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(三年经典)全国各地中考英语试题精选:冠词【2010福建晋江】31. There are sixty minutes in _hour.A. a B. an C. the答案:B【解析】冠词的用法。hour 为可数名词,单词中“h”不发音,根据单词中第二个发音单位/ au/为元音音素,故选择:B【2010河南】21一Shall we pay visit to Expo 2010,Shanghai? 一No,Id rather stay at home and play footballA a; the B the;a C不填,the D a,不填 答案:D【解析】考查冠词。表示泛指的单数可数名词前用不定冠词;play football习惯不用冠词。【潍坊】16Auatar(阿凡达)is such _ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it _ second timeAa, a Ba, the C, the D, a答案:A 【解析】本题考查冠词的用法。第一空根据such + a/an + adj. + n. + that结构可以得知此处应该使用冠词a,第二空指“又一,另一”应该使用冠词a来表示,所以答案为A项。【黑龙江鸡西】23. If you work hard, youll get _ “A” in the exam. A. a B. an C. the答案:B【解析】冠词的用法。“A”是一个字母,且数量有一的意思,所以用不定冠词,又因读音是原因开头所以用an. 【2010山东泰安】26.Whats _ most useful invention in the 20th century? _ computer, I think.A. the, A B. a, A C. the, TheD. /, The答案:C 【解析】冠词的用法。形容词最高级前用冠词the; the 加单数名词表示一类东西。【福建龙岩】31. Is there _ clock in your room? Yes, there is. A. a B. an C. the 答案:A【解析】冠词的用法。clock为可数名词,首字母发音不是元音。故选择:A。【2010四川广安】22. Do you know Meimei? Yes, she is from a university and she is _ honest girl.A. aB. anC. /答案:B 【解析】冠词的用法.honest虽然是h开头,但是是以元音因素开头的,所以用an.故选择:B.【2010河北省卷】26. Cindy is _ amazing singer. She has lots of fans.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填答案:B【解析】不定冠词的用法。amazing的首字母发音为元音,应用不定冠词an。故选B。【2010福建晋江】31. There are sixty minutes in _hour.A. a B. an C. the答案:B【解析】冠词的用法。hour 为可数名词,单词中“h”不发音,根据单词中第二个发音单位/ au/为元音音素,故选择:B【2010湖北咸宁】21. How about talent show? I should say it was great success.A. / ; the B. a ; the C. the; a D. the; /答案:C 【解析】冠词的用法。 第一空上,指说话双双都知道的才艺表演是定冠词the的用法;第二空上,数量有一的意思,但又没有one强烈,一次巨大的成功,这是不定冠词a的用法。【2010黑龙江哈尔滨】22A low-carbon(低碳)lifestyle has _ effect on our daily lifePeople are paying more and more attention to saving _ these days Athe;energies Ba;energy Can;energy答案:C【解析】本题考查冠词和名词的用法。第一个空是固定短语:have an effect on :对有影响,第二个空处的energy是不可数名词,故用energy。【2010贵州铜仁】21. Have you found _ address that you wanted? Yes. Its Mr Wang268163.com.A. a B. an. C. the D不填答案:C【解析】冠词。题中address邮箱地址是特指想要找的那一个,而不是泛指,应使用定冠词the。【2010江苏镇江】1. Wed better get ready for the dinner now because _ Greens are coming to visit us tonight. A. a B. an C. the D. /答案:C【解析】冠词的用法。定冠词the用在姓氏前面表示一家或夫妇。句意为我们最好现在就准备吃晚餐,因为格林夫妇今晚要来我们家做客。故选择C。【江苏苏州】5We can have_ bluer sky if we create_ less polluted worldAa;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe;the答案:A【解析】冠词的语法。句意为如果我们创造一个少污染的世界,我们可以有一个更蓝得天空。a 用于辅音音素前,the 特指。故选A。【2010湖北宜昌】27. Where may you advise me to start my business? In my opinion, Yichang is _ one of _ best places for you. A. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. /, /答案:B【解析】考查冠词的用法。名词前有限定词时,不用冠词,one of是限定词,可排除 A和C。形容词最高级前应加定冠词,所以答案选。【2010山东滨州】21. Youve dropped _ “s” in the word “necessary”. Oh, _ letter “s” is doubled.A. a; a B. a; theC. an; theD. the; the答案:C【解析】考查冠词的用法。不定冠词表示泛指,指一类,a用在用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前,定冠词the用在名词前表特指。字母s的音标是/es/,是以元音音素开头,该用冠词an;上文已经提到的,下文再提到用定冠词the,表示特指,故选。【湖南娄底】1. Why do you like Mary? Because she is _ honest girl.A. a B. an C. the答案:B【2010四川内江】Jenny is _ American .She works in _ company in China now.A. an; a B. an; the C. a; an 答案:A【解析】第一空处表示表泛指,应该用不定冠词,American是以元音音素开头的单词,应该用不定冠词an,首先排除C,company是以辅音音素开头的单词,应该用不定冠词a,因此答案为A。【2010浙江义乌】16. Mike, could you come and give me _ hand? OK, Mum. Im coming now.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填答案A【解析】give me a hand是固定短语,给我以帮助。【2010浙江东阳】16. By the way, have you got _ e-mail address? Oh, yes, it is swimonland hotmail.com.A. a B. an C. the D. /答案:B【解析】这里表示泛指,应该用不定冠词,首先排除C和D,元音音素前用an,因此答案为B。【2010甘肃.定西】1. They often take walk after dinner. A. a B. C. the D. an【答案】A【解析】本题考查冠词的用法。句意:他们经常在晚饭后散步。take a walk固定搭配,表示“散步”。【山东滨州】21. Youve dropped _ “s” in the word “necessary”. Oh, _ letter “s” is doubled.A. a; a B. a; theC. an; theD. the; the答案:【解析】冠词的用法。不定冠词表示泛指,指一类,a用在用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前,定冠词the用在名词前表特指。字母s的音标是/es第一个音素是元音,故用冠词an,上文已经提到的,下文再提到用定冠词the,表示特指。故选。【2010辽宁沈阳】Jenny goes to school on footIt takes her about half _ hour to get there Aan Ba Cthe D(不填)答案A【解析】词组half an hour半小时,故答案选A【2010山东东营】16. Samaranch, who is old friend of Chinese people, died on April 21, 2010. A. aB. an
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