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Service displays Operator control chart for service display Entire press Select Entire press Select the service display Select the service mode central lubrication characteristics Service 1 Service 2 In the service modes Service 1 and Service 2 the desired service function can be selected with the function buttons With the left hand buttons individual pages can be selected in certain service functions Operator control chart for service display Entire press Service display Entire press Service displaysOperator control chart for service display Entire press 207 Overview Grease lubrication Service display Central lubrication Entire press oil lubrication not for SM52 Present input output Modified inputs Variant code Service 1 Output assignment Init tests power up tests Dyn tests dynamic tests Safety test Service 2 Software versions Coding Values Adjustable start up warning DeliveryService display Printing units Washup Display button Selector but tons Unit FunctionGroupDescribed on Service display Service display Page 209 Page 209 Page 211 page 212 Page 213 page 213 Page 218 page 218 Page 221 page 222 Page 223 page 230 Page 231 page 238 Page 239 page 242 Page 243 page 246 Page 247 page 257 Page 258 page 266 Page 269 Page 270 Page 271 Page 272 Characteristics Printing with without alcohol Entire press Printing units Selector buttons Unit Button Washup or Service displaysOverview 208 Central lubrication Depending on the press model the service display Central lubrication either shows the schematic for grease lubrication or for oil lubrication Grease lubrication fewer than four printing units four printing units without high pile delivery all SM52 presses Oil lubrication more than four printing units four printing units with high pile delivery not for SM52 Grease lubrication Buttons to be actuated Oil lubrication Service display Central lubrication for grease lubrication Service display Central lubrication for oil lubrication The displayed symbols are explained in the chapter Central lubrication The displayed symbols are explained in the chapter Central lubrication Service displaysCentral lubrication 209 Characteristics In the service display Characteristics you can switch from Printing with alcohol to Printing without alcohol and vice versa The change only becomes effective when the press is switched off and on again Service display Characteristics Buttons to be actuated Printing with without alcohol Printing without alcohol Printing with alcohol Service displaysCharacteristics 210 The service display Variant code consists of 5 pages 1 Table of variants 1 2 Table of variants 2 3 Table of variants 3 4 Table of variants 4 5 Serial number of press and date of software installation Cursor Selection of pages with the left hand buttons Symbol GS SM52 MS SM74 SG SM102 CD102 Selection of the values on a page by means of the cursor with the right hand buttons The variant code is the press specific coding for the CPTronic control system With the help of the variant code the control system can identify the connected printing press during the initialization e g press model number of printing units equipment characteristics etc The entire variant code is stored on the two processor boards REK1 and REK2 REK386 NV RAM and the memory analog board SAK RAM with backup battery During the initialization the 3 electronic boards REK1 REK2 REK386 SAK compare the contents of their variant codes with each other If no valid variant code could be found or compared the initialization will terminate with the corresponding page of the variant code or a page of the INIT test e g EAK or HAK or the fault display with flashing symbols which do not match the press In these cases the variant code must be compared with the printout supplied with the press If there are deviations the corresponding values must be corrected Service 1 variant code Service display Variant code table of variants 1 Service display Buttons to be actuated Service displaysService 1 variant code 211 Service display Variant code table of variants 3 Explanations regarding the variant positions The variant positions are formed by the group of characteristics line and the characteristic column In the example below the variant position 012 group of characteristics 01 characteristic 2 has the value 6 and the variant position 036 group of characteristics 03 characteristic 6 the value 3 Service display Variant code serial number of press and date of software installation Serial number of press Date of software installation day month year Service display Variant code table of variants 4 Note The meaning of the individual variant positions is explained in the chapter Software subchapter Variant code The values can be selected with the cursor Dependent on the values a symbol appears in the service display for certain variant positions Group of characteristics Characteristics Value letter or digit Service displaysService 1 variant code 212 Service 1 present input output The service display
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