washing clothes C do a washingD do many washing 5 A under the bedB in his studyC on the tableD in the kitchen 6 A is watching TVB watch TVC watching TVD are watching TV 7 A onB inC awayD stay at home 8 A andB becauseC butD so 9 A everythingB somethingC nothingD anything 10 A sadB sorryC angryD happy 阅读理解阅读理解 15分分 A As we know Meizhou Island is a famous place of interest in Putian My pen pal from Australia Sam would like to visit it very much He is coming here for a holiday next week He is planning to stay here for seven days He has never come to Putian before so he needs to know something about it The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know He wants to know what he should get ready for the trip and what kinds of clothes he has to take with him Here is the seven day weather report for Putian 初中英语七年级上册 3 8 DateWeatherTemperature July 1st27 35 July 2nd26 33 July 3rd26 32 July 4th28 36 July 5th29 37 July 6th27 34 July 7th28 34 1 How long will Sam stay in Putian A Two days B Five days C A week D A month 2 What information does Sam most want to know A The food in Putian B The history of Putian C The traffic in Putian D The weather in Putian 3 What will the weather be like on July 5th A Sunny B Cloud C windy D Rainy 4 On July 3rd the high temperature is A 26 B 28 C 32 D 36 5 What do you think Sam should wear when he stays in Putian ABCD B Dear Linda It is 3 00 in the afternoon and I am sitting in the library It isn t a very nice day It is raining and I am feeling homesick I miss my family and friends There are many students in the library today Most of them are studying A few students are sleeping or talking to their friends but most of them are busy Tom my best friend is here with 初中英语七年级上册 4 8 me He is studying too He is very nice I want you to meet him when you come to New York Tom is also the son of my host family The host family are all friendly I have learnt a lot of English so I can write a letter to you in English I like my teachers and classmates I have classes five mornings a week and I work three afternoons a week Today is one of my days off I hope that you are well and happy When will you come to see me Please write soon Your friend Tina 6 Where is Tina writing the letter A In a classroom B In her room C At home D In a library 7 Most of the students in the library are A sleepingB talkingC studyingD playing 8 Does Tina learn a lot of English A Yes she is B No she isn t C Yes she does D No she doesn t 9 What does the underlined word homesick mean in Chinese A 回家B 寄宿家庭C 想家的D 感冒 10 From the passage we can know that A this is a letter from Linda to Tina B Tina is not working this afternoon C Tina feels homesick because it is a nice day D Tina s good at English and it s her mother language 词汇运用 词汇运用 15分 分 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词 完成句子 10分 1 We must drink lots of water in d weather 2 A little boy is s on the lake with thick ice 3 Does yo
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