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第19讲九年级Units9 10 preferred Australian electronic electric directed directing director direction sticking stick shut stuck shutting sadness sadder sadly painful reflected reflecting reflection performance totally relaxed relaxing valuable northern basic behavior suggestion inthatcase feellike stickto dependon plentyof shutoff intime onceinawhile intotal getmarried shakehands assoonas ontime dropby afterall getmad angry makeaneffort takeoff gooutof usedto tablemanners pointat showup singalongwith danceto differentkinds of cheerup Laughing to relax oneof that lookedup beganto both and isworth if itdifficulttoremember impolitetokeep waiting supposedto do for thefirsttime aresupposed expectedto cleanoff stick into feelathome makeme prefer 精析拓展 prefer意为 更喜欢 更喜爱 相当于like better 其现在分词应双写r再加 ing 过去式与过去分词形式应双写r再加 ed 其后可接名词 动词 ing形式或动词不定式等 常见搭配还有 preferto prefer has listeningwatching worth 精析拓展 worth形容词 意为 值得 有 价值 的 常用于以下结构中 beworthdoingsth 值得做某事beworth n 当名词为金钱时 表示 价值 典例在线 Thequestionisnotworthdiscussingagainandagain 这个问题不值得讨论一遍又一遍 Thispictureisworth100yuan 这幅画值100元 C B A B B B You resupposedtoshakehands 你们应该握手 精析拓展 besupposedto相当于should 意为 应该 suppose that从句 意为 认为 猜想 用法相当于think 当主句的主语是第一人称单数时 从句表达否定含义时要进行否定前移 典例在线 Wearesupposedtohelpeachother 我们应该互相帮助 Idon tsupposethatthetrainwillarriveontime 我认为火车不会按时到达 B aresupposedto except besides与but 精析拓展 典例在线 AllofuspassedtheexamexceptJohn 除了约翰未通过考试外 我们全都通过了 Ihaveafewfriendsbesidesyou 除你之外 我还有几个朋友 Heeatsnothingbuthamburgers 他除了汉堡包之外 别的什么都不吃 except but Besides ontime与intime 精析拓展 典例在线 Allthestudentscametoschoolontime 所有学生都按时到校了 Theycaughtthebusintime 他们及时赶上了公交车 活学活用 3 医生及时赶来挽救了这个孩子的生命 Thedoctorarrived tosavethechild 4 倘若你明天不准时到的话 我就要写信告诉你父亲 I llwritetoyourfatherifyouaren there tomorrow intime ontime relax relaxed与relaxing 精析拓展 典例在线 Ineedacupofteatorelaxmyself 我需要喝杯茶使自己放松一下 Heisfeelingrelaxed 他感到很轻松 A 一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全下列单词 1 Iliketolistentosomepopmusicinmys time 2 Don tforgettocutthetoken 图标 and 粘贴 itonyourcard 3 Thereisnothinginthebox Itise 4 Tommy don tforgettoputyour 护照 intoyourbag 5 InChina studentsaresupposedto 和 打招呼 theteacherswhenclassesbegin greet spare stick empty passport painful sadness suggestions northern eat A C B B B 真题剖析 2015 随州 阅读下面表格 谈谈中西文化差异 要求 80 100词 参考词汇 salary薪水 acceptagift接受礼物 unwrapagift打开礼物 范文欣赏 TherearesomedifferencesbetweenChinesecustomsandWesterncustoms Firstly thetopicsthatpeopletalkaboutwhentheymeetaredifferent Chinesepeopletalkabouteverything evenincludingageandsalary InWesterncountries peopleoftentalkabouttheweatherandthesports Secondly inChina thefamilynamescomebeforethefirstnames ButinWesterncountries thefamilynamesareafterthefirstnames Thirdly Chinesepeopleusuallyeatwithchopsticks buttheWesternpeopleoftenuseknivesandforks Lastly thewaysthatpeopleacceptgiftsaredifferent InChina youaren tsupposedtounwrapthegiftatonce Youcandoitaftertheguestsleave However inWesterncountries youaresupposedtounwrapthegiftatonceandsaythanks DearCindy I mgladtoknowthatyouarecomingtoChina Chinaisacountrywithalonghistory sotherearemanycustomshere Letmetellyousomeofthem Firstly youaresupposedtoshakehandswhenyoumeetsomeoneforthefirsttime Secondly whenyoueatdinnerwithotherpeople it srudetopointatotherswithyourchopsticks Anddon tmakeanynoisewhenyouhaveyoursoup Besides ifyouaregoingtoaparty youaresupposedtoarriveatthepartyontime orafewminutesearly Youarenotsupposedtogiveaclockorawatchtoafriendasapresent becausethatmeans death inChinese Ihopethatthesetipsareuseful HaveagoodtimeinChina Bestwishes Yours WangXue
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