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期末总复习 Unit1 表达人物相貌 tall shortlong shortroundyoung oldfat thin 句型 Whatdoesshe helooklike She He is has 描述人物长相时用be动词 高矮胖瘦等 描述人物拥有的特征时用have has looklike 看起来像 practice 1 Nice seeyouagain A toB forC in 2 She longhair A isB haveC has 3 Bobis London A toB atC in 4 Whatdoeshelook He stall A likeB likesC liking 5 MyChineseteacheris Yang A teacherB Mr C Teacher A C C A B Unit2 食物 Cokefoodhamburgerbeefchickenfishsandwichlunchbreakfastdinner 句型 Whatwouldyoulike 你想来点什么 I dlikea some 我想要一个 一些 some可修饰可数名词的复数形式 也可修饰不可数名词 Whataboutyou 你想来点什么 CanIhelpyou 你们想吃点什么 Howmuchisit 多少钱 It sfifteenyuan 十五块 日常口语 拓展 delicious美味的about关于 对于drink饮料order次序 顺序acupof一杯inorder按顺序for 三餐名吃 餐 作为 餐 practice 感觉饿了feel 喝一杯茶drink 吃些鸡肉eat chicken吃一个苹果 anappleI dlike 完全形式 hungry some eat Iwouldlike acupoftea 连词成句 wouldwhatlikeyou 2 yourherefoodis 3 canyouhelpI 4 anydohaveyoudrinks 5 amItoohungry Whatwouldyoulike Hereisyourfood CanIhelpyou Doyouhaveanydrinks Iamtoohungry 1 I dlike hamburgers please A aB anyC some 2 Look thosepictures A inB toC at 3 I dlikesomefood lunch A toB ofC for 4 isit It sfifteenyuan A WhatB HowmuchC Howmany 5 I dlike fishfordinner A aB anC some C C C B C Unit3 单词 句型 soupvegetablepotatotomatogive 给 pepper 胡椒粉 询问他人是否想要 Doyouwantsome Yes please No thankyou 是的 请来一些 不 谢谢 对 很重要 英汉互译 在桌子底下 吃饭 Hereyouare beimportantfor underthetable have eatameal 给你 1 Ioftenhave at7o clockinthemorning A lunchB breakfastC dinner 2 Sam dinnerwithhisfatherandmother A haveB isC has 3 Peopleoftenhave atschooloratwork A dinnerB lunchC breakfast 4 youwantsomenoodles Yes please A WouldB DoC Can 5 Doyouwantsomesoup No A thankyouB pleaseC OK B C B B A isusbreakfastimportantfor 2 someIricewant 3 soupsomedowantyou 4 mealdinneristheevening 5 somevegetablesImorewant Breakfastisimportantforus Iwantsomerice Doyouwantsomesoup Dinneristheeveningmeal Iwantsomemorevegetables Unit4 单词 useborrowthingeraserdictionarygluemarkerpicture 词组 excusemeyourthingsEnglishbookChinesebookcleantheblackboardmakeakitedrawalinelookat 句型 询问对方能否用某物 CanIuse please Yes Hereyouare 肯定回答 Yes youcan Yes please Yes ofcourse 否定回答 Sorry youcan t Sorry 读一读 用所给词的适当形式填空 CanIuse you scarf please Tom want tomakeacake Canwe look atyourpicture CanIusethese marker please Mybookisathome CanI borrow ourbook your wants look markers borrow 1 CanIuse eraser please A aB C an 2 Thankyou A OKB Nothanks C You rewelcome 3 Canwelook yournewbook A B atC to 4 CanIuseapencil please Yes here are A youB yourC they 5 areyourthings Inmyschoolbag A WhatB WhenC Where 6 Whatareyoudoing A I mmakingakite B Youaremakingakite C Sheismakingakite 7 CanIborrowaruler please 回答不能用 A Yes hereyouare B Yes ofcourse C Thanks C C B A C A C Unit5 单词 basketpetholdcagebutlovelyrabbitsuretalk 拓展 choose选择every每个parrot鹦鹉everyday每天with和 一起 句型 询问能否买某物 CanIhavea Yes youcan No youcan t 1 Jane theparrot A likesB likeC isliking 2 Tomgoeshome hisbrother A toB withC of 3 Therabbitisvery A lovedB loveC lovely 4 CanIhaveapet Yes you A canB can tC are 5 CanIhaveacage myrabbit A toB withC for A B C A C 读句子 找出错误并改正 CanIhasapetdog Mysisterdon tlikeparrots Youcan thaveapet Thankyou Mum CanIhaveaduck No youcan CanIhaveadog Yes Ican has have don t doesn t can t can can can t I you 1 canyouhaveaforcageit 2 butcanyouahaverabbit 3 Iahavecanparrot 4 wantsJanetoahavepet 5 isitlovely Youcanhaveacageforit Butyoucanhavearabbit CanIhaveaparrot Janewantstohaveapet Itislovely Unit6 单词 raincoatwhichclothesjacketumbrellaor或者these这些pretty nice beautiful漂亮的 好看的thick thinyoung oldexpensive cheaphot colddirty cleanbig smalltall shortwhite blackshort longnew old 句型 购物时 询问他人选择哪件物品 Whichonedoyouwant the oneorthe one 你想要哪一个 还是 拓展 Whichonedoesshe hewant the oneorthe one She Hewantsthe one 你用do does用于他 她 它 1 It scoldinwinter SoAmywantsa coat A thinB thickC old 2 Whichshirtdoyouwant theredone theyellowone A andB soC or 3 Ihaveanewumbrella Yes dear A DoB CanC Which 4 isthebook It s25yuan A HowmuchB HowmanyC How 5 Myshoesaretoo Iwanttobuynewones A longB shortC old B C B A C 1 onewantdowhichyou 2 theseniceareclothes 3 wantoneIbigthe 4 muchthisishowraincoat 5 Ihavehatcanthis Whichonedoyouwant Theseclothesarenice Iwantthebigone Howmuchisthisraincoat CanIhavethishat 读句子 找出错误并改正 Thegirlisholdarabbitnow CanIuseyouruler Amy Peopleoftenhaslunchatschooloratwork Thechildrenarehavelunchatschool Shehavebigeyesandanicenose hold you has have have have having your holding has 1 What Mingminglike A doB areC does 2 Whatdoeshe Heistall A lookB likeC looklike 3 CanIuseyourruler Yes hereyouare A Thankyou B No thankyou C You rewelcome 4 Whereareallyourthings A They reinmybags B Theyaremybags C It sinmybag 5 CanIhaveapet No A youcanB IcanC youcan t C C A A C 1 thatshirtlikeI 2 pleasecanborrowIyourbookEnglish 3 dowantbeefsomeyou 4 Icanhavepeta 5 onewhichyouwantdo Ilikethatshirt CanIborrowyourEnglishbook please Doyouwantsomebeef CanIhaveapet Whichonedoyouwant Unit7 单词 timetableartcomputerlessongetupgotobedgohomemusicgotoschoolhaveEnglish 拓展 after在 之后drive驾驶hard努力minute分钟office办公室till直到whole全部的usually通常dinninghall餐厅ha
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