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编号:WHYYX8-020文华高中高二英语选修8Unit 1 A land of diversity Period 3-4 Language Points执笔人:潘凤仙 审核人: 编订日期:2014.3.27学习目标:1. 能正确读写以下单词和短语: distinct majority hardship elect, percentage, boom , applicant, customs, occur, indicate, apparent brake, hire, justice, mourn, authority, reform, make a life, keep up, team up with, apply for, ,take in等。 2. 学会正确运用本部分的重点单词及短语,如:distinct, occur, indicate, apparent, percentage, majority, make a life, keep up, team up with, take in, apply for等学习重点:学会正确运用本部分的重点单词及短语,如:distinct, occur, percentage, majority, keep up, make a life, a good many, apply for等学习难点:学会分析理解长难句,如:1. however, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.2. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities were be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.学法指南:查字典,归纳法,举一反三 自学任务:【自我检测】Task 1: Task 2:结合课文完成下列知识点。(识别级)(务必会读会写!,看看谁读得最快最准!)一.词汇知识1. distinct_ 2.immigrant _3.majority _ 4. hardship_5. percentage_ 6. occur_7. indicate_ 8.apparent _9. authority_ 10.reform _二.重点短语1. keep up _ 2. make a life _3. team up with _ 4. take in _5. a great many_ 6. apply for_ 三.词性转换 (理解级)1.immigrate (v) 移入-( )移民,移民入境(n)-( )(从外国移入的)移民2.social(adj)社会的-( )社会主义者,(n)-( )社会主义(n)3.apparent (adi) 显然的,表面上的-( )显然地,显而易见地(adv)4.punish (V) 惩罚-( ) 惩罚(n)5.distinct(adj) 清晰的,明确的-( ) 差别,区分 (n)Task3.必背句型 (理解级)1. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,可能至少在15000年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福利亚了。2. People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s,when they moved north from Mexico.非洲人从十九世纪就一直在加利福利亚住下来,他们是从墨西哥向北迁来的。3. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在一种主要的种族胡文化群体,而只是多种族多文华的混合体。Task 4【小组学习】组长负责制:1. 相互检查对知识的归纳2. 互通有无,挖掘集体智慧,找出记忆某个单词的小窍门词汇精研 (应用级)(大家齐动手,搜脑瓜,查字典,共研讨,出答案,加油!)1. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA ,having attracted people from all over the world.加州与众不同之处在于他也是美国最具多元文化的一个州,它吸引了来自世界各地的人们。Distinction, (n) 差别,区分,卓著 品味经典We must make a distinction between freedom and license.我们必须把自由和放纵区分开来。Employers should hire men and women without distinction.雇主用人应不分男女。 自我探究distinct (adj)有区别的,与其他不同的, 清晰的,明显的,明确的These two ideas are quite distinct from each other.这两种观点截然不同。 归纳拓展make a distinct between :_without distinction :_be distinct from:_ 牛刀小试翻译:(1). The twins had distinct tastes._ (2) We should make a distinction between right and wrong._2. Of the first Spanish to go to California , the majority were religions men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.在首批移居加州的西班牙人中,大部分是宗教人士,他们的职责是向原住居民传授天主教。品味经典 The mjority were/was against the plan. 多数人不赞成这个计划。 The majority of books in our class are often here and there. rice in our class is often here and there. 自我探究* moajority 做主语时,侧重整体时,谓语用_,侧重个体时,谓语用_ (见)。* the majority of 后跟复数名词时,谓语用_后跟不可数名词,谓语用_(见)(判定是否为单单复复?)归纳拓展the majority 大多数in the majority 占大多数by /with a majority 以多数(票)牛刀小试(1)_smoking is harmful to health.大多数医生认为吸烟对健康有害。(2)Yang people were _ at the meeting.这次的会议年轻人占了大多数。 (3). The majority of the audience _ fond of the misic played at the beginning of the film,so they left the cinema.A. wasnt B. werent C. dont D. doesnt3.The customs and languages of the immigrates live on in their new home.品味经典 The old lady lived on por another three years. 那位老妇人又活了三年。归纳拓展live on 继续存在,继续生存,以.为食live through 经历.而幸存 live up to 达到,不辜负,符合牛刀小试用适当的介副词填空并翻译句子。(1) The old man lived _ two world wars.(2) The famous singer lives _the inc
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