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2016 2017 学年度江西寻乌中学高一第一次月考 英语试卷 命题 李清敏审核 赵娜2016 9 注意 本试卷共 4 页 答题卡 4 页 满分 150 分 考试时间 150 分钟 请将所有答案填写在答题卡上 选择题用 2B 铅笔填涂 填空题或大题用黑色水性 笔书写 否则不得分 I I 阅读理解 共两节 满分阅读理解 共两节 满分 2 20 0 分 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A A telescope 望远镜 called Gaia is being designed by astronomers in Europe and it couldn t be more different from Pan STARRS which is another telescope being designed While Pan STARRS will be looking for asteroids 小行星 and comets headed for Earth Gaia will be looking at our entire galaxy 银河系 Gaia is designed to draw a map of the Milky Way our home galaxy Just as a map of your town gives you a picture of where things are located Gaia s map of the galaxy will tell astronomers where the stars are Over five years Gaia will observe 观察 about a billion stars and other objects in our galaxy Each object will be observed about 70 times Gaia will be sent into space connected to a rocket It contains two telescopes each focused at a different angle 角度 These two telescopes act like Gaia s eyes The reason why humans can see things in 3D is that we have two eyes focused on the same object at slightly different angles By using two telescopes like eyes Gaia can produce the first 3D map of the positions of the stars it views Gaia which is to be sent into space in 2011 will be a powerful telescope If you were to use it on Earth for example you could stand 600 miles away from your best friends and still get a clear picture of their hair Gaia is one of more than a dozen telescopes being designed by scientists right now The next generation of telescopes will reveal new parts of our universe that will seem surprising The universe with all its planets stars and other strange objects is a puzzle with pieces that we can see by using powerful telescopes 1 How many different angles can Gaia focus at each time A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 2 The map to be drawn by Gaia A can show every building on Earth B can show you where your town is C will just show the stars around Earth D will show where the stars are in our home galaxy 3 What s Paragraph 4 mainly about A What Gaia will do in space B When Gaia will start to work C How powerful Gaia will be D What Gaia will do to Earth 4 The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the next generation of telescopes A seem very surprising to scientists B will not be put into use in a short time C will just look at new things in universe D will be more powerful than the old generations B Today most Chinese teenagers are happy to be favored by two parents and four grandparents in their families But have you ever thought about how to take care of four to twelve old people when you grow up and get married This could be a problem for most Chinese youths as China is entering a new stage of an aging society An aging society refers to one where 10 percent or more of its population is over 60 By the end of 2007 Chinese over 60 years old have made up 11 7 percent of the nation s total population China is getting old before becoming rich said Cai Chuang a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The population increase that has powered Chinese growth for three decades will give way over the next ten years to a rapid aging of the society This will lead to weaker economic growth because of a lack of labor resources As a result of the family planning policy it is expected that the country s total working population will decrease after 2015 China is not the only country getting old More than 60 countries have become aging societies and one in three people in the European Union is a senior citizen However experts said that China doesn t have a highly developed social security network to support the old Social security is an insurance program protecting those in need including the old the disabled and others 5 An aging society is a society that A less than 10 of its population is over 60B 10 or more of its population is over 60 来源 学 科 网 Z X X K C there are four old people in a familyD most of its population is over 60 6 If China enters an aging society A there will not be enough labor resources B the family planning policy will be ended C everyone needs to take care of four to twelve old people D China will have a highly developed social security network 7 The passage mainly talks about A an aging societyB Chinese social problems C family planning policyD aging problem in China C Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways You may wonder how paving 铺砌 a road can lead to less useable fresh water A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers It comes from underground The more roads and parking lots we pave the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages 缺乏 Drier climates are of course more likely to have drought
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