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完形填空题型一突破(七)高分技巧1研读首尾抓主题一般来说,很多文章会按照“总分总”的思路来写。首先提出主题,接着对主题进行分析、叙述,最后进行归纳、总结,得出结论或提出建议。因此,一般根据文章的首句及尾句就能抓住文章的主题。但是,主题句不总是在文章的开头,有时在文中,有时在文尾,因此,考生在做题时一方面要快速通读全文,另一方面应注意连接词,如but,however,yet,though,therefore,otherwise等,它们的前面一句或后面一句就有可能是主题句。考生抓住了主题,就等于掌握了整篇文章,就可根据主题顺藤摸瓜选出正确答案。2上下联系寻信息文章中,句与句之间、段与段之间紧密相联、浑然一体。因此,完形填空中经常会出现前面的信息为后面的空白提供暗示,而后面的信息有可能是前面空白的答案的情况。这时,考生切不可死盯住空白不放,而要联系上下文,寻求信息以确定答案。3左顾右盼找搭配英语中,有些单词词义相近,而句型结构及跟其他词的搭配却截然不同。考生不能单从词义上去辨析,而应审查空白前后的名词、动词、介词或非谓语动词等,比较与各选项的搭配关系,然后确定答案。4思前想后觅逻辑逻辑是作者的行文方式,主要包括并列、转折、条件、因果、递进、让步等。它们之间有的通过连接词来表达,关系非常明显;有的隐含在句与句之间,关系比较隐晦。考生应该根据前后信息进行思考,拨开迷雾,准确理解上下文间的逻辑关系。5语境分析辨词义词不离句,句不离篇。考生做完形填空时必须从句子的语境出发,根据文章的中心、上下文的意思,确定空白处的意思,然后选出合乎语境的单词。6集中精力破难题每篇完形填空20道题,其中有24道题的难度较大,考生可能在短时间内很难确定答案。此时,考生应该在完成全文后,集中精力,对其进行分析、综合,作出决定。必要时,大胆相信第一感觉。7回读检查补漏洞做完之后,再用23分钟的时间将全文联系起来进行回读,查看所填单词或短语是否跟语境相符,是否与逻辑相悖。这样,通过查漏补缺,使答案万无一失,提高得分。1I lived in Dallas,Texas nearly all my life with my mom,dad and older sister.We were1to respect others,value education,and get all that we could out of life.My parents always say,“2hard and the world is yours.” They are never without a helpful word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.My parents always3me to go to college.However,when I decided at 16 years old that Id rather get married to a man than go to college,they4stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.Thankfully,they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and currently5the University of Oklahoma studying medicine.I want to make the world a better place to live in.Every time I call home to tell them about a6I received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or whichever class it is that Im working hardest for at the moment,they tell me how7of me they are.I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to when they get an “A” on a project and I feel incredibly8to have my parents.Dont get me wrong:Weve had our share of problems.I was the angry teenager and they were the awful9that wouldnt let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced.But somehow,we10to work through those issues.They never stopped loving me or believing in me.I owe everything I am to my parents.Without their constant love and11,I wouldnt believe I can change the world.My parents taught me to always12for what I believe in.So Im working toward something really great and only hope I can continue to make them proud.1A.brought BraisedCintroduced Dproduced答案B解析从全文可以看出本文的主题是父母对子女的教育。raise抚养,此处用过去分词表示被动。2A.Educate BTrain CWork DPractise答案C解析父母总是教育“我们”:努力工作,世界是你们的。3A.reminded Bexpected Csupposed Ddesigned答案B解析从下文的“they persuaded me”可知,他们期望“我”上大学。expect期望,期待。4A.never Bever Cseldom Dhardly答案A解析虽然“我”作出了违背他们意愿的决定,但他们从来没有停止告诉“我”他们爱我。5A.serve Battend Cadmit Djoin答案B解析从persuaded一词可以看出,作者没有弃学,因此,这里表示她高中毕业后上了一所大学。attend a university上大学。6A.grade Bproblem Cfailure Dvalue答案A解析从本段不难看出作者时常把学业上取得的成绩告诉父母。grade成绩等级。7A.modest Bproud Cashamed Dnervous答案B解析本句含有一个感叹句式的宾语从句,父母对子女取得的成绩当然会感到高兴和自豪。proud of为习惯用法,表示“以自豪”。8A.annoyed Bpraised Crelaxed Dblessed答案D解析这里作者把自己在这方面的情况和那些得了A而无人可告知的同学相比,认为自己有这样的父母是非常幸福的。blessed幸福的。9A.teachers Bdirectors Cparents Dcouples答案C解析不难看出句中的they指的就是作者的父母。10A.managed Btried Csucceeded Dconducted答案A解析但是我们设法成功地解决了那些问题。联系But的转折含义可以看出应该用manage to do sth.表示“成功地做了某事”。11A.agreement Bexcitement Cencouragement Dstatement答案C解析和文章首段呼应,再次阐述父母的爱和鼓励的重要性。12A.fight Blook Cdefend Dprotect答案A解析联系文章开头的“Work hard and the world is yours”可知,父母一直都在教育子女去为理想而奋斗。fight for为而奋斗。2The trip to that city was eyeopening for everyone,and near its end,all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant.We 1 the first night we had arrived.We had all gone into the markets of the city so that the young people could experience its energy.But what we actually saw simply 2 us allthe rundown houses,the children in rags,the people begging for money.Walking home,passing under a low bridge,we came across 3 families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on for the night.We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.The poverty(贫困) was 4 than anything my young companions had ever imagined.Back in the hotel,an air of sadness settled over the group.Many 5 and cried.Spending time in this 6 moves a person to care about humanity.That evening,our group spent hours talking about what we had 7.Gently,I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult feelings that days discoveries had inspired.Sitting together in a circle as everyone had a chance to speak,we all began to realize that 8 of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.Based on my expe
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