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本科生毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本科生毕业论文(设计)原创性声明 本人以信誉声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是在导师指导下进行的研究 工作及取得的研究成果,论文中引用他人的文献、数据、图件、资料等均已明 确标注出,论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成,不包含他人成果及获得中国 地质大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志 对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 毕业论文作者(签字): 签字日期: 年 月 日 摘摘 要要 房屋建筑工程毕业设计一般包括建筑设计、结构设计和施工组织设计三个部分。本工 程为黄山市金泰机械制造厂金工装配车间,该车间为三跨不等高单层工业厂房。按功能要 求,该厂房两边跨为机械加工工段,跨度 18m,轨顶标高 9m,柱距 6m,各有 15/3t 中级 工作制吊车两台;中跨为机械装配工段,跨度 24m,轨顶标高 12m,有 30/5t 中级工作制 吊车两台,车间总长为 96m。本工程总建筑面积为 5918,防火等级为二级,抗震设防 烈度为 5 度。本工程结构设计采用单层装配式排架结构,结构计算按横向排架承重分析。 排架柱内力计算考虑以下四种荷载作用:竖向恒载作用下的内力,竖向屋面活荷载作用下 的内力,吊车荷载作用下的内力及风荷载作用下的内力。排架柱内力组合考虑以下四种情 况:及相应的、,及相应的、,及相应的、及 max MNV max MNV max NMV 及相应的、。对于该单层工业厂房可不进行抗震设计,但须采用构造抗震措施。 min NMV 对于装配式厂房,多数构件需预制,对施工场地平面布置要求严格。本工程将三跨厂房分 为三个施工段进行流水施工,对各工种之间的配合要求较高。构件吊装方法中:柱的吊装 采用旋转法;屋架吊装采用正向扶直,并用悬吊法吊装。 关键词:关键词:单层工业厂房 荷载计算 内力分析 计算配筋 施工组织 ABSTRACT Graduation Project housing projects generally include architectural design, structural design and construction organization design in three parts. Huangshan, the project group to work Dajian metalworking assembly shop, the shop is not high for the three-span single-storey industrial build -ings. According to functional requirements, the plant for machining on both sides ofcross- section, span of 18m, the top rail height 9m, column spacing 6m, each 15/3t two mid-level work crane system; mechanical assembly in cross-section, span of 24m, the top rail elevation 12m, there are intermediate 30/5t two working cranes, workshop total length of 96m. The total construction area of 5918 , fire rating of 2, fight for the 6 degree of intensity maximum security. The design of engineering structures fabricated using single -frame structure, the structure of the calculation according to analysis of the horizontal load-bearing frame. Calculation of column internal forces bent to consider the following four types of loads: the role of the vertical dead load of the internal force, vertical roof live load of the internal force, cranes load and wind load of the internal forces of the internal force under. Combination of column internal forces bent to consider the following four cases: and the corresponding, and the corresponding, and the corresponding, and the corresponding,. For the single-storey industrial buildings for seismic design from time to time, subject to the use of structural seismic measures. The assembly plant, the majority of components to be prefabricated on the construction site demanding layout. The project plant will be three cross-section is divided into three water works construction, the co-ordination among the various types of jobs require a higher. Component lifting methods: the use of rotating lifting column method; hold straight being used hoisting roof trusses, and hoisting suspension. Keywords: Single-storey industrial building Load calculation Internal force analysis Calculation of reinforced Construction Organization 目录目录 第一章第一章建筑设计建筑设计.1 第一节工程概况.1 第二节 建筑设计说明 .1 第三节建筑细部具体构造做法.4 第二章第二章结构设计结构设计.6 第一节计算简图及柱的计算参数.6 第二节荷载计算.7 第三节内力分析.11 第四节内力组合.41 第五节柱的设计.46 第六节基础设计.63 第三章第三章施工组织设计施工组织设计.70 第一节编制说明.70 第二节工程概况及特点.70 第三节施工准备.71 第四节主要施工方法.
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