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申请职位可到任日期Position applied for: _Date Available: _要求薪金介绍人Expected Salary: _Referred by:_曾否在本公司内任职 是 否Have you worked for DAS before? Yes No曾否在本公司申请以上职位 是 否Have you applied for a position with DAS before? Yes No 职 位 申 请 表1PERSONAL DATE个人资料英文姓名中文姓名Name in English: _Name in Chinese: _身份证/护照号码户口籍贯 国籍ID/Passport no.: _ Native Place: _ Nationality: _ 出生日期及地点Date and Place of Birth: _ 通讯地址Residential Address: _ _ 通讯电话其他联络电话Residential Tel no.: _ Other Contact Tel no.:_2.EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 教育状况类 别Type学校/学院名称Name of School/Institution由 至Period AttendedFrom-To修读课程/主修科目Course Studies/Major Field考获资格Qualification Attained学术资格AcademicQualifications(Primary/Secondary/High School)专业资格ProfessionalQualifications(College/University)其他训练/课程Other Training/Course Attended3 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 工作经验请由现任雇主或最近雇主开始列明Please list all employment starting with present/most recent employera.Employer 顾主(Name of Firm/Agency)(公司/机构的名称)Address 地址职位名称Job Title受聘日期Dates Employed 由 至 From ToSupervisors Name / Title主管上司姓名/职位 Phone Number 联络电话可否联络 是 否May we contact? Yes No开始薪金Starting Salary最后薪金Ending Salary离职原因Reason for LeavingDuties职责b.Employer 顾主(Name of Firm/Agency)(公司/机构的名称)Address 地址职位名称Job Title受聘日期Dates Employed 由 至 From ToSupervisors Name / Title主管上司姓名/职位 Phone Number 联络电话可否联络 是 否May we contact? Yes No开始薪金Starting Salary最后薪金Ending Salary离职原因Reason for LeavingDuties职责c.Employer 顾主(Name of Firm/Agency)(公司/机构的名称)Address 地址职位名称Job Title受聘日期Dates Employed 由 至 From ToSupervisors Name / Title 主管上司姓名/职位 Phone Number 联络电话可否联络 是 否May we contact? Yes No开始薪金Starting Salary最后薪金Ending Salary离职原因Reason for LeavingDuties职责d.Employer 顾主(Name of Firm/Agency)(公司/机构的名称)Address 地址职位名称Job Title受聘日期Dates Employed 由 至 From ToSupervisors Name / Title主管上司姓名/职位 Phone Number 联络电话可否联络 是 否May we contact? Yes No开始薪金Starting Salary最后薪金Ending Salary离职原因Reason for LeavingDuties职责4PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / ASSOCIATIONS 专业机构/社团组织组织名称Name of Organization 会 席Membership Status由 至From-To5SKILLS 技能语言程度 (阅读)Languages (Spoken): _ Level (书写) (Written): _ 电脑知识PC Knowledge: _ 打字 (每分钟_字) 速记 (每分钟_字)_ Typing:_wpm Shorthand: _wpm其他Others: _ _ 6.OTHER REFERENCES 其他咨询人请提供两位咨询人之姓名、职业及地址,咨询人须熟知阁下。Please give the full names, occupations and addresses of two persons who know you well and to whom reference on be made.姓名(先生/女士)职业及职位Name in full (Mr./Ms.): _ Profession & position: _ 地 址Address: _ 联络电话 _Telephone no.: _ 7 GENERAL INFORMATION 其他资料你的亲属或朋友,是否在本公司内任职 是 否Do you have any relative(s) or friend(s) in our employ? Yes No如有,请提供姓名关系If yes, please provide name(s): _Relationship: _ 你有无参
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