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安全管理2:联合利华公司的食品安全管理体系Safety,Health & Environment in Unilever and with pecific Reference to Food Safety Our ApproachApproach 布朗 联合利华公司 安全与环境检测中心主任Structure of this presentation1. I will explain Unilevers Business organisation to you. 2. I will describe the various groups within the organisation that are involved in setting standards for Safety,Health & Environment and how they interact with each other. 3. I will explain to you how the standards are applied at Operating Company level and how they are audited. 4. I will go into a lot more detail about how one of the groups covered in 2 operates and will use some specific examples involving food safety to explain this. Most of my examples will be taken from the area of chemical contaminants (I am a chemist), but they could equally apply to other food safety areas, such as microbiology.Unilevers Structure Each of the two Divisions is divided into anumber of Categories. Unilevers Business CategoriesFoods Ice Cream Frozen Foods Tea Based Beverages Dressings Spreads & Cooking Products Savoury Food Service Beverages & Snacks Health & WellnessHome and Personal Care Laundry Hair Deodorants Household Care Oral Care Skincare Diversey LeverPrinciples of Unilevers Approach toSafety, Health And Environment Quality AssuranceThe setting of clear operating standards which are agreed at senior level.Backed up by:-Quality ControlThe implementation of procedures to check that the standards are being applied and that they are effective.Setting of standards for Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Safety Health and Environment (SHE) policies/standards are agreed at the highest level. They are owned by Unilevers Executive Committee (ExCo - top board directors) and apply across the Foods and HPC Businesses. ie. We take Safety, Health and Environmental issues VERY seriously. The standards cover:- Product Safety- Health and Safety at Work- Environment Aim of the StandardsTo PROTECTHUMAN HEALTHENVIRONMENTDevelopment of standards for Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Standards are developed by experts and are agreed by Unilevers Safety Health and Environment Action Committee (SHEACO) on behalf of ExCo. Environmental Strategy is developed by the Unilever Environmental Group (UEG) on behalf of ExCo. Providing important input into these and into other Safety and Environmental matters, is a large group of full -time experts based within the Safety & Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC). I will deal with this group in much more detail later. Implementation of Safety, Healthand Environment StandardsThe individual Business Groups/Categories are responsible for implementation of the standardsPosition of SEAC in relation toSHEACO and UEGAll SHE Policies areunderwritten by ExCoSafety Health and Environment Action Committee (SHEACO) Representation of Unilever world-wide:- - Involves both Foods and HPC Divisions.- Involves all Business Groups.- Involves all staff groups - business and central experts (e.g. SEAC) Sets global standards; general, specific - non-negotiable. Provides guidelines. Assesses compliance through positive assurance. Corporate Audit as part of general auditing process- reports compliance into Unilever Chairmen. SHEACO Sub-CommitteesThere are 3 Sub-Committees of SHEACO:- Consumer Safety Sub-Committee. Occupational Safety Sub-Committee Environmental Protection Sub-Committee These 3 Sub-Committees draft many of the standards, guidance documents and factsheets for endorsement by the main SHEACO Committee. Unilever Environmental Group (UEG) Representation of Unilever world-wide:- - Involves both Foods and HPC Divisions.- Involves all Business Groups.- Involves all staff groups - business and central experts (eg SEAC), Owns Environmental Strategy on behalf of ExCo:- Strategy development.- Target setting.- Performance assessment. Responsible for annual environmental reporting- with external verification.Safety and Environmental AssuranceCentre (SEAC) Central resource for dealing with:-consumer safety-occupational safety-environmental protection Situated at Colworth House, UK. 250 Full Time experts in the disciplines of:- - toxicology, microbiology, chemistry, environmental sciences, engineering, life cycle analysis, medicine. Operates the mandatory safety approval system for new materials and supply chain technology. Provides pro-active and reactive support to the Unilever Business.Clearance Forecast and ApprovalClearance Forecast - An assessment made early on in the innovation process of whether Safety Approval is likely to be given and what work will be required to substantiate this. App
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