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Unit 4 Weekend Activities PartB 教学设计一、教学目标 1、知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说单词“welcome, museum, cook, player, chess”及短语play chess.(2)能听懂、会说句型I go to _on _. I can _.(3)能理解课文内容,并模仿跟读。2、技能目标:(1)能运用句型:I go to _on _. I can _.简单描述个人的周末生活。 (2)能撰写自己的周末活动并与他人分享交流。3、情感目标:能合理安排自己的周末活动,杜绝沉迷于网络及电视。学会享受周末,享受生活。二、重点难点 【教学重点】1、学习并运用句型I go to _on _. I can _描述自己的周末活动。2、理解课文内容,并提炼王涛、杨明的周末活动安排。【教学难点】1、单词welcome和museum的准确发音。2、能综合运用所学知识描述自己的周末活动并通过“周末达人秀”活动与他人分享交流。五、教学过程 Step1 热身复习 1、师生问候。2、Chant.3、呈现课题:Unit4WeekendActivitiesPartBT:SaturdayandSunday.wecanalsocallthem“weekend”.Whatsthemeaningof“weekend”?T:Ilikeweekendsverymuch,doyoulikeweekends? Ss:Yes,wedo.T:Nowonderwealllikeweekendsverymuch.Becausewecangotomanyplacesanddomanyactivities,sotodayletstalkaboutweekendactivities4、复习有关地点和活动的相关单词和短语。(PPT:Brainstorm)T:Wheredoweoftengoonweekends?Ss:zoo,park,cinema,supermarketT:What activities doweoftendoonweekends?Ss:sing,dance,run,draw,playbasketball.Step 2 呈现与新授 1、谈论教师自己的周末活动并了解学生的周末活动。 T: On weekends, I often go to Qilinshan Park with my daughter, I can see beautiful flowers, I canplay in the park. I have a nice weekend. How about you?What do you often do on weekends? T: At Part A ,We knew “Sally and her familys weekendactivities.” They go to _ on _.They can _.2、 播放动画视频,感知课文,提出问题: T: How about Yang Ming, Wang Tao and Ma Lis weekend? Here are two questions for you. Q1:Where do Wang Tao and Yang Ming go? (选择:A. zoo B. cinema C. the Science Museum) Q2:What can Wang Tao and Yang Ming see?(选择:A. a robot B. a modelplane C. a car )3、学习新单词:museum Science + Museum = ? (小组评价:lets see who can get to the science museum first?)4、播放录音,学习新单词:welcome T:Look, the robot is coming. He can talk, lets listen:Welcome to the Science Museum. Welcome to (引导学生自由说) S1:Welcome to our school. S2: Welcome to my home. S3: Welcome to 5、播放动画视频,再次感知课文,提出问题:What can the robot do? (听音选择)6、教授新单词cook ( booklook cook)cook, cook, I can cook. T: The robot can cook, I can cook, who else can cook? S1: I can cook. S2: I can cook7、教授新单词:player T: The robot can play football well, now it will show you. (播放机器人踢足球的动画) 引出:Wow, the robot isa good player.T: The robot is a good player, who else do you think is a good player? (PPT上呈现姚明、李娜等多名优秀的运动员图, 引导学生谈论他们心目中的好球员)8、教授新单词:chess I can play chess.(讲授球类、棋类、乐器类之间的区别)9、播放录音,模仿跟读。(两遍)10、小组活动:选择你喜欢的方式读课文。(个人读 小组齐读小老师带读)11、再次理解课文,并归纳总结王涛、杨明的周末活动。(PPT呈现王涛、杨明的周末活动框架)Yang Ming, Wang Tao and Ma Li go to the Science Musuem. They can see a robot.They can play footballwith a robot.They can play chesswith a robot.They are very happy.Step 3 操练巩固 1、 Look and say.(Wang Taos weekend activities.)2、小组活动:让学生们谈论自己的周末活动: I go to the ., I can. S1: I go to the park on Saturday, I can ride a bike. S2: I go to the cinema on Sunday, I can watch a 3D film. S3: I stay at home on Sunday, I can do my homework.Step 4 拓展运用 1、Read, tick or cross.2、完成教师的周末活动。(PPT示范)T:Iknowsomeofyourweekend,nowletmesharemyweekendwithallofyou.MyWeekend Hello!MynameisLai Xingxing. Ilikeweekendsverymuch. IgototheparkonSaturday,Icanplayinthe park.IgotothecinemaonSunday.Icanwatcha3Dfilm.Ihaveaniceweekend.2、引导学生填写自己的周末活动。3、邀请学生参加“周末达人秀”展示。(过关的同学奖励一张“周末达人”贴纸)4、大家来找荐:Tom的周末活动存在的问题。T:Seems most of you have a nice weekend, how about Tom? Now lets read together, Myweekend Hello!MynameisTom.Ilikeweekendsverymuch. IstayathomeonSaturday,IcanwatchTV.IstayathomeonSunday.Ican playcomputergames. Ihaveaniceweekend. T: Are there any problems with Toms weekend? Can you find out? S1: Tom doesnt like doing any sports. S2: Tom likes watching TV and playing computer games very much. S3: Tom stays at home the whole day.5、教师总结,德育渗透。T:TomlikeswatchingTVandplayingcomputergamesverymuch,thatswhyheiswearingglassesnow.Sodontbeacouchpotatoandamousepotato.Ihopeyou can enjoyyourweekend,enjoyyourlife.Step 5 总结1、 评价优胜组。2、 总结本节课所学内容。Step 6 家庭作业 1、听录音,模仿跟读课文及单词三遍。2、设计机器人并写出机器人会做的事情。3、跟家长或你的朋友谈论你的周末活动。
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