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山东农业大学毕 业 设 计 计算书商住楼与阳光小区电气设计 院 部 机械与电子工程学院 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化4班 届 次 2015届 学生姓名 于国建 学 号 20110812 指导教师 赵法起 副教授 二一五年六月十日56目 录摘要1ABSTRACT1引言11 设计概况11.1 小区概况11.2 设计依据11.3 设计要求11.4 设计成果22 设计计算书22.1 负荷分析22.2 负荷统计计算22.3 无功功率计算及补偿32.3.1 电力电容接线方式32.3.2 无功补偿方式32.3.3 无功补偿容量42.3.4 并联电容器的选择43 变电所所址的选择63.1 变电所所址的选择63.2 变电所选址63.3 配变电所所址选择63.4 配电室的结构73.5 值班室的结构84 电力变压器的选择85 变电所主接线的设计96 短路电流计算126.1 短路计算的意义和内容127 变压器一次设备的选择与校验177.2 高压一次设备的选择和校验197.3 低压一次设备的选择和校验218 变电所高、低压线路的选择258.1 高压侧线路的选择与校验258.2 低压侧线路的选择与校验269 变电所继电保护设计299.1 对继电保护装置的基本要求299.2 继电保护装置的基本类型299.3 变电所的继电保护299.3.1 线路的电压电流保护299.3.2 电力变压器的继电保护2910 照明系统2910.1照明设计说明2910.2 照明设计原则3010.2.1 照明方式、光源和灯具的选择3010.2.2 公共照明和应急照明3110.3 照度计算3210.4 电源进线设计3510.5 照明线路的控制与保护3611 弱电系统设计3611.1 概述3611.2 有线电视系统3611.3 电话系统3711.4 网络布线系统3711.5 访客对讲系统3712 防雷接地系统设计3712.1 防雷3712.1.1 防雷等级3712.1.2 年预计雷击次数3812.1.3 第三类建筑防雷措施3912.2 接地3912.3 防雷接地的设计4012.3.1 年预计雷击次数4012.3.2 本工程防雷40参考文献42致 谢43ContentsINTRODUCTION1ABSTRACT1PREFACE11 DESIGN GENERAL SITUATION11.1 Small zone general situation11.2 The design gist 11.3 The design require11.4 Design result22 DESIGN STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT22.1 Load Analysis22.2 Carry the statistics reckoning22.3 Reckon and commute without the rate of work32.3.1 Change an electricity the position with the modal select32.3.2 Without the work offset method32.3.3 Without the work offset capacity measure42.3.4 Merge the select of the capacitor43 CHANGE AN ELECTRICITY THE POSITION WITH THE MODAL SELECT63.1 Substation site by choice63.2 Substation site selection63.3 Line voltage current protection63.4 Change an electricity the certainty of the position73.5 Change an electricity the type scheme select84 THE MAIN TRANSFORMER PEDESTAL NUMBER AND THE CERTAINTY OF THE CAPACITY MEASURE85 CHANGE THE SELECT THAT THE ELECTRICITY CONNECTS THE LINE SCHEME THE LORD96 THE SHORT-CIRCUIT ELECTRIC CURRENT CALCULATION126.1 The senses and the contents of the short-circuit reckoning127 CHANGE AN ELECTRICITY TO CHECK A SELECT OF FACILITY AND THE SCHOO177.2 The high pressure a select of facility and school check197.3 Low-pressure select of facility and school check218 CHANGE AN ELECTRICITY THE SELECT OF THE HIGH AND LOW-PRESSURE CIRCUIT258.1 The select and school of the high pressure side circuit check258.2 The select and school of the low-pressure side circuit check269 CHANGE AN ELECTRICITY DESIGN AFTER THE ELECTRICITY SAFEGUARD299.1 The transformer safeguard locate299.2 Change an electricity the outgoing line safeguard299.3 Change electricity the generator safeguard299.3.1 Line voltage current protection299.3.2 Relay protection of power transformer2910 THE ELECTRICITY LIGHT, HEAT AND WATER EXPENSE DESIGN2910.1Lighting design specification2910.2 Lighting design principles3010.2.1 Lighting, light source, and the choice of lamps and lanterns3010.2.2 Public lighting and emergency lighting3110.3 The light source luminance check3210.4 The power supply enters the line design3510.5 Illuminate the regulate and the safeguard of the circuit3611 THE WEAK ELECTRICITY SYSTEM DESIGN3611.1 Sum3611.2 Cabled T.V. system3611.3 Telephone system3711.4 Network cloth line system3711.5 Visitor vs. speak system3712 DEFEND THUNDER AND CONNECT THE CERTAINTY OF THE SOLEMN INSTALLATION3712.1 Defend thunder3712.1.1 Lightning protection level3712.1.2 Years is expected to lightning3812.1.3 The third type of building lightning protection measures3912.2 solemn installation3912.3 Change the thunder that electricity defend connects the solemn system design4012.3.1 lightning stroke times estimated in a year4012.3.2 The lightning protection engineering40REFERENCE42ACKNOWLEDGEMENT43商住楼与阳光小区电气设计于国建(山东农业大学 机械与电子工程学院 泰安 271018)摘要:随着小康社会的到来,人们对现代住宅建筑要求的不断提高,住宅建筑电气设计进入了一个迅速发展的新高潮。本工程设计涵盖强电部分的设计和10kv变电站小区规划的设计。设计主要设计内容包括供配电、建筑照明、防雷接地、变电站、高低压柜变压器剖面图、强弱电系统图等。细节上主要包括灯具选择、照度计算、灯具和插座平面布置,配电系统主要包括确定供电方式设计、系统图设计、负荷计算、导线和和断路器等设备选型,防雷接地系统包括防雷等级确定、各种防雷措施、接地设计和等电位连接。在设计过程中,运用天正电气cad绘制电气设计图,并且根据工程要求和设计规范,确定系统设计方案,查阅标准图集和手册,遵循相关电气设计规范和要求进行设计和材料设备的选型,完成各个系统设计。本设计完成图纸共计24张,包括:图纸目录、设计说明、材料表、配电系统图、照明系统图、照明平面图、插座平面图、弱电平面图、消防平面图、屋面防雷、接地等等。关键词:建筑电气 建筑照明 低压配电 防雷 继电保护 弱电系统 供配电设计Mass and sunshine residential electrical designYuguojian(Mechanical & Electrical Engineering College of Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong 271018)Abstract Along with the social shape and the advancement, is combining together with the information technique and the structure
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